Dmitry Evstratievich Kharitonov
Dmitry Evstratievich Kharitonov (1896 - 1970). also spelled Charitonov. German-Russian arachnologist.
Taxon names authored
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edit- Kharitonov, D.E. 1946. New forms of spiders of the USSR. Izvestija Estedvenno-Nauchnogo Instituta pri Molotovskom Gosudarstvennom Universitete imeni M. Gor'kogo 12: 19-32. (in Russian) Reference page.
edit- Kharitonov, D.E. 1947. Spiders and harvestspiders from the caves of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Byulleten Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody (N.S., Biol.) 52: 15-28. Reference page.
edit- Kharitonov, D.E. 1951. Pauki i senokostsy. In: Ushchelye Kondara. Moscow, pp. 209-216. (in Russian). Reference page.
edit- Kharitonov, D.E. 1966. Obzor paukov semeistva Dysderidae faunii SSSR. Uchenye Zapiski, Molotovskii Gosudarstvennyj Universitet Imeni A. M. Gorkogo 10: 17-39. (in Russian) Reference page.