Dothiorella pyrenophora
(Redirected from Diplodia pyrenophora)
editTaxonavigation: Botryosphaeriales |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Botryosphaeriaceae
Genus: Dothiorella
Species: Dothiorella pyrenophora
editDothiorella pyrenophora Berk. ex Sacc., Michelia 2(6): 5 (1880). [MycoBank #159808]
Homotypic synonyms
edit- Dothiora pyrenophora Berk., Exs.: no. 282 (?). (nom. inval.)
- Botryodiplodia pyrenophora (Berk. ex Sacc.) Sacc., Sylloge Fungorum 3: 380 (1884). [MycoBank #160151]
- Diplodia pyrenophora (Berk. ex Sacc.) Crous & M.E.Palm, Sydowia 51(2): 170 (1999). [MycoBank #460828]
Heterotypic synonyms
edit- Dothidea pyrenophora Fr., Kongl. Vetensk. Akad. Handl., Ser. 3, 7: 88 (1819). [MycoBank #448769]
edit- Abdollahzadeh, J., Javadi, A., Zare, R. & Phillips, A.J.L. 2014. A phylogenetic study of Dothiorella and Spencermartinsia species associated with woody plants in Iran, New Zealand, Portugal and Spain. Persoonia 32: 1–12. DOI: 10.3767/003158514X678606 Reference page.
- Crous, P.W. & Palm, M.E. 1999. Reassessment of the anamorph genera Botryodiplodia, Dothiorella and Fusicoccum. Sydowia 51(2): 167–175. Zobodat (PDF) Reference page.
- Fries, E.M. 1845–1849. Summa Vegetabilium Scandinaviae, seu Enumeratio, Systematica et Critica, Plantatum tum Cotyledonearum, quum Nemearum inter Mare Occidentale et Album, inter Eidoram et Nordkap, Hactenus Lectarum una cum Singulae Distributione Geographica., Secio prior: 1–258 (1845) [with slightly different title in 1846], Section posterior: 259–572 (1849). Biblioteca Digital (1845), BHL (1846), BHL (1849) Reference page.
- Saccardo, P.A. 1880. Conspectus generum fungorum Italiae inferiorum nempe ad Sphaeropsideas, Melanconieas et Hyphomyceteas pertinentium systemate sporologico dispositorum. Michelia 2(6): 1–38. BHL Reference page.
- Saccardo, P.A. 1884. Sylloge Sphaeropsidearum et Melanconiearum omnium hucusque cognitorum. Sylloge Fungorum omnium hucusque cognitorum 3: 1–860. BHL Reference page.
edit- Index Fungorum: IF 8098
- MycoBank: MB 8098
- Dothiorella in GBIF