Raymond J. Gagné
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Raymond J. Gagné, U.S. entomologist.
- Author abbreviation: Gagné
- Systematic Entomology Laboratory, PSI, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, c/o Smithsonian Institution MRC-168, P.O. Box 37012, Washington, DC 20013-7012, USA
Taxon names authored
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edit- Gagné, R.J. 1967. The genus Oligotrophus Latreille (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in North America and a new species injurious to Betula papyrifera Marsh. Entomological News 78: 129–134. 707
- Gagné, R.J. 1967. Tinconaria albescentis, a new North American genus and species of Cecidomyiidae found in seeds of Triodia albescens Vasey (Diptera). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 69: 155–157.
- Gagné, R.J. 1967. Notes on the genus Thecodiplosis Kieffer in North America and some generic reassignments (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 69: 338–339.
edit- Gagné, R.J. 1968. Revision of the gall midges of bald cypress (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Entomological News 79: 269–274.
- Gagné, R.J. 1968. Chrybaneura harrisoni, a new genus and species from Central America (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 70: 33–35. Reference page.
- Gagné, R.J. 1968. Authorship of Pachydiplosis oryzae, a rice pest of Asia and Africa (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 70: 136.
- Gagné, R.J. 1968. Family Cecidomyiidae. Fascicle 23: 1–62. In Papavero, N., ed. A Catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of the United States. Departamento de Zoologia, Secretaria da Agricultura, São Paulo.
- Gagné, R.J. 1968. A taxonomic revision of the genus Asteromyia (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Miscellaneous Publications of the Entomological Society of America 6: 1–40.
edit- Gagné, R.J. 1969. New synonyms of Asphondylia betheli Cockerell (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Entomological News 80: 176.
- Gagné, R.J. 1969. A tribal and generic revision of the Nearctic Lasiopteridi (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 62: 1348–1364.
- Gagné, R.J. 1969. A new genus and two new species of Cecidomyiidae associated with Pariana spp. (Gramineae) in South America (Diptera). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 71: 108–111.
- Gagné, R.J. 1969. A review of Felt's Philippine genera and species of Cecidomyiidae (Diptera). Pacific Insects 11: 561–570.
- Gagné, R.J. 1969. A review of the genus Walshomyia including a new species reared from Cupressus galls in California (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). The Pan-Pacific Entomologist 45: 16–19.
edit- Gagné, R.J. 1970. A new genus and new species of Cecidomyiidae on pinyon pine (Diptera). Entomological News 81: 153–156.
- Gagné, R.J. 1970. A family reassignment for Moehnia Pritchard (Diptera: Sciaridae). Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 60: 60.
edit- Gagné, R.J. 1971. The genus Aphidoletes Kieffer (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in North America. Entomological News 82: 177–181.
- Gagné, R.J. 1971. Two new species of North American Neolasioptera from Baccharis (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae Compositae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 73: 153–157.
- Gagné, R.J. 1971. Taxonomic notes on two racemicolous gall-makers on Solidago spp. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae Compositae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 73: 169.
- Gagné, R.J. 1971. Pp. 335–338. In Gagné, R.J. and C.E. Stegmaier, Jr. A new species of Chilophaga on Aristida (Gramineae) in Florida (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). The Florida Entomologist 54: 335–338. 708
edit- Gagné, R.J. 1972. A new species of Contarinia (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) from Helianthus annuus L. (Compositae) in North America. Entomological News 83: 279–281.
- Gagné, R.J. 1972. Craneiobia lawsonianae De Meijere, new synonym of Janetiella siskiyou Felt (Cecidomyiidae: Diptera). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 74: 128.
- Gagné, R.J. 1972. New synonymy and homonymy in Cecidomyiidae (Diptera). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 74: 321–326.
edit- Gagné, R.J. 1973. Cecidomyiidae from Mexican Tertiary amber (Diptera). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 75: 169–171.
- Gagné, R.J. 1973. A review of Karschomyia Felt with descriptions of seven new Nearctic species (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 75: 345–354.
