The genus name Evansia may refer to:
- Animalia:
- Evansia O.P.-Cambridge, 1900 (Arachnida, Linyphiidae)
- Evansia Scott T., 1906, junior homonym = synonym of Evansula Scott T., 1906 (Copepoda, Cylindropsyllidae)
- Evansia Railliet & Henry, 1913, junior homonym = synonym of Quilonia Lane, 1914 (Nematoda, Strongylidae)
- Evansia Becker-Migdisova, 1961, junior homonym = synonym of Evanscicada Becker-Migdisova, 1962 (Hemiptera, Prosbolidae)
- Evansia Kandil, 1979, junior homonym = synonym of Neojordensia Evans, 1957 (Arachnida, Ascidae)
- Chromista:
- Evansia S.A.J.Pocock, 1972 (Dinophyceae, Pareodiniaceae)
- Plantae:
- Evansia Salisb. (1812), nom. inval.
- Evansia Salisb. ex Decne. (1874) = synonym of Iris Tourn. ex L. (Asparagales, Iridaceae)
- Evansia Douin & Schiffn. (1913), nom illeg. = synonym of Cephaloziella (Spruce) Schiffn. (Marchantiophyta, Cephaloziellaceae)
The journal name Evansia may refer to:
- Evansia (journal)= ISSN 0747-9859