Dombeya burgessiae
(Redirected from Dombeya endlichii)

editTaxonavigation: Malvales |
Classification System: APG IV
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Malvaceae
Subfamilia: Dombeyoideae
Genus: Dombeya
Species: Dombeya burgessiae
editDombeya burgessiae Gerrard ex Harv., Fl. Cap. (Harvey) 2: 590 (1862); as 'D. Burgessiæ'
- Typus:
- Lectotypus: W.T. Gerrard s.n. (TCD [TCD0001719], designated by Seyani 1988; isolectotypus: K).
- Syntypus: M.J. McKen s.n. (TCD).
- Type locality: [South Africa. KwaZulu-]Natal:
- Lectotypus: Klip river.
- Syntypus: Zululand.
edit(List may be incomplete)
- Homotypic
- Heterotypic
- Dombeya mastersii Hook.f., Bot. Mag. 93: t. 5639 (1867); not accepted by Cheek & Dorr (2007) [cited as Dombeya burgessiae]
- Typus: cultivated, origin unknown (fide Cheek & Dorr).
- Dombeya tanganyikensis Baker, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1897(128–129): 244 (1897); not accepted by Cheek & Dorr (2007) [cited as Dombeya burgessiae]
- Typus: A. Whyte s.n. (syntypus: K [K000241097(JSTOR)]).
- Type locality: British Central Africa[Malawi]. Fort Hill, Nyasa-Tanganyika plateau, alt. 3000–4000 ft.
- Dombeya johnstonii Baker, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1898(143): 301 (1898); as 'Dombeya Johnstonii'; not accepted by Cheek & Dorr (2007) [cited as Dombeya burgessiae]
- Typus: A. Whyte s.n. (syntypi: K {cf. K000241101(JSTOR), K000241102(JSTOR) [with number '142'], K000241103(JSTOR); all without type indication}).
- Type locality: British Central Africa[Malawi]. Between Mpata and the beginning of the Tanganyika plateau, alt. 2000–3000 feet, and Nyika plateau, alt. 6000–7000 ft.
- Dombeya calantha K.Schum. in Engl., Monog. Afr. Pfl. 5: 28 (1900); not accepted by Cheek & Dorr (2007) [cited as Dombeya burgessiae]
- Typus: A. Whyte & McClounie s.n. ([June 1897]; holotypus: K [cf. K000241104(JSTOR), 'unknown type material']).
- Type locality: Britisch Central-Afrika[Malawi]. Zomba.
- Dombeya lasiostylis K.Schum. in Engl., Monog. Afr. Pfl. 5: 24 (1900); not accepted by Cheek & Dorr (2007) [cited as Dombeya burgessiae]
- Dombeya parvifolia K.Schum. in Engl., Monog. Afr. Pfl. 5: 30 (1900); not accepted by Cheek & Dorr (2007) [cited as Dombeya burgessiae]
- Typus: G.F. Scott Elliot 7475 (syntypus: K [K000240986(JSTOR)]) et Kirk s.n. (syntypus: K).
- Note: Cheek & Dorr cite only the former one as holotype.
- Type locality:
- Scott Elliot: Centralafrikanisches Seengebiet[Uganda]. [Masaka District:] Runsoro bei Buddu Ankola.
- Kirk: Nyassaland[Malawi]. An der Küste des Nyassasees.
- Typus: G.F. Scott Elliot 7475 (syntypus: K [K000240986(JSTOR)]) et Kirk s.n. (syntypus: K).
- Dombeya platypoda K.Schum. in Engl., Monog. Afr. Pfl. 5: 29 (1900); not accepted by Cheek & Dorr (2007) [cited as Dombeya burgessiae]
- Typus: Carson s.n. (holotypus: K [cf. K000241098(JSTOR), 'unknown type material']).
- Type locality: Britisch Central-Afrika[Zambia]. Tanganyika-Plateau, bei Fwambo.
- Dombeya kindtiana De Wild. ex De Wild. & T.Durand, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belgique 40: 14 (1901); as 'Dombeya Kindtiana'; not accepted by Cheek & Dorr (2007) [cited as Dombeya burgessiae]
- Typus: E. Verdick 542 (July 1900; holotypus: BR [BR0000008995063(JSTOR)]).
- Type locality: [The Democratic Republic of the] Congo. Lukafu.