- Gagné, R.J. 1973. Family Cecidomyiidae. Pp. 480–517. In Delfinado, M.D. and D.E. Hardy. A Catalog of the Diptera of the Oriental Region. Volume I. Order Nematocera. The University Press of Hawaii, Honolulu.
- Gagné, R.J. 1973. A new species of Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) from Nothofagus in Chile. Studia Entomologica 16: 447–448.
- Gagné, R.J. 1973. A Generic Synopsis of the Nearctic Cecidomyiidi (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae: Cecidomyiinae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 66(4): 857–889. DOI: 10.1093/aesa/66.4.857 Reference page.
edit- Gagné, R.J. 1975. A review of the Nearctic genera of Oligotrophidi with piercing ovipositors (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Entomological News 86: 5–12. Reference page.
- Gagné, R.J. 1975. A new species of Mayetiola (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) on American beachgrass in New Jersey. Entomological News 86: 85–87. Reference page.
- Gagné, R.J. 1975. A revision of the Nearctic Stomatosematidi (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae: Cecidomyiinae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 68: 86–90. Reference page.
- Gagné, R.J. 1975. A redefinition of Diarthronomyia Felt as a subgenus of Rhopalomyia Rübsaamen (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae: Oligotrophidi). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 68: 482–484. Reference page.
- Gagné, R.J. 1975. The gall midges of ragweed, Ambrosia, with descriptions of two new species (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 77: 50–55. Reference page.
edit- Gagné, R.J. 1976. New Nearctic records and taxonomic changes in the Cecidomyiidae (Diptera). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 69: 26–28.
edit- Gagné, R.J. 1977. Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) from Canadian amber. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 79: 57–62.
- Gagné, R.J. 1977. The Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) associated with Chromolaena odorata (L.) K. & R. (Compositae) in the Neotropical Region. Brenesia 12/13: 113–131.
edit- Gagné, R.J. 1978. A new species of Asphondylia (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) from Costa Rica with taxonomic notes on related species. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 80: 514–516. 709
- Gagné, R.J. 1978. New synonymy and a review of Haplusia (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 80: 517–519.
- Gagné, R.J. 1978. A new species of Cecidomyia injurious to cones of slash pine in Florida. The Florida Entomologist 61: 193–195.
- Gagné, R.J. 1978. A new species of Rhopalomyia (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) from Artemisia ludoviciana Nuttall (Compositae) in Utah. Great Basin Naturalist 37: 426–428.
- Gagné, R.J. 1978. Pp. 85–88. In Osgood, E.A. and R.J. Gagné. Biology and taxonomy of two gall midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) found in galls on balsam fir needles with description of a new species of Paradiplosis. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 71: 85–91.
- Gagné, R.J. 1978. A systematic analysis of the pine pitch midges, Cecidomyia spp. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). U.S. Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin 1575: 1–18.
edit- Gagné, R.J. 1979. A new species of Neostenoptera from the Congo (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Annales de la Société entomologique de France (n.s.) 15: 345–347.
edit- Gagné, R.J. 1981. A new species of North American Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) from Spartina alterniflora (Poaceae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 83: 129– 132.
- Gagné, R.J. 1981. A new species of Endaphis (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) endoparasitic in aphids in British Columbia. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 83: 222–224.
- Gagné, R.J. 1981. Cecidomyiidae. Pp. 257–292. In McAlpine, J.F., B.V. Peterson, G.E. Shewell, H.J. Teskey, J.R. Vockeroth, and D.M. Wood (eds.). Manual of Nearctic Diptera. Vol. 1. Research Branch, Agriculture. Canada Monograph No. 27.
edit- Gagné, R.J. 1983. Pp. 13–66. In Jones, R.G., R.J. Gagné and W.F. Barr. Biology and taxonomy of the Rhopalomyia gall midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) of Artemisia tridentata Nuttall (Compositae) in Idaho. Contributions of the American Entomological Institute 21: [2+] 1– 79 [+11].
