Adolf Hugo Magnusson
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Adolf Hugo Magnusson (1885–1964), Swedish botanist and lichenologist
IPNI standard form: H.Magn.
School teacher at Gothenburg, Sweden from 1909-48
Devoted spare time to the study of lichens
Knowledge of the lichen floras of Hawaii, Scandinavia, and China
Specialist on the lichen genera; Lecidea, Lecanora, Caloplaca, Acarospora
Described about 900 new species of lichens
(Source: Dictionary of the Fungi, 9th edition)
Taxon names authored
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- Magnusson, A.H. 1923. New or Interesting Swedish Lichens I. Botaniska Notiser 1923(5): 401–416. Lund University Reference page.
- Magnusson, A.H. 1929. Flora över Skandinaviens busk- och bladlavar.: 1–127. P.A. Norstedt & Söner, Stockholm. Reference page.
- Magnusson, A.H. 1932. Lichens from western North America mainly Washington and Alaska. Annales de Cryptogamie Exotique 5: 16–38. **[Mattick Rec.# 21621] - (Recent Literature on Lichens - Mattick No.)** Biblioteca Digital. Reference page.
- Magnusson, A.H. 1932. Beiträge zur Systematik der Flechtengruppe Lecanora subfusca. Acta horti gothoburgensis: Meddelanden från Göteborgs botaniska trädgård 7: 65–87. Reference page.
- Magnusson, A.H. 1936. Lavar. In Lunds Botaniska Förening, Förteckning över Skandinaviens Växter. 4: 1–93. C.W.K. Gleerups Förlag, Lund. Reference page.
- Magnusson, A.H. 1938. Additional notes on Acarosporaceae. Acta Horti Gothoburgensis: Meddelanden från Göteborgs Botaniska Trädgård 12: 87–103. Reference page.
- Magnusson, A.H. 1939. Studies in species of Lecanora, mainly the Aspicilia gibbosa group. Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar, Ser. 3, 17(5): 1–182. Reference page.
- Magnusson, A.H. 1940. Studies in species of Pseudocyphellaria. The crocata-group. Acta horti gothoburgensis 14: 1–36. Mattick Rec.# 21627 – Recent Literature on Lichens Reference page.
- Magnusson, A.H. 1940. Lichens from Central Asia. Part. I. Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China under the Leadership of Dr. Sven Hedin (The Sino-Swedish Expedition)., Publication 13, XI [Botany] (1): 1–168, pls. 1–12. Reference page.
- Magnusson, A.H. & Zahlbruckner, A. 1943. Hawaiian Lichens. I. The Families Verrucariaceae to Peltigeraceae. Arkiv för Botanik 31A(1): 1–96. RLL (PDF) Reference page.
- Magnusson, A.H. 1944. Some Species of Caloplaca from North America. Botaniska Notiser 97(1): 63–79. Mattick Rec.# 21630 – Recent Literature on Lichens Open Journal Systems Reference page.
- Magnusson, A.H. 1944. Lichens from Central Asia. Part. II. Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China under the Leadership of Dr. Sven Hedin (The Sino-Swedish Expedition)., Publication 22, XI [Botany] (2): 1–72, pls. 1–8. Reference page.
- Magnusson, A.H. & Zahlbruckner, A. 1945. Hawaiian Lichens. III. The Families Usneaceae to Physciaceae. Arkiv för Botanik 32A(2): 1–89, pls. I–X. RLL (PDF) Reference page.
- Magnusson, A.H. 1950. Tillägg och Ändringar till Förteckning över Skandinaviens Växter 4 (Lavar): 1–28. Reference page.
- Magnusson, A.H. 1950. Lichens from Uruguay. Acta horti gothoburgensis: Meddelanden från Göteborgs botaniska trädgård 18: 213–237. Reference page.