Dany Azar

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Dany Azar, Lebanese paleoentomologist.

  • Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, People’s Republic of China
  • Lebanese University, Faculty of Sciences II, Department of Biology, Beirut, Lebanon.
  • E-mail: danyazar@ul.edu.lb

Taxon names authored

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  • Azar, D. 1997. Lebanese Amber Meganeura 1: 26–27.
  • Azar, D. 1997. A new method for extracting vegetal and insect fossils from the Lebanese amber. Palaeontology 40(4): 1027–1029.


  • Azar, D. 1998. Lebanese Lower Cretaceous amber Meganeura 2: 18–20.


  • Azar, D., Fleck, G., Nel, A. & Solignac, M. 1999. A new enicocephalid bug, Enicocephalinus acragrimaldii, gen. nov., sp. nov., from the lower Cretaceous amber of Lebanon. (Insecta, Heteroptera, Enicocephalidae). Estudios del Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Alava 14: Número especial 2. 217-230.
  • Azar, D., Nel, A. & Solignac, M., Paicheler, J.-C. & Bouchet, F. 1999. New genera and species of phlebotomid and psychodid flies from the Lower Cretaceous amber of Lebanon (Insecta: Diptera: Phlebotomidae, Psychodidae). Palaeontology 42: 6. 1101–1136.














  • Nel, P., Azar, D., Nel, A., 2007. A new ‘primitive’ family of thrips from Early Cretaceous Lebanese amber (Insecta, Thysanoptera) Cretaceous Research 28: 1033-1038.
  • Azar, D., Tahchy, A., Perrichot, V., 2007. The oldest Sycoracinae (Diptera: Psychodidae) from the French Cretaceous amber Alavesia 1: 1-5.
  • Veltz, I., Azar, D., Nel, A., 2007. New chironomid flies in Early Cretaceous Lebanese amber (Diptera: Chironomidae) African Invertebrates 48: 1. 169-191.
  • Azar, D., Adaymeh, C., Jreich, N., 2007. Paleopsychoda zherikhini, a new Cretaceous species of moth flies from Taimyr amber (Diptera: Psychodidae: Psychodinae) African Invertebrates 48: 1. 163-168.
  • Azar, D., 2007. Preservation and accumulation of biological inclusions in Lebanese amber and their significance Comptes rendus – Palevol 6: 1-2. 151-156.


  • Kirejtshuk, A.G. & Azar, D. 2008. New taxa of beetles (Insecta, Coleoptera) from Lebanese amber with evolutionary and systematic comments. Alavesia 2: 15–46. Full article (PDF) Reference page
  • Azar, D., Hajar, L., Indary, C., Nel, A., 2008. Paramesopsocidae, a new Mesozoic psocid family (Insecta: Psocodea “Psocoptera”: Psocomorpha). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 44(4): 459-470.
  • Azar, D., Nel, A., 2008. First Baltic amber megapodagrionid damselfly (Odonata: Zygoptera). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 44(4): 451-457.
  • Koteja, J., Azar, D., 2008. Scale insects from Lower Cretaceous amber of Lebanon (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Coccinea). Alavesia 2: 133-167.
  • Azar, D., Nel, A., 2008. First Tridactylidae from the Eocene French amber (Insecta: Orthoptera). Alavesia 2: 169-175.
  • Jarzembowski, E. A., Azar, D., Nel, A., 2008. A new chironomid (Insecta: Diptera) from Wealden amber (Lower Cretaceous) of the Isle of Wight (UK). Geologica Acta 6(3): 285-291.
  • Azar, D., Veltz, I., Nel, A., 2008. Mandibulate chironomids: primitive or derived? (Diptera: Chironomidae). Systematic Entomology 33: 688–699.
  • Azar, D., 2008. Newest information on fossil insects’ outcrops in Lebanon. Documents des Laboratoires de Géologie Lyon 164: 12-13.
  • Azar, D., 2008. Lebanese amber: “an exceptional window to the Past”. Documents des Laboratoires de Géologie Lyon 164: 11.
  • Huang, D. -Y., Nel, A., Azar, D., Nel, P., 2008. Phylogenetic relationships of the Mesozoic paraneopteran family Archipsyllidae (Insecta: Psocodea). Geobios 41: 461-464.
  • Azar, D., Engel, M. S., 2008. A sphaeropsocid bark louse in Late Cretaceous amber from Siberia (Psocoptera: Sphaeropsocidae). Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 111(1-2): 141-146.
  • Delclòs, X., Nel, A., Azar, D., Bechly, G., Dunlop, J. A., Engel, M. S., Heads, S. W., 2008. The enigmatic Mesozoic insect taxon Chresmodidae (Polyneoptera): New palaeobiological and phylogenetic data, with the description of a new species from the Lower Cretaceous of Brazil. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 247(3): 353-381.
  • Mukherjee, A. J., Roßberger, E., James, M. A., Pfälzner, P., Higgitt, C. L., White, R., Peggie, D. A., Azar, D., 2008. The Qatna lion: scientific confirmation of Baltic amber in late Bronze Age Syria. Antiquity 82(315): 49-59.



















