Hartmut H. Hilger
Hartmut H. Hilger (born 1948), German botanist and pharmacist.
- Freie Universität Berlin - Biology, Berlin, Germany
IPNI standard form: Hilger
Taxon names authored
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- Böhle, U.-R. & Hilger, H.H. 2000. Pontechium: A New Genus Distinct from Echium and Lobostemon (Boraginaceae). Taxon 49(4): 737–746. JSTOR Reference page.
- Hilger, H.H., Selvi, F., Papini, A. & Bigazzi, M. 2004. Molecular systematics of Boraginaceae tribe Boragineae based on ITS1 and trnL sequences, with special reference to Anchusa s.l. Annals of Botany 94(2): 201–212. DOI: 10.1093/aob/mch132 PDF Reference page.
- Selvi, F., Bigazzi, M. & Hilger, H.H. 2004. Nonea pisidica (Boraginaceae-Boragineae), a new species from southwest Anatolia and its relationships inferred from karyology and cpDNA sequences. Plant Biosystems 138(2): 135-144. Reference page.
- Selvi, F., Bigazzi, M., Hilger, H.H. & Papini, A. 2006. Molecular Phylogeny, Morphology and Taxonomic Re-Circumscription of the Generic Complex Nonea/Elizaldia/Pulmonaria/Paraskevia (Boraginaceae-Boragineae). Taxon 55(4): 907-918. DOI: 10.2307/25065685 Reference page.
- Thomas, D.C., Weigend, M. & Hilger, H.H. 2008. Phylogeny and systematics of Lithodora (Boraginaceae - Lithospermeae) and its affinities to the monotypic genera Mairetis, Halacsya and Paramoltkia based on ITS1 and trnLUAA-sequence data and morphology. Taxon 57(1): 79–97. DOI: 10.2307/25065950, JSTOR, ResearchGate Reference page.
- Medan, D., Kellermann, J., Aagesen, L. & Hilger, H.H. 2009. The validity of Ochetophila Poepp. ex Endl. (Rhamnaceae: Colletieae). Feddes Repertorium 120(3–4): 218–220. DOI: 10.1002/fedr.200911107 ResearchGate Reference page.
- Weigend, M. & Hilger, H.H. 2010. Codonaceae – a newly required family name in Boraginales. Phytotaxa 10: 26–30. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.10.1.3 Reference page.
- Cecchi, L., Coppi, A., Hilger, H.H. & Selvi, F. 2014. Non-monophyly of Buglossoides (Boraginaceae: Lithospermeae): Phylogenetic and morphological evidence for the expansion of Glandora and reappraisal of Aegonychon. Taxon 63(5): 1065–1078. DOI: 10.12705/635.4 JSTOR ResearchGate Reference page.
- Hilger, H.H., Cole, T.C.H. & Selvi, F. 2014. J.G.C. Lehmann's 'Botanical Observations' of 1818 on Coldenia, Colsmannia, Cynoglossum, and Omphalodes (commented translation). Biodiversity Data Journal 2: e1064. DOI: 10.3897/BDJ.2.e1064 Reference page.
- Weigend, M., Luebert, F., Gottschling, M., Couvreur, T.L.P., Hilger, H.H. & Miller, J.S. 2014. From capsules to nutlets - phylogenetic relationships in the Boraginales. Cladistics 30(5): 508–518. DOI: 10.1111/cla.12061 Reference page.
- Dickoré, W.B. & Hilger, H.H. 2015. Decalepidanthus (Boraginaceae) includes and antedates Pseudomertensia; a synopsis of the genus. Phytotaxa 226(2): 131–143. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.226.2.3 Reference page.
- Hilger, H.H., Greuter, W. & Stier, V. 2015. Taxa and names in Cynoglossum sensu lato (Boraginaceae, Cynoglosseae): an annotated, synonymic inventory, with links to the protologues and mention of original material. Biodiversity Data Journal 3: e4831. DOI: 10.3897/BDJ.3.e4831, incl. Nomenclatural database for Cynoglossum s.l. as supplement. Reference page.
- Chacón, J., Luebert, F., Hilger, H.H., Ovchinnikova, S.V., Selvi, F., Cecchi, L., Guilliams, C.M., Hasenstab-Lehman, K.E., Sutorý, K., Simpson, M.G. & Weigend, M. 2016. The borage family (Boraginaceae s. str.): A revised infrafamilial classification based on new phylogenetic evidence, with emphasis on the placement of some enigmatic genera. Taxon 65(3): 523–546. DOI: 10.12705/653.6 ResearchGate PDF Reference page.
- Holstein, N., Chacón, J., Hilger, H.H. & Weigend, M. 2016. No longer shipwrecked —Selkirkia (Boraginaceae) back on the mainland with generic rearrangements in South American Omphalodes based on molecular data. Phytotaxa 270(4): 231–251. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.270.4.1 Reference page.
- Luebert, F., Cecchi, L., Frohlich, M.W., Gottschling, M., Guilliams, C.M., Hasenstab-Lehman, K.E., Hilger, H.H., Miller, J.S., Mittelbach, M., Nazaire, M., Nepi, M., Nocentini, D., Ober, D., Olmstead, R.G., Selvi, F., Simpson, M.G., Sutorý, K., Valdés, B., Walden, G.K. & Weigend, M. 2016. Familial classification of the Boraginales. Taxon 65(3): 502–522. DOI: 10.12705/653.5 ResearchGate PDF Reference page.
- Luebert, F., Couvreur, T.L.P., Gottschling, M., Hilger, H.H., Miller, J.S. & Weigend, M. 2017. Historical biogeography of Boraginales: West Gondwanan vicariance followed by long‐distance dispersal? Journal of Biogeography 44(1): 158–169. DOI: 10.1111/jbi.12841 Reference page.
- Jeiter, J., Weigend, M. & Hilger, H.H. 2017. Geraniales flowers revisited: evolutionary trends in floral nectaries. Annals of Botany 119(3): 395–408. DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcw230 Reference page.
- Chacón, J., , Hilger, H.H. & Weigend, M. 2017. Dwarves on the roof of the world: a taxonomic revision of the Himalayan Lasiocaryeae Weigend (Boraginaceae). Phytotaxa 297(1): 1–14. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.297.1.1 Reference page.
- Cecchi, L. & Hilger, H.H. 2022. A prickly matter: nomenclatural synopsis of Onosma L. and its segregates (Boraginaceae). Plant Biosystems-An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology 156(5): 1076-1084. DOI: 10.1080/11263504.2021.1998241 Reference page.