Eugene Cleveland Bovee

Eugene Cleveland Bovee (1915–2005), American protozoologist.

IPNI standard form: Bovee

Taxon names authored

(List may be incomplete)



(List may be incomplete)

  • Bovee, E.C. 1951. A proposal for the transfer of the organism Amoeba saphirina Penard to the genus Subulamoeba nov. gen. as type species. Anatomical Record, 111: 585–586.
  • Bovee, E.C. 1953. Oscillosignum nov. gen. proboscidium nov. sp. type form of its genus, Family Mayorellidae, Order Amoebida. Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc., 72:328–332, [1].
  • Bovee, E.C., 1953. A proposed new genus of mayorellid amoebas, exemplified by Triaenamoeba nov. gen. bulla nov. sp.. Anat. Rec. 117:652-653, [2].
  • Bovee, E.C., 1965. An emendation of the amoeba genus Flabellula and a description of Vannella gen. nov.. Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 84: 217–227.
  • Jahn, T.L., Bovee, E.C., Griffith, D.L., 1974. Taxonomy and evolution of the Sarcodina: a reclassification. Taxon 23, 483–496, [3].
  • Bovee, E.C. & Sawyer, T. K. 1979. Marine flora and fauna of the north-eastern United States. Protozoa: amoebae. Washington:

National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, [4].

  • The Theodore L. Jahn and Eugene C. Bovee Award, [5].