Georges Cremers
Georges Cremers (born 1936), French botanist, specialized in the Guianan flora.
IPNI standard form: Cremers
Taxon names authored
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- Friedmann, F. & Cremers, G. 1976. Observations sur les Euphorbes coralliformes de Madagascar. Adansonia, nouvelle série 16(2): 245–257. JSTOR PDF Reference page.
- Cremers, G. & Kramer, K.U. 1989. A new subspecies of Saccoloma elegans. Studies in the Flora of the Guianas, no. 39. Botanica Helvetica 99(1): 45–48. DOI: 10.5169/seals-69128 Reference page.
- Boggan, J., Funk, V., Kelloff, C., Hoff, M., Cremers, G. & Feuillet, C. 1997. Checklist of the Plants of the Guianas (Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana), ed. 2. 238 pp. Georgetown: University of Guyana. Smithsonian Libraries and Archives. Reference page.
- Cremers, G., Hickey, R.J., Lellinger, D.B., Mickel, J.T., Moran, R.C., Øllgaard, B. & Smith, A.R. 2007. Pteridophytes & allies. In Funk, V., Hollowell, T., Berry, P., Kelloff, C. & Alexander, S.N., Checklist of the plants of the Guiana Shield (Venezuela: Amazonas, Bolivar, Delta Amacuro; Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana). Contributions from the United States National Herbarium 55: 17–56. BHL Reference page.
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