Dinendra Raychaudhuri
Dinendra Raychaudhuri Indian arachnologist and entomologist.
- Entomology Laboratory, Department of Zoology, University of Calcutta, 35, Ballygunge Circular Road, Kolkata- 700019, West Bengal, India.
- E-mail:inendrarc
Taxon names authored
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edit- Biswas, V., Saha, S. & Raychaudhuri, D. 1994. Heteropodidae and Lycosidae of Buxa Tiger Reserve, West Bengal. Acta Arachnologica 43: 43-48. Reference page.
edit- Saha, S., Biswas, V., Majumder, S.C. & Raychaudhuri, D. 1995. Araneidae of Buxa Tiger Reserve, West Bengal. Acta Arachnologica 44: 11-14. Reference page.
edit- Biswas, V., Kundu, B., Kundu, M., Saha, S. & Raychaudhuri, D. 1996. Spiders of the genus Oxyopes Latreille (Araneae: Oxyopidae) of Buxa Tiger Reserve, West Bengal. Acta Arachnologica 45: 53-61. Reference page.
- Biswas, V. & Raychaudhuri, D. 1996. Clubionid spiders of Bangladesh - I: Genus Clubiona Latreille. Proceedings of Recent Advances in Life Sciences, Dibrugarh University 1: 191-210. Reference page.
edit- Biswas, V., Saha, S.S. & Raychaudhuri, D. 1997. Araneidae and Theridiidae of Buxa Tiger Reserve, West Bengal: Genera Leucauge White, Cyrtophora Stoliczka and Theridula Emerton. Entomon 22: 229-233. Reference page.
edit- Biswas, V. & Raychaudhuri, D. 1998. Spiders of the genus Cyclosa Menge (Araneae: Araneidae) from Bangladesh. Entomon 23: 45-53. Reference page.
edit- Saha, S.S. & Raychaudhuri, D. 2004. A survey of spiders (Araneae: Araneidae) of Jaldapara Wildlife Sanctuary, West Bengal, with description of a new Zilla species. Entomon 29: 245-252. Reference page.
- Saha, S. & Raychaudhuri, D. 2004a. A new species of spider of the genus Peucetia Thorell (Oxyopidae: Araneae) from Digha, Midnapore, West Bengal, India. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 101(2): 288-290. Reference page.
- Saha, S. & Raychaudhuri, D. 2004b. Hitherto unknown genera of spiders, Ordgarius Keyserling, Pasilobus Simon (Araneidae) and Strigoplus Simon (Thomisidae) from eastern India. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 101(3): 425-428. Reference page.
edit- Saha, S. & Raychaudhuri, D. 2007a. Heteropodine spiders (Sparassidae: Araneae) from Jaldapara Wildlife Sanctuary, Jalpaiguri, West Bengal. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 103(1, for 2006): 82-86. Reference page.
edit- Sen, S., Saha, S. & Raychaudhuri, D. 2010. Two tailed spiders (Araneae: Hersiliidae) from the reserve forests of north Bengal, India. Munis Entomology and Zoology 5(Suppl.): 1168-1175. Reference page.
edit- Sen, S., Saha, S. & Raychaudhuri, D. 2011. New species and new combination of Oxyopes Latreille 1804 (Araneae: Oxyopidae) females from India. World Journal of Zoology 6(4): 339-345. Full article (PDF). Reference page.
edit- Biswas, V. & Raychaudhuri, D. 2012. Orb-weaving spiders of Bangladesh-II: genus Larinia Simon (Araneae: Araneidae) with description of a new species. Records of the Zoological Survey of India 112(3): 53-59. Reference page.
- Dhali, D.C., Roy, T.K., Sen, S., Saha, S. & Raychaudhuri, D. 2012. Wolf spiders (Araneae: Lycosidae) of the reserve forests of Dooars, West Bengal, India. Munis Entomology and Zoology 7(2): 1199-1213. Reference page.
edit- Biswas, V. & Raychaudhuri, D. 2013. Orb-weaving spiders of Bangladesh-I: genus Araneus Clerck (Araneae: Araneidae) with two new species. Records of the Zoological Survey of India 113(2): 157-162. Reference page.
- Biswas, V. & Raychaudhuri, D. 2013a. Description of a new species of the genus Uloborus Latreille from Bangladesh (Araneae: Araneidae) [sic]. Records of the Zoological Survey of India 113(2): 163-167. Reference page.
- Biswas, V. & Raychaudhuri, D. 2013b. Orb-weaving spiders of Bangladesh: genus Neoscona Simon (Araneae: Araneidae). Records of the Zoological Survey of India 113(2): 169-188. Reference page.