- Dombeya auriculata K.Schum., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 30(3–4): 352 (1901); not accepted by Cheek & Dorr (2007) [cited as Dombeya burgessiae]
- Dombeya dawei Sprague, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 37: 501 (1906); as 'Dombeya Dawei'; not accepted by Beentje (1994), Cheek & Dorr (2007) [cited as Dombeya burgessiae]
- Typus: M.T. Dawe 10 ([1903]; holotypus: K {K000240987(JSTOR), K000240988(JSTOR)}).
- Type locality: Uganda. Buddu District: on hills, Masaka.
- Dombeya nairobensis Engl., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 39(3–4): 583 (1907); not accepted by Cheek & Dorr (2007) [cited as Dombeya burgessiae]
- Typus: T. Kässner 963 (in flower, June 1906; holotypus: B, destroyed; isotypi: BM [BM000843897(JSTOR)], K [K000241120(JSTOR)]).
- Type locality: Massaihochland[Kenya]. Nairobi.
- Dombeya endlichii Engl. & K.Krause, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 48(3–4): 551 (1912); as 'D. Endlichii'; not accepted by Cheek & Dorr (2007) [cited as Dombeya burgessiae]
- Dombeya velutina De Wild. & Staner, Contr. Fl. Katanga Suppl. 4: 62 (1932), nom. illeg., non (Forssk.) Willd. (1800) [≡ Melhania velutina Forssk.]; not accepted by Cheek & Dorr (2007) [cited as Dombeya burgessiae]
- Typus: G.F. De Witte 446 (holotypus: BR {BR0000008995049(JSTOR) [collected on 23 June 1931], BR0000008995377(JSTOR)}).
- Type locality: [The Democratic Republic of the Congo.] Marungu.
- Dombeya gamwelliae Exell, J. Bot. 70: 104 (1932); as 'Dombeya Gamwelliæ'; not accepted by Cheek & Dorr (2007) [cited as Dombeya burgessiae]
- Typus: A.H. Gamwell 50 (in flower, [6] May [1931]; holotypus: BM [BM000630068(JSTOR)]).
- Type locality: Northern Rhodesia[Zambia]. Tanganyika District: Abercorn, beside stream-beds, at an alt. of 5000 ft.
- Dombeya trichoclada Mildbr., Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 12: 196 (1934); not accepted by Cheek & Dorr (2007) [cited as Dombeya burgessiae]
- Typus: H.-J.E. Schlieben 1051 A (in flower, 21 June 1931; holotypus: B, destroyed; isotypi: BR [BR0000006290337(JSTOR)], G [G00015182(JSTOR)], LISC [LISC000657(JSTOR)], P [P00368407(JSTOR)]).
- Type locality: [Tanzania.] Bez.[Bezirk, i.e. district] Iringa: Landschaft Lupembe, Uferhügel am oberen Ruhudje, 1600 m ü. M.
- Dombeya globiflora Staner, Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles, Ser. B 55: 59 (1935); not accepted by Cheek & Dorr (2007) [cited as Dombeya burgessiae]
- Typus: P. Quarré 3294 (July 1933; holotypus: BR {BR0000008994707(JSTOR), BR0000008995087(JSTOR), BR0000008995414(JSTOR)}).
- Type locality: [The Democratic Republic of the Congo.] District du Haut-Katanga.
- Dombeya burttii Exell, J. Bot. 77: 165 (1939); as 'Dombeya Burttii'; not accepted by Cheek & Dorr (2007) [cited as Dombeya burgessiae]
- Typus: B.D. Burtt 6154 (9 September 1936; holotypus: BM [BM000843898(JSTOR)]; isotypi: EA [EA000001922], K [K000241118(JSTOR)]).
- Type locality: Tanganyika Territory[Tanzania]. Rungwe: Mbeya distr., Mporoto[Poroto] Mts., 15 miles out on Great North Road, at 7000 ft.
- Dombeya nyasica Exell, J. Bot. 77: 166 (1939); not accepted by Cheek & Dorr (2007) [cited as Dombeya burgessiae]
- Typus: B.D. Burtt 6085 (21 June 1936; holotypus: BM [BM001046001(JSTOR)]; isotypi: BR [BR0000006290405(JSTOR)], K [K000241099(JSTOR)]).
- Type locality: Nyasaland[Malawi]. Between Dowa and Kota Kota, at 5000 ft.
- Dombeya greenwayi Wild, Bol. Soc. Brot. sér. 2, 33: 35 (1959); not accepted by Cheek & Dorr (2007) [cited as Dombeya burgessiae]
- Typus: P.J. Greenway 5527 (26 July 1938; holotypus: K [K000241096(JSTOR)]; isotypus; EA [EA000001923]).
