Fritz Jensenius Madsen
Fritz Jensenius Madsen (1916-1993), Danish zoologist, specializing in echinoderms.
Taxon names authored
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edit- Madsen F.J., 1944. Octocorallia (Stolonifera - Telestacea - Xeniidae - Alcyonacea - Gorgonacea). The Danish Ingolf-Expedition, Vol. V. Bianco Luno A/S. 5: 1-65. page(s): 12-14.
edit- Madsen, F.J. 1950. The echinoderms collected by the Atlantide Expedition, 1945-46. 1. Asteroidea. Atlantide Reports 1: 167–222. Reference page.
edit- Madsen, F.J. 1951. Asteroidea. Report of the Swedish Deep-Sea Expedition. 2: 73–92. Reference page.
- Madsen, F.J. 1951. Ophiuroidea. Report of the Swedish Deep-Sea Expedition. 2: 107-117. Reference page.
edit- Madsen F.J. 1955. Echinoderms other than holothurians collected in sub-antarctic and antarctic seas, mainly by the Norvegia Expeditions, 1927-1928. Scientific Results of the Norwegian Antarctic Expeditions 1927-1928. 37: 1–17. Reference page.
edit- Madsen F.J. 1956. Echinoidea, Asteroidea, and Ophiuroidea from depths exceeding 6000 meters. Galathea report. 2: 23–32. PDF Reference page.
- Madsen, F.J. 1956. Reports of the Lund University Chile Expedition 1948–49. 24. Asteroidea, with a survey of the Asteroidea of the Chilean Shelf. Acta Universitatis Lundensis 52(2): 1–53. PDF. Reference page.
edit- Madsen F.J. 1959. On a new North-Atlantic Sea-Star Chondraster hermanni n. sp. with some remarks on related forms. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra den Naturhistoriske Forening i Kjøbenhavn. 124: 153–160. Reference page.
edit- Madsen, F.J. 1961. The Porcellanasteridae. A monographic revision of an abyssal group of sea-stars. Galathea Report. 4: 33–174. Reference page.
edit- Madsen, F.J. 1967. Ophiuroidea. British Australian and New Zealand Antarctic Research Expedition 1929-1931. Series B, Zoology and botany. 9(3): 133-146. Reference page.
edit- Madsen, F.J. 1970. West African Ophiuroids. Atlantide Report : Scientific Results of the Danish Expedition to the Coasts of Tropical West Africa, 1945-1946. 11: 151–243. Reference page.
edit- Madsen F.J., 1973. The Ophiodermatidae (Ophiuroidea). Galathea Report 12: 133–143.
edit- Madsen F.J. 1977. The Ophioleucidae. Galathea report. 14: 109–122. Reference page.
edit- Madsen F.J. 1981. Records of a porcellanasterid, Styracaster elongatus (Echinodermata, Asteroidea), from the Caribbean, with remarks on growth and notes on some other species of the genus. Steenstrupia. 7(14): 309–319. Reference page.
edit- Madsen, F.J. 1983. A review of the Ophioleucinae stat. rev. (Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea) with the erection of a new genus Ophiostriatus. Steenstrupia 9(2): 29–69. Reference page.
edit- Madsen, F.J. 1987. The Henricia sanguinolenta complex (Echinodermata, Asteroidea) of the Norwegian Sea and adjacent waters : a re-evaluation, with notes on related species. Steenstrupia. 13(5): 201–267. Reference page.