- Gagné, R.J. 1983. Celticecis (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), a new genus for gall makers on hackberries, Celtis spp. (Ulmaceae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 85: 435–438.
- Gagné, R.J. 1983. Acericecis Gagné, a new genus for Cecidomyia ocellaris Osten Sacken (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), the maple leaf ocellate gall maker in North America. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 85: 704–709.
- Gagné, R.J. 1983. Appendix. Pp. 67–72. In Jones, R.G., R.J. Gagné and W.F. Barr. Biology and taxonomy of the Rhopalomyia gall midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) of Artemisia tridentata Nuttall (Compositae) in Idaho. Contributions of the American Entomological Institute 21: [2+] 1–79 [+11].
- Gagné, R.J. 1983. A new species of Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) injurious to Protea flowers in South Africa. Annals of the Natal Museum 25: 587–589.
edit- Gagné, R.J. 1984. Pp. 222–227. In Gagné, R.J. and G.M. Beavers. Contarinia spp. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) from shoots of slash pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm.) with the description of a new species injurious to needles. The Florida Entomologist 67: 221–228.
- Gagné, R.J. 1984. Five new species of Neotropical Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) associated with cacao flowers, killing the buds of Clusiaceae, or preying on mites. Brenesia 22: 123–138.
- Gagné, R.J. 1984. Pp. 544–548. In Gagné, R.J. and K. Valley. Two new species of Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) from honeylocust, Gleditsia triacanthos L. (Fabaceae), in eastern United States. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 86: 543–549.
edit- Gagné, R.J. 1985. Descriptions of new Nearctic Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) that live in xylem vessels of fresh-cut wood, and a review of Ledomyia (s.str.). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 87: 116–134.
- Gagné, R.J. 1985. A taxonomic revision of the Asian rice gall midge, Orseolia oryzae (Wood-Mason), and its relatives (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Entomography 3: 127–162. 710
edit- Gagné, R.J. 1986. Revision of Prodiplosis (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) with descriptions of three new species. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 79: 235–245.
- Gagné, R.J. 1986. A new Nearctic species of Contarinia (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) recently introduced into Hawaii on Cupressus (Cupressaceae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 88: 127–130.
- Gagné, R.J. 1986. The correct type species of Peridiplosis (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 88: 605.
- Gagné, R.J. 1986. Pp. 65–71.In Hawkins, B.A., R.D. Goeden and R.J. Gagné. Ecology and taxonomy of the Asphondylia spp. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) forming galls on Atriplex spp. (Chenopodiaceae) in southern California. Entomography 4: 55–107.
edit- Gagné, R.J. 1987. Pp. 1–12. In Gagné, R.J. and M.L.A. Rios de Saluso. Una nueva especie de Mycodiplosis (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) associada a la roya amarilla de Avena sativa (Poaceae) en Argentina. INTA Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Paraná Entre Ríos Republica Argentina, Serie Técnica No. 54: 1–12.
- Gagné, R.J. 1987. Pp 502–504. In Larew, H.G, R.J. Gagné, and A.Y. Rossman. Fungal gall caused by a new species of Ledomyia (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) on Xylaria enterogena (Ascomycetes: Xylariaceae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 80: 502– 507.
edit- Gagné, R.J. 1988. A polynomial Riley name in Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) and implications of such names for Cynipidae (Hymenoptera). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 90: 394–395.
edit- Gagné, R.J. 1989. Family Cecidomyiidae. Pp. 152–163. In Evenhuis, N.L., ed. Catalog of the Diptera of the Australasian and Oceanian Regions. Bishop Museum Special Publication 86. Bishop Museum Press and E.J. Brill.
- Gagné, R.J. 1989. Pp. 170–173. In Gagné, R.J. and P.E. Boldt. A new species of Neolasioptera (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) from Baccharis (Asteraceae) in southern United States and the Dominican Republic. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 91: 169– 174.
- Gagné, R.J. 1989. The Plant-Feeding Gall Midges of North America. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York. xi & 356 pp.
edit- Gagné, R.J. 1990. Gall midge complex (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in bud galls of Palearctic Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 83: 335–345.
