The Flora of British India

(Redirected from Fl. Brit. India)
  • Title: The Flora of British India
  • Abbreviation: Fl. Brit. India
  • Author: Joseph Dalton Hooker
  • Publisher: L. Reeve & Co.
  • City: London
  • Publication: [1872-] 1875-1897, 7 vols.



J. D. Hooker assisted by various botanists. "Published under the authority of the secretary of state for India in Council."; v.1. Ranunculaceae to Sapindaceae.--v.2. Sabiaceae to Cornaceae.-- v.3. Caprifoliaceae to Apocynaceae.--v.4. Asciepiadeae to Amarantaceae.--v.5. Chenopodiaceae to Orchideae.--v.6. Orchideae to Cyperaceae.--v.7. Cyperaceae, Gramincae, and general index.