- Type locality: Zambia. Shiwa Ngandu, 1660 m.
- Dombeya sphaerantha Gilli, Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 74: 449 (1970 publ. 1971); not accepted by Cheek & Dorr (2007) [cited as Dombeya burgessiae]
- Dombeya mastersii Hook.f., Bot. Mag. 93: t. 5639 (1867); not accepted by Cheek & Dorr (2007) [cited as Dombeya burgessiae]
Misapplied names
edit- Dombeya angulata auct. non Cav. [= Dombeya acutangula Cav.]: Mast., Gard. Chron. 1867: 74 (1867)
- Note: vide Hooker (1867).
editNative distribution areas: |
References: Brummitt, R.K. 2001. TDWG – World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions, 2nd Edition |
editPrimary references
edit- Harvey, W.H. & Sonder, O.W. 1861–1862. Flora Capensis; being a systematic description of the plants of the Cape Colony, Caffraria, & port Natal. Volume II. Leguminosae to Loranthaceae. ix + 621 pp., Hodges, Smith & Co., Dublin; ; A.S. Robertson, Capetown. BHL Reference page.
Additional references
edit- Kuntze, O. 1891. Revisio generum plantarum vascularium omnium atque cellularium multarum secundum leges nomenclaturae internationales cum enumeratione plantarum exoticarum in itinere mundi collectarum. Pars I. Pp. I–CLV, 1–374. Arthur Felix, Leipzig [etc.] BHL Reference page.
- Anonymous (ed). 1897. Diagnoses africanae, X. Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information (Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew) 1897: 243–300. JSTOR BHL Reference page.
- Durand, T. & De Wildeman, É. 1901. Materiaux pour la Flore du Congo. Dixième fascicule. Bulletin de la Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique 40: [7]–41. BHL Reference page.
- Stapf, O., Sprague, T.A., Rolfe, R.A., Clarke, C.B., Dawe, M.T. & Wright, C.H. 1906. Plantae Novae Daweanae in Uganda lectae. Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Botany 37(262): 495–544. DOI: 10.1111/j.1095-8339.1906.tb00847.x. BHL Reference page.
- Mildbraed, J. (ed.) 1934. Neue und seltene Arten aus Ostafrika (Tanganyika-Territ. Mandat) leg. H. J. Schlieben, VII. Notizblatt des Botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin-Dahlem 12(112): 187–201. DOI: 10.2307/3995040 Reference page.
- Exell, A.W. 1939. Some new species of Dombeya, Grewia, and Combretum from Tropical Africa. Journal of Botany 77: 165–173. PDF Reference page.
- Gilli, A. 1970[1971]. Beiträge zur Flora von Tanganyika und Kenya III. Choripetalae. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 74: 421–456. JSTOR Reference page.
- Beentje, H.J. 1994. Kenya Trees, Shrubs and Lianas. Nairobi, Kenya: National Museum of Kenya. 762 p. Online. ISBN 9966-9861-0-3. Reference page. [vide Sterculiaceae.]
- Cheek, M. & Dorr, L. 2007. Sterculiaceae. 134 pp. In Beentje, H.J. (ed.), Flora of Tropical East Africa. Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens. ISBN 978-1-84246-185-3 Online (JSTOR). Reference page.
edit- IUCN: Dombeya burgessiae Gerrard ex Harv. (Least Concern) - Assessed by Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI) & IUCN SSC Global Tree Specialist Group on 12 June 2018 and published in 2019.
- Govaerts, R. et al. 2022. Dombeya burgessiae in Kew Science Plants of the World Online. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published online. Accessed: 2022 May 24. Reference page.
- Hassler, M. 2022. Dombeya burgessiae. World Plants: Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World In: Roskovh, Y., Abucay, L., Orrell, T., Nicolson, D., Bailly, N., Kirk, P., Bourgoin, T., DeWalt, R.E., Decock, W., De Wever, A., Nieukerken, E. van, Zarucchi, J. & Penev, L., eds. 2022. Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life. Published online. Accessed: 2022 May 21. Reference page.
- International Plant Names Index. 2022. Dombeya burgessiae. Published online. Accessed: 21 May 2022. Reference page.
- 2022. Dombeya burgessiae. Missouri Botanical Garden. Published online. Accessed: 21 May 2022.
- USDA, ARS, Germplasm Resources Information Network. Dombeya burgessiae in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service. Accessed: 21 May 2022.
Vernacular names
editAfrikaans: Pienkblompeer
Gĩkũyũ: Mũkeũ
Gĩkũyũ: Mũkeũ