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editTaxonavigation: Zamiineae |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Zamiaceae
Subfamilia: Zamioideae
Tribus: Encephalarteae
Genera: Encephalartos – Lepidozamia – Macrozamia
editEncephalarteae Miq., Prodr. Syst. Cycad. 5. (1861)
- Type genus: Encephalartos Lehm., Nov. Stirp. Pug. [Lehmann] 6: 3. t. 1 ad 5. (1834)
edit- Miquel, F.A.W. 1861. Prodromus Systematis Cycadearum 5
- International Plant Names Index. 2024. Encephalarteae. Published online. Accessed: Feb. 14 2024. Reference page. pending
- Yang, Y., Ferguson, D.K., Liu, B., Mao, K.-S., Gao, L.-M., Zhang, S.-Z., Wan, T., Rushforth, K.D. & Zhang, Z.-X. 2022. Recent advances on phylogenomics of gymnosperms and an updated classification. Plant Diversity 44(4): 340–350. DOI: 10.1016/j.pld.2022.05.003 . ResearchGate . Reference page.