Edward Lee Greene
Edward Lee Greene (1843–1915), U.S. botanist.
IPNI standard form: Greene (outdated: E.Greene)
Taxon names authored
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- Greene, E.L. 1882. New Western Plants. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 9(5): 62–65. DOI: 10.2307/2477006 BHL Reference page.
- Greene, E.L. 1885. Studies in the botany of California and parts adjacent. I. Bulletin of the California Academy of Sciences (3): 66–127. BHL Reference page.
- «Illustrations of West American oaks» San Francisco (California), 1889
- Greene, E.L. 1889. The Vegetation of the San Benito Islands. Pittonia 1: 261–266. BHL Reference page.
- Greene, E.L. 1889. Illustrations of West American Oaks. From drawings by Albert Kellog; the text by Edward L. Greene. Published from funds provided by James M. McDonald. 77 pp. San Francisco. BHL Reference page.
- Greene, E.L. 1891–1897. Flora Franciscana. An attempt to classify and describe the vascular plants of middle California. (1: i-ii, 1-128. 1891; 2: 129-280. 1891; 3: i-ii, 281-352. 1892; 4: 353-480, 1897). BHL Reference page.
- Greene, E.L. 1893. Observations on the Compositae – I. Erythea 1: 1–4. BHL Reference page.
- Greene, E.L. 1893. Novitates occidentales. – IV. Erythea; a Journal of Botany 1: 147–153. BHL Reference page.
- Greene, E.L. 1894. Manual of the Botany of the Region of San Francisco Bay. 350 pp. Cubey & Co., San Francisco. BHL Reference page.
- Greene, E.L. 1900. Corrections in nomenclature. III. Pittonia 4: 224–226. BHL Reference page.
- Greene, E.L. 1904. Certain Polygonaceous Genera. Leaflets of Botanical Observation and Criticism 1: 17–50. BHL Reference page.
- Greene, E.L. 1910. Reconsideration of the Genus Marah. Leaflets of Botanical Observation and Criticism 2: 35–36. BHL Reference page.
- «Plantae Bakerianae», 1901
- «Pittonia: a series of papers relating to botany and botanists» ) Berkeley, Doxey&Co. 1887—1905
- «Leaflets of botanical observation and criticism» Washington, D.C., 1903—1912
- «Landmarks of botanical history: a study of certain epochs in the development of the science of botany»
- Part I. — Prior to 1562 A. D. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian institution, 1909 [3]
- «Carolvs Linnaevs» Filadelfia, Christopher Sower Co. 1912