- Gagné, R.J. 1990. Pp. 146–151. In Gagné, R.J. and R.W. Duncan. A new species of Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) damaging shoot tips of yellow cypress, Chamaecyparis nootkatensis, and a new genus for two gall midges on Cupressaceae. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 92: 146–151.
- Gagné, R.J. 1990. Pp. 652–670. In Gagné, R.J. and G.L. Waring. The Asphondylia (Cecidomyiidae: Diptera) of creosote bush (Larrea tridentata) in North America. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 92: 649–671.
edit- Gagné, R.J. 1991. Bayeriola Gagné, new name for Bayeria Rübsaamen 1914 (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), preoccupied by Fritsch 1905 (Pisces). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 93: 791.
edit- Gagné, R.J. 1992. Pp. 87–90. In Gagné, R.J. and J.A. Payne. A new species of Putoniella (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) damaging leaves of Prunus spp. (Rosaceae) in southeastern United States. Journal of Entomological Science 27: 85–91.
- Gagné, R.J. 1992. Pp. 385–390. In Gagné, R.J. and J.A. Payne. A new species of Harmandia (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) damaging leaves of Allegheny chinkapin in eastern United States and a redescription of the genus. Journal of Entomological Science 27: 383–391.
edit- Gagné, R.J. 1993. Pp. 84–123. In Gagné, R.J. and J. Marohasy. The gall midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) of Acacia spp. (Mimosaceae) in Kenya. Insecta Mundi 7: 77–124.
- Gagné, R.J. 1993. Pp. 342–347. In Gagné, R.J. and F.D. Bennett. Two new species of Lestodiplosini (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) preying on Homoptera and Thysanoptera in southern Florida. The Florida Entomologist 76: 341–348.
- Gagné, R.J. 1993. Pp. 542–545. In Gagné, R.J. and D.R. Strong. A new species of Dasineura (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) galling leaves of Lupinus spp. (Fabaceae) in California. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 92: 649–671.
edit- Gagné, R.J. 1994. The Gall Midges of the Neotropical Region. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York. xv & 352 pp. Reference page.
- Gagné, R.J. 1994. Pp. 524–529. In Tang, Y.Q., R.K. Yokomi and R.J. Gagné. Life history and description of Endaphis maculans (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), an endoparasitoid of aphids in Florida and the Caribbean Basin. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 87: 523–531. Reference page.
- Gagné, R.J. 1994. Pp. 601–605. In Gagné, R.J. and J.A. Payne. Vaccinidiplosis, a new genus for Cecidomyia vaccinii Osten Sacken (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 96: 599–606. Reference page.
edit- Gagné, R.J. 1995. Contarinia maculipennis (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), a polyphagous pest newly reported for the Americas. Bulletin of Entomological Research 85: 209–214.
- Gagné, R.J. 1995. Revision of tetranychid (Acarina) mite predators of the genus Feltiella (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 88: 16–30.
- Gagné, R.J. 1995. First record of Conarete (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae: Lestremiinae) in the Afrotropical Region, and notes on the loss of ocelli in the tribe Lestremiini. Annals of the Natal Museum 36: 141–145.
- Gagné, R.J. 1995. Pp. 768–777. In Gagné, R.J and P.E. Boldt. The gall midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) of Baccharis spp. (Asteraceae) in the United States. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 97: 767–778.
edit- Gagné, R.J. 1996. A new species of Dasineura (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) infesting pinxterbloom azalea flowers in Maryland and Washington, D.C. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 98: 228–232.
- Gagné, R.J. 1996. Pp. 55–68. In Gagné, R.J., R. Sobhian and N. Isidoro. A review of the genus Psectrosema (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), Old World pests of Tamarix (Tamaricaceae), and description of three new species. Israel Journal of Entomology 30: 53–69.
