Edward Newman
Edward Newman (1801–1876), English botanist and entomologist.

IPNI standard form: Newman
Taxon names authored
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edit- Newman, E. 1832. Monographia Aegeriarum Angliae. The Entomological Magazine 1: 66–84.
edit- Newman, E. 1833. Entomological notes. Entomological Magazine 1(5): 505–514. BHL Reference page.
edit- Newman, E. 1834. Entomological notes (Continued from Vol. I., page 514.) Entomological Magazine 2(2): 200–205. BHL Reference page.
- Newman, E. 1834. Entomological notes. The Entomological Magazine 2: 200–205, 313–315.
- Newman, E. 1834. Attempted division of British insects into natural orders. Entomological Magazine 2: 379–431. BHL Reference page.
edit- Newman, E. 1835. Art. XLVIII. — Entomological Notes. Entomological Magazine 5(2): 512–516. BHL Reference page.
edit- Newman, E. 1837. Notes on Tenthredininae. Entomological Magazine 4: 258–263. Reference page.
- Newman, E. 1837. Description of two Scarabaei in the cabinet of Samuel Hanson, Esq., M.E.S., &c. The Entomological Magazine 4(3): 255–257. BHL
edit- Newman, E. 1838. Entomological Notes. Entomological Magazine 5(2): 168–181. BHL Reference page.
- Newman, E. 1838. Entomological Notes (Continued from p. 181.) Entomological Magazine 5(4): 372–402. BHL Reference page.
- Newman, E. 1838. Entomological Notes. (Concluded from page 402). Entomological Magazine 5(5): 483–500. BHL Reference page.
edit- Newman, E. 1839. Supplementary note to the synonymy of Passandra. Annals of Natural History 3: 303–305. BHL.
edit- Newman, E. 1840. Entomological Notes. Entomologist 1(1): 1–16. BHL Reference page.
- Newman, E. 1840. Entomological Notes. (Continued). Entomologist 1(2): 17–32, 2 figs. BHL Reference page.
- Newman, E. 1840. Description of a few longicorns, MS names of which are published in the Sale-Catalogue of Mr. Children's Insects. Magazine of Natural History (n.s.) 4: 194–196. BHL Reference page.
- Newman, E. 1840. Art. X. – Descriptions of some new species of Coleopterous Insects. The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London (1)4: 362–368.
- Newman, E. 1840. Nonnullorum Cerambycitum novorum, Novam Hollandiam et Insulam Van Diemen habitantium characteres. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (ser. 1) 5: 14–21. DOI: 10.1080/00222934009496747 . BHL Reference page.
edit- Newman, E. 1841. Entomological Notes. Entomologist 1(3): 33–37. BHL Reference page.
- Newman, E. 1841. Art. IX. – Entomological Notes. Entomologist, London, 1(5): 67–80.
- Newman, E. 1841. Entomological Notes. Entomologist 1(6): 90–95. BHL Reference page.
- Newman, E. 1841. Art. XX. – Entomological Notes. Entomologist, London, 1(7): 110–112.
edit- Newman, E. 1842. Art. I. — Entomological Notes. Entomologist 1(1): 1–16.
- Newman, E. 1842. Art. X. — Entomological Notes. Entomologist 1(1): 67–80.
- Newman, E. 1842. Art. XIII. — Entomological Notes. Entomologist 1(6): 90–96.
- Newman, E. 1842. Art. XX. — Entomological Notes. Entomologist 1(7): 110–112.
- Newman, E. 1842. Art. XXXIX. — Entomological Notes. Entomologist 1(11): 169–171.
- Newman, E. 1842. Cerambycitum Insularum Manillarum a Dom. Cuming captorum enumeratio digesta. Entomologist 1 (15): 243–248 BHL; (17): 275–277 BHL; (18): 288–293 BHL; (19): 298–305 BHL; (20): 318–324 BHL. Reference page.
- Newman, E. 1842. List of Longicorns collected at Port Philip, South Australia, by Edmund Higgins, Esq. Entomologist 1(22): 351–354. BHL Reference page.
- Newman, E. 1842. List of Insects collected at Port Philip, South Australia, by Edmund Thomas Higgins, Esq. Entomologist 1(23): 361–369. BHL Reference page.
- Newman, E. 1842. Supplementary note to the descriptive catalogue of the Longicorn Beetles collected in the Philippine Islands by Hugh Cuming, Esq. Entomologist 1(23): 369–371. BHL
- Newman, E. 1842. Supplementary Note to the Descriptive Catalogue of the Longicorn Beetles collected in the Philippine Islands by Hugh Cuming, Esq. Entomologist 1(24): 381–383. BHL Reference page.
- Newman, E. 1842. List of insects collected at Port Philipp, South Australia, by Edmund Thomas Higgins, Esq. Entomologist 1(25): 401–405. BHL Reference page.
- Newman, E. 1842. Entomological notes (continued from p. 223). Entomologist 1(26): 413–415. BHL Reference page.
- Newman, E. 1842. Addenda and corrigenda. Entomologist 1(26): 418. BHL Reference page.
edit- Newman, E. 1844. Description de Callidium rubeocolle, a new Cerambycideous Beetle. Zoologist 2: 477.
- Newman, E. 1844. Description of Hermerius impar, a new Prionideous Beetle. Zoologist 2: 415.
- Newman, E. 1844. Description of Toxotus rugipennis a new Lepturideous Beetle. Zoologist 2: 476.
- Newman, E. 1844. The Zoologist, a popular miscellany of Natural History Van Voorst, London 2: 385–800
- Newman, E. 1844. A History of British Ferns and allied plants. 2nd ed., London, J. Van Voorst. BHL Reference page.
edit- Newman, E. 1845. Description of Monoplia tetra, a new Coleopterous insect of the order Cerambycites. The Zoologist 3: 1016–1017. BHL Reference page.
edit- Newman, E. 1847. Description of a few Australian Cerambycideous Beetles, four new species are described. Zoologist 5: 1677.
edit- Newman, E. 1850. Description of certain Longicorn Coleoptera from New Holland. Zoologist: a popular miscellany of Natural History 8(11): cxi-cxviii. BHL Reference page.
- Newman, E. 1850. Art XIII. – Descriptions of Three Coleopterous Insects from New Zealand. Zoologist 8: cxix-cxx.
edit- Newman, E. 1851. A few words on the synonymy of Distichocera, a genus of Longicorn Coleoptera from New Holland, with characters of three species undescribed. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 19: 75–81, 1 pl.
- Newman, E. 1851. Characters of a second species of Pseudocephalus, a Longicorn Insect from New Holland. Zoologist 9 (Appendix) : 137–138.
- Newman, E. 1851. Characters of two apparently undescribed species of Longicorn Coleoptera. Zoologist 9 (Appendix): 179–180.
- Newman, E. 1851. Descriptions of new Insects from New Holland: nine new species are described. Zoologist 9 (Appendix): 128–132.
- Newman, E. 1851. Some remarks on the synonymy of Distichocera, a genus of Australian Longicornia Coleoptera together with characters of two species supposed to be previously undescribed. Zoologist 9: 3091–3092.
edit- Newman, E. 1854. Notice of a Sackbearing Bombyx, found by Mr. Bates near Santarem, in the Amazons. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London (2) 3:1-8. BHL. Reference page.
edit- Newman, E. 1857. Characters of a few apparently undescribed insects collected by James Gibbon, Esq., at Moreton Bay. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London n.s. 4(2): 51–57. BHL Reference page.
edit- Newman, E. 1863. Characters of Lepismodes inquilinus. Proceedings of the Northern Entomological Society, Liverpool 1863: 13–16.