Felipe Gil-T., Spanish entomologist (lepidopterist).

Taxon names authored

(List may be incomplete)



(List may be incomplete)












  • Gil-T., F. 2006. A new hostplant for Danaus plexippus L. in Europe. A study of cryptic preimaginal polymorphism within Danaus chrysippus L. in southern Spain (Andalusia) (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Danainae). ISSN 0171-0079 | Atalanta 37 (1/2): 143-149, 279. ResearchGate
  • Gil-T., F. 2006. Cupido carswelli (Stempffer, 1927): morphology of its chrysalis and genitalia compared with those of Cupido minimus (Fuessly, 1775) and Cupido lorquinii (Herrich-Schäffer, 1847) (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). Atalanta 37(1/2): 150–160, 280–281. ResearchGate  . Reference page


  • Lafranchis, T., Gil-T., F. & Lafranchis, A. 2007. New data on the ecology of 8 taxa of Agrodiaetus Hübner, 1822 from Greece and Spain: hostplants, associated ants and parasitoids (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae. Hymenoptera. Diptera). Atalanta 38(1/2): 189–197. ResearchGate  . Reference page
  • Gil-T., F. 2007. The correct hostplant of Polyommatus golgus (Hübner, 1813): Anthyllis vulneraria pseudoarundana H. Lindb. (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Atalanta 38(1/2): 199–202, 311. ResearchGate. Reference page
  • Gil-T., F. & Huertas, M. 2007. Description of Cyaniris semiargus tartessus subspec. nov. from the National Park of Doñana (SW. Spain) (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). Atalanta 38(1/2): 185–188. ResearchGate   . Reference page
  • Gil-T., F. & Gil-Uceda, E. 2007. Description of Hyles tithymali phaelipae subspec. nov. from El Hierro Island (SW Canary Islands, Spain), based mainly on constant and characteristic differences in larval morphology. Atalanta 38(1/2): 203–212. ResearchGate


  • Gil-T., F. 2008. Description of the pre-imaginal stages of Agrodiaetus violetae (Gómez-Bustillo, Expósito & Martínez, 1979) and notes about compared ecology and morphology (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Atalanta 39(1-4): 343–346, 422–424. ResearchGate. Reference page
  • Gil-T., F. 2008. The form canteneri Staudinger of Zerynthia rumina L., an interesting case of sex-linked inheritance: a study of its occurrence in captive-bred specimens and notes about other forms and aberrations (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Atalanta 39 (1/4): 337–342, 421. ResearchGate


  • Gil-T., F. 2009. Concerning Aricia morronensis in the south and south-east of Spain: new localities, a revision of its sub-specific status, and a proposal of synonymy (Lepid., Lycaenidae). Atalanta 40 (1/2): 193–199, 331. ResearchGate
  • Gil-T., F. & Ibáñez, S. 2009. New localities for Polyommatus sagratrox (Aistleitner, 1986) and Pseudochazara hippolyte (Esper, 1783) in Granada province (S. Spain), with considerations on the taxonomic status of the first taxon (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae; Satyrinae). Atalanta 40(1/2): 185-190, 332. ResearchGate. Reference page
  • Ibáñez, S. & Gil-T., F. 2009. First records of the endemic Polyommatus golgus (Hübner, 1913) and Agriades zullichi (Hemming, 1933) in Almería province (E. Sierra Nevada, S. Spain) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Atalanta 40(1/2): 191–192, 332. ResearchGate. Reference page




  • Gil-T., F. & Obregón, R. 2012. Notes on the preimaginal stages of Vanessa vulcania (Godart, 1819) and differences in the structure of the egg with respect to Vanessa indica (Herbst, 1794) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Atalanta 43(1/2): 87–90. ResearchGate  . Reference page
  • Ibáñez, S. & Gil-T., F. 2012. Contribution to the knowledge of Agrodiaetus violetae Gómez-Bustillo, Expósito & Martínez, 1979, sensu lato, an endemic Iberian species; new localities and first records for Sierra Nevada and Almeria province (S. Spain) (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). Atalanta 43(1/2): 91–94. ResearchGate. Reference page
  • Gil-T., F. & Moreno-Benítez, J.M. 2012. The interesting taxa of Eumedonia eumedon (Esper, 1780) from Andalusia (S. Spain): E. e. rondensis subspec. nov., E. e. axarquia (Gil-T., 2004) and E. e. mariensis Eitschberger & Steiniger, 1975 (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). Atalanta 43(3/4): 501–504. ResearchGate  . Reference page




  • Gil-T., F. 2017. Compared morphology and distribution of the taxa described of Pseudochazara williamsi (Romei, 1927) [= "Pseudochazara hippolyte" Esper from Spain]. Are they valid subspecies or only the result of phenotypic plasticity (ecological forms)? (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Satyrinae). Atalanta 48 (1-4): 188-196. ResearchGate
  • Gil-T., F. 2017. Cupido carswelli (Stempffer, 1927), endemism from SE. Spain, a different species of Cupido minimus (Fuessly, 1775): updated distribution, identification of its larval host-plant and notes on taxonomy, ecology and morphology (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). Atalanta 48 (1-4): 197–203. ResearchGate  . Reference page


  • Gil-T., F. 2018. About the distribution -updated and corrected- of Erebia hispania Butler, 1868, endemic in the Sierra Nevada (South Spain) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Satyrinae). Atalanta 49 (1/4): 111-114. ResearchGate
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