- Gagné, R.J. 1996. Pp. 429–433. In Gagné, R.J. and K.L. Hibbard. A new species of gall midge (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) from subterranean stem galls of Licania michauxii (Chrysobalanaceae) in Florida. The Florida Entomologist 79: 428–434.
edit- Gagné, R.J. 1997. Pp. 15–18. In Gagné, R.J. and J. Marohasy. A new species of Schizomyia Kieffer (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) on rubber vine and other Asclepiadaceae in Madagascar. Australian Journal of Entomology 36: 15–18.
- Gagné, R.J. 1997. A new genus and species of Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) from Dominica. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Washington 18: 119–122.
- Gagné, R.J. 1997. Pp. 111–113. In Gagné, R.J., C. Ott and S.S. Renner. A new species of gall midge (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) from Ecuador associated with flowers of Clavija (Theophrastaceae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 99: 110–114. 712
- Gagné, R.J. 1997. Pp. 313–333. In Gagné, R.J., J.K. Balciunas and D.W. Burrows. Six new species of gall midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) from Melaleuca (Myrtaceae) in Australia. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 99: 312–334.
edit- Gagné, R.J. 1998. Pp. 522–524. In Gagné, R.J., F.F.F.Ferraz and R.E.Monteiro. A new species of Neolasioptera Felt (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) on Cuphea carthagenensis (Jacq.) Macbride (Lythraceae) in Brazil, with notes on its biology. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 100: 521–525.
edit- Gagné, R.J. 1999. A type species designation for Actilasioptera Gagné (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 101: 697.
- Gagné, R.J. 1999. Pp. 23–34. In Gagné, R.J. and L.L. Law. Actilasioptera (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), a new genus for Australasian and Asian gall midges of grey mangroves, Avicennia spp. (Avicenniaceae). In Csóka, G., W.J. Mattson, G.N. Stone and P.W. Price, eds. The Biology of Gall-Inducing Arthropods. U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service General Technical Report NC–199.
- Gagné, R.J. 1999. Pp. 160–165. In Gagné, R.J. and E.G. Riley. A new gall midge (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) pest of live oak in Texas. Southwestern Entomologist 24: 159–165.
- Gagné, R.J. 1999. Pp. 333–336. In Gagné, R.J. and J.T. Lill. A new Nearctic species of Lestodiplosis (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) preying on an oak leaf tier, Psilocorsis quercicella (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 101: 332–336.
edit- Gagné, R.J. 2000. Pp. 833–837. In Gagné, R.J., H. Blanco-Metzler and J. Etienne. A new Neotropical species of Clinodiplosis (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), an important new pest of cultivated peppers. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 102: 831– 837.
edit- Gagné, R.J. 2001. Pp. 113–133. In Gagné, R.J., R.A.M. Oda and R.E. Monteiro. The gall midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) of Mikania glomerata (Asteraceae) in Southeastern Brazil. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 103: 110–134.
edit- Gagné, R.J. 2002. Primavera (new genus) porrecta (Felt), the elm samara midge: description and biological notes (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Annales de la Société entomologique de France (n.s.) 38: 39–44.
- Gagné, R.J. 2002. Pp. 39–42. In Gentili, M.O., R.J. Gagné and P. Cueto. A new species of Xyloperrisia (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), a stem gallmaker on Maytenus boaria (Celastraceae) from Argentina. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina 61: 37–42.
edit- Gagné, R.J. 2004. Pp. 20–24. In Gagné, R.J. and C. de R. Medina. A new species of Procontarinia (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), an important new pest of mango in the Philippines. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 106: 19–25.
- Gagné, R.J. 2004. A catalog of the Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) of the world. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Washington 23, 408 pp.
- Gagné, R.J. 2004. Pp. 549–551. In Gagné, R.J., F. Posada and Z.M. Gil. A new species of Bruggmanniella (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) aborting young fruit of avocado, Persea americana (Lauraceae), in Colombia and Costa Rica. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 106: 547–553.
