The taxon authority Edwards may refer to:
- Adrienne Edwards, Australian herpetologist
- Alasdair J. Edwards, ichthyologist
- B.A.B. Edwards, Australian entomologist
- Cody W. Edwards, mammalogist
- Danielle L. Edwards, Australian herpetologist
- David P. Edwards, British ornithologist
- Dianne Edwards (born 1942, D.Edwards), British paleobotanist
- Edward David Edwards, Australian entomologist, often published as Ted Edwards
- Edward E. Edwards, Australian entomologist
- Frederick Wallace Edwards (1888–1940), British entomologist
- George Edwards (1694–1773), British naturalist, especially ornithological illustrator
- Glavis Bernard Edwards, U.S. arachnologist
- Henry Edwards (1830–1891), English entomologist
- J. Gordon Edwards (1919–2004), U.S. entomologist
- James Edwards, British entomologist
- John Edwards (1742–1815, J.Edwards), English botanist, botanical illustrator
- John S. Edwards, arachnologist
- Katie Sheridan Edwards (born 1966, K.S.Edwards), botanist
- Peter John Edwards (born 1947, P.J.Edwards), botanist
- Richard A. Edwards, palaeontologist, micropalaeontologist, and ostracodologist
- Robert David Edwards (born 1981, R.D.Edwards), botanist
- Robert J. Edwards, U.S. ichthyologist
- Robert J. Edwards (arachnologist) (1920–2006), U.S. arachnologist
- Scott V. Edwards, U.S. biologist
- Stephen Walter Edwards (S.W.Edwards), botanist
- Shelley Edwards, South African zoologist
- Stephen R. Edwards, herpetologist
- Sydenham Teast Edwards (1768–1819, Edwards), botanist, botanical illustrator
- Taylor Edwards, herpetologist
- Ted Edwards; se Edward David Edwards, Australian entomologist
- Trevor J. Edwards (born 1960, T.J.Edwards), botanist
- William Henry Edwards (1822–1909), entomologist