- Sen, S., Saha, S. & Raychaudhuri, D. 2013. A new species of the genus Miagrammopes O.P. Cambridge, 1870 (Araneae: Uloboridae) from India. Munis Entomology and Zoology 8(1): 42-45. Reference page.
edit- Biswas, V. & Raychaudhuri, D. 2014. Wolf spiders of Bangladesh-II: genus Lycosa Latreille (Araneae: Lycosidae). Records of the Zoological Survey of India 114(2): 295-306. Reference page.
- Roy, T.K., Sen, S., Saha, S. & Raychaudhuri, D. 2014. A new Chorizopes O.P.-Cambridge, 1870 (Araneae: Araneidae) from West Bengal, India. Romanian Journal of Biology - Zoology 59(1): 3–9. Full issue (PDF). Reference page.
edit- Biswas, V. & Raychaudhuri, D. 2015. Lynx spiders of Khulna District of Bangladesh: genus Oxyopes Latreille (Areaneae[sic]: Oxyopidae). Bangladesh Journal of Zoology 43(2): 221-238. DOI: 10.3329/bjz.v43i2.27394. . Reference page.
- Dhali, D.C., Saha, S. & Raychaudhuri, D. 2015. A new litter dwelling Oxyopes Latreille (Araneae: Oxyopidae) species from Jaldapara Wild Life Sanctuary, India. Species 12(32): 24-29. Reference page.
- Roy, T.K., Saha, S. & Raychaudhuri, D. 2015. A new Gibbaranea Archer, 1951 (Araneae: Araneidae) from West Bengal, India with a note on biogeography of the genus. Species 16(52): 1-5. Full article (PDF). Reference page.
- Sarkar, S., Saha, S. & Raychaudhuri, D. 2015. Conoderinae (Elateridae) of Buxa Tiger Reserve, West Bengal, India. Munis Entomology & Zoology 10(2): 328–332. PDF. Reference page.
- Sen, S., Dhali, D.C., Saha, S. & Raychaudhuri, D. 2015. Spiders (Araneae: Arachnida) of Reserve Forests of Dooars: Gorumara National Park, Chapramari Wildlife Sanctuary and Mahananda Wildlife Sanctuary. World Scientific News 20: 1-339. Reference page.
edit- Dhali, D.C., Roy, T.K., Saha, S. & Raychaudhuri, D. 2016. On the new sac spiders (Araneae: Clubionidae) of Dooars, West Bengal, India. World Scientific News 50: 278-305. Reference page.
- Dhali, D.C., Roy, T.K., Saha, S. & Raychaudhuri, D. 2016a. A new name for Clubiona serrata Dhali, Roy, Saha et Raychaudhuri, 2016 (Araneae: Clubionidae). World Scientific News 56: 263-266. Reference page.
edit- Biswas, V. & Raychaudhuri, D. 2017. A new record of the orb-weaving spider genus Parawixia F.O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1904 from Bangladesh (Araneae: Araneidae). Serket 15(3): 113-118. Reference page.
- Biswas, V. & Raychaudhuri, D. 2017a. New species of the genus Camaricus Thorell, 1887 (Araneae: Thomisidae) from Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Zoology 44(2): 255-265. DOI: 10.3329/bjz.v44i2.32765. . Reference page.
edit- Biswas, V. & Raychaudhuri, D. 2018. New species of the genus Eriovixia Archer, 1951 (Araneae: Araneidae) from Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Zoology 46(1): 1-10. DOI: 10.3329/bjz.v46i1.37621. . Reference page.
edit- Biswas, V. & Raychaudhuri, D. 2019. A new species of the jumping spider genus Harmochirus Simon, 1885 from Bangladesh (Araneae: Salticidae). Serket 17(1): 21-26. Reference page.
- Biswas, V. & Raychaudhuri, D. 2019a. A new record of two-tailed spider genus Hersilia Savigny, 1825 of the fauna of Bangladesh (Araneae: Hersiliidae). Serket 17(1): 15-20. Reference page.
edit- Biswas, V. & Raychaudhuri, D. 2020. Taxonomic account of orb-weaving spider genus Cyrtarachne Thorell, 1868 (Araneae: Araneidae) of Bangladesh. Journal of Biodiversity Conservation and Bioresource Management 5(2, 2019): 75-82. DOI: 10.3329/jbcbm.v5i2.44917. . Reference page.
edit- Biswas, V. & Raychaudhuri, D. 2023. A new species of crab-spider under the genus Thomisus Walckenaer, 1805 (Araneae: Thomisinae: Thomisidae) from Bangladesh. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Science 49(2): 193-201. DOI: 10.3329/jasbs.v49i2.70768. . Reference page.
edit- Biswas, V. & Raychaudhuri, D. 2024. Taxonomic account of some crab-spiders genus Thomisus Walckenaer, 1805 (Araneae: Misumeninae: Thomisidae) from Bangladesh. Ecology Journal 5(2, 2023): 163-171. [not publ. before March 2024, presumably in June] DOI: 10.59619/ej.5.2.9. . Reference page.