- Gagné, R.J. 2004. 2004. Pp. 306–309. In Gagné, R.J., A. Sosa and H. Cordo. A new Neotropical species of Clinodiplosis (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) injurious to alligatorweed, Alternanthera philoxeroides (Amaranthaceae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 106: 305–311. 713
edit- Gagné, R.J. 2008. Pp. 43–47. In Gagné, R.J., J.E. Peña and F.E. Acevedo. A new lestodiplosine (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) preying on the avocado lace bug, Pseudacysta perseae (Heteroptera: Tingidae), in southern Florida. Florida Entomologist 91: 43–48.
- Gagné, R.J. 2008. Pp. 285–290. In Gagné, R.J. and R. Menjivar. A new species of Schizomyia (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), a pest of Fernaldia pandurata (Apocynaceae) in Central America. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 110: 384–291.
- Gagné, R.J. 2008. Pp. 431–435. In Gagné, R.J. and K.L. Hibbard. A new species of Cecidomyia (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) feeding on resin of baldcypress. Florida Entomologist 91: 431– 435.
- Gagné, R.J. 2008. The gall midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) of hickories (Juglandaceae: Carya). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society 48: 1–147. BHL Reference page.
edit- Gagné, R.J. 2009. The genus Arnoldiola (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in the Nearctic Region, with new synonymies and combinations. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 111: 106–110.
- Gagné, R.J. 2009. Taxonomy of Janetiella thymi (Kieffer) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) and of the species formerly in Janetiella that feed on Vitis (Vitaceae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 111: 399–409
edit- Gagné, R.J. 2010. Update for A Catalog of the Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) of the World. Digital Version 1. 545 pp. PDF
edit- Gagné, R.J. 2011. Pp. 62–66. In Gagné, R.J., F. Mc Kay and T.A. Heard. A new species of Neolasioptera (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) from Parkinsonia aculeata (Leguminosae) in Argentina for possible use in biological control in Australia, with a key to Neotropical species of Neolasioptera. Zootaxa 2866: 61–68.
- Gagné, R.J. 2011. Pp. 78–81. In Boe, A., and R.J. Gagné. A new species of gall midge (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) infesting switchgrass in the Northern Great Plains. BioEnergy Research 4: 77–84.
edit- Gagné, R.J. 2013. Four new genera of Nearctic Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) for species previously incorrectly placed. Zootaxa 3701(2): 148–158. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3701.2.2 Reference page.
- Gagné, R.J. 2013. Pp. 8–52. In Gagné, R.J. and J.C. Moser. The North American gall midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) of hackberries (Cannabaceae: Celtis spp.). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society: 49: 1–103.
- Gagné, R.J. 2013. Pp. 312–314. In Gagné, R.J. and M. Doğanlar. A new species of Celticecis (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) on Celtis caucasica (Cannabaceae) from Turkey. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 115: 311–315.
edit- Gagné, R.J. 2014. Pp. 272–274: 276–277. In Gagné, R.J., T. Barosh and S. Kephart. A new species of Dasineura Rondani (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in flower galls of Camassia (Asparagaceae: Agavoideae) in the Pacific Northwest, USA. Zootaxa 3900: 271–278.
- Gagné, R.J. 2014. Pp. 379: 382–390. In Gagné, R.J. and L. Graney. Piceacecis (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), a new genus for a non-native pest of Norway spruce from Europe and its North American relative. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 116: 378–393.
- Gagné, R.J., Barosh, T. & Kephart, S.R. 2014. A new species of Dasineura Rondani (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in flower galls of Camassia (Asparagaceae: Agavoideae) in the Pacific Northwest, USA. Zootaxa 3900(2): 271–278. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3900.2.7 Reference page.
edit- Gagné, R.J. 2015. Pp. 117–118. In Perilla López, J.M., P.J. Johnson, R.J. Gagné and A. Boe. A new species of Stenodiplosis (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) on Spartina grasses (Poaceae) with notes on its biology and its parasitoid Tetrasticus bromi (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). Zootaxa 4057: 115–124.
- Gagné, R.J. 2015. Pp. 513–524. In Gagné, R.J. and J. Etienne. Three new genera and three new species of Lasiopteridi (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) on Rubiaceae from Guadeloupe, French West Indies, and a key to genera of Neotropical Lasiopteridi unplaced to tribe. Zootaxa 4028: 511–526.
- Gagné, R.J. & Etienne, J. 2015. Three new genera and three new species of Lasiopteridi (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) on Rubiaceae from Guadeloupe, French West Indies, and a key to genera of Neotropical Lasiopteridi unplaced to tribe. Zootaxa 4028(4): 511–526. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4028.4.3. Preview (PDF) Reference page.
- Perilla López, J.M., Johnson, P.J., Gagné, R.J. & Boe, A.B. 2015. A new species of Stenodiplosis (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) on Spartina grasses (Poaceae) with notes on its biology and its parasitoid Tetrastichus bromi (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). Zootaxa 4057(1): 115–124. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4057.1.7 Preview (PDF) Reference page.
edit- Gagné, R.J. 2016. Anthodiplosis eutrochii n. sp. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), the flower-bud gallmaker of joe pye weed in North America. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 118: 27–36.
- Gagné, R.J. 2016. A new genus and species of Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) from leaf blister galls on Ribes (Grossulariaceae) in North America. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 118: 354–362.
- Gagné, R.J. 2016. Three new genera and three new species of Nearctic Lasiopteridi (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae: Cecidomyiinae) from Asteraceae and Caprifoliaceae, and the tribe Rhopalomyiini subsumed under Oligotrophini. Zootaxa 4158(3): 403–418. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4158.3.6. Reference page.
- Kolesik, P. & Gagné, R.J. 2016. Revision of early taxa of Australian gall midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Zootaxa 4205(4): 301–338. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4205.4.1. Reference page.
edit- Gagné, R.J. 2017. Pp. 140–555. In Gagné, R.J. and M. Jaschhof. A Catalog of Cecidomyiidae of the World. 4th Edition. Digital. 762 pp. PDF
edit- Gagné, R.J. 2018. Pp. [8–9]. 2018. In Gardner, E.M., R.J. Gagné, P.E. Kendra, W.S. Montgomery, R.A. Raguso, T.T. McNeil and N.J.C. Zarega. A flower in fruit's clothing: pollination of jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus, Moraceae) by a new species of gall midge, Clinodiplosis ultracrepidata sp. nov. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). International Journal of Plant Science 179: [1–19]. DOI: 10.1086/697115
- Gagné, R.J. 2018. The gall midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) of mountainmints, Pycnanthemum spp. (Lamiaceae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 120: 748– 778.
- Gagné, R.J. 2018. Pp. 55–59. In Gagné, R.J., J.M. Ley-López and P.E. Hanson. First New World record of a gall midge from palms: a new species of Contarinia (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) from Geonoma cuneata in Costa Rica. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 120: 51–61.
- Gagné, R.J. 2018. Pp. 781–788. In Gagné, R.J., J.W. Kim, N. Uechi and J. Yukawa. A new pest Asphondylia (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) on grape berries (Vitaceae) in southwestern North America with descriptive notes on the genus. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 120: 779–790.
- Gagné, R.J. 2018. Key to Adults of North American Genera of the Subfamily Cecidomyiinae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Zootaxa 4392(3): 401–457. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4392.3.1 Reference page.
edit- Gagné, R.J. 2019. Pp. 170–176. In Gagné, R.J., J. Yukawa, A K. Elsayed and A. J. McMechan. A new pest species of Resseliella (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) on soybean (Fabaceae) in North America, with a description of the genus. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 121: 168–177.
- Gagné, R.J. 2019. Pp. 430–437. In Gagné, R. J. and M.W. Palmer. Neolasioptera spp. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) from stem galls of Verbesina (Asteraceae) with the description of a new species. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 121: 429–438.
- Gagné, R.J. 2019. Rediscovery of Coelodiplosis magnipennis Kieffer (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) from Taiwan. Israel Journal of Entomology 49: 27–33.
- Gagné, R.J. & Jaschhof, M. 2021. A Catalog of the Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) of the World (5th ed.). Washington DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture. 813 pp. PDF Reference page.
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