Legalov, A. A., Azar, D., Kirejtshuk, A. G., 2017. A new weevil (Coleoptera; Nemonychidae; Oropsini trib. nov.) from Lower Cretaceous Lebanese amber. Cretaceous Research 70: 111-116.






  • Maksoud, S., Taleb, K., Gèze, R., Azar, D. (2020). New early Barremian amber outcrops from Lebanon. Palaeoentomology 3(6): 569-573.
  • Azar, D., Nel, A. (2020). New Cecidomyiidae from the Lower Cretaceous Lebanese amber (Diptera). Palaeoentomology 3(5): 525-540. October 2020.
  • Azar, D., Maksoud, S. (2020). New psychodid flies from the Upper Cretaceous Yantardakh amber and Eocene Sakhalin amber (Diptera: Psychodidae: Psychodinae). Palaeoentomology 3(5): 500-512. October 2020.
  • Maksoud, S., Ziadé, K., Gèze, R., Azar, D. (2020). New early Barremian amber outcrops from Central Lebanon. Palaeoentomology 3(4): 415-422. August 2020.
  • Azar, D., Maksoud, S., Huang, D. (2020). A new dipteromantispid from the mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber (Neuroptera: Dipteromantispidae). Palaeoentomology 3(4): 407-414. August 2020.
  • Azar, D., Maksoud, S. (2020). A new species of Protopsychoda Azar et al., 1999 from the Lower Cretaceous Lebanese amber (Diptera: Psychodidae). Palaeoentomology 3(4): 352-356. August 2020.
  • El-Hossny, T., Maksoud, S., Azar, D., Abi-Saad, P., Cavin, L. (2020). Spathiurus dorsalis Davis, 1887, from the Upper Cretaceous of Haqel, Lebanon, and the evolutionary history of Ionoscopiformes. Cretaceous Research 116: 104619. 21 August 2020.
  • Haug, J. W. F., et al. (including Azar, D.) (2020). Comment on the letter of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (SVP) dated April 21, 2020 regarding “Fossils from conflict zones and reproducibility of fossil based scientific data”: the importance of private collections. Paläontologische Zeitschrift August 2020.
  • Haug, T., et al. (including Azar, D.) (2020). Comment on the letter of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (SVP) dated April 21, 2020 regarding “Fossils from conflict zones and reproducibility of fossil based scientific data”: Myanmar amber. Paläontologische Zeitschrift August 2020.
  • Szwedo, J., Wang, B., Soszyńska-Maj, A., Azar, D., Ross, A. (2020). International Palaeoentomological Society statement. Palaeoentomology 3(3): 221-222.
  • Azar, D., Heiss, E., Huang, D. (2020). Review of the flat bug genus Cretopiesma Grimaldi & Engel, 2008 from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber and description of three new species (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Aradidae: Archearadinae). Palaeoentomology 3(1): 6-31.
  • Maksoud, S., Azar, D. (2020). Lebanese amber: latest updates. Palaeoentomology 3(2): 125-155. .
  • Raad, R., Azar, D., Perotti, M. A. (2020). First report of the ticks Haemaphysalis punctata Canestrini et Fanzago, 1878, Haemaphysalis parva (Neumann, 1897) and Dermacentor marginatus (Sulzer, 1776) (Acari, Amblyommidae) from humans in Lebanon. .Parasitologica 65: 541-545. Jan. 2020.
  • Garrouste, R., Schubnel, T., Huang, D., Azar, D., Cai, C., Nel, A. (2020). Sexual conflict during Mesozoic: The first Cretaceous damsel bug in Burmese amber (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Nabidae). Cretaceous research 108: 104344.
  • Fu, Y., Azar, D., Huang, D. (2020). A new species of the extinct family Minlagerrontidae (Insecta: Hemiptera: Cicadomorpha) from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber. Cretaceous Research 107: 104270.
  • Hakim, A., Azar, D., Huang, D. (2020). A unique manicapsocid (Psocodea: Amphientometae) from the mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber. Cretaceous Research 107: 104278.
  • Maksoud, S., Granier, B., Gèze, R., Alméras, Y., Toland, C., Azar, D. (2020). The Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary in Lebanon. Revision of the Salima Formation. Cretaceous Research 107: 104268.












  • Maksoud, S., Azar, D., 2018. متحجرات لبنان؛ ذاكرة الزمان. Arabic version of: "Les fossiles du Liban - Mémoire du Temps" by M. Gayet, P. Abi Saad & O. Gaudant. Heritage Lebanese Center - Lebanese American University, 183 pp. ISBN: 978-9953-461-39-7.




  • Nel, A., Azar, D., Petrulevičius, J. F., 2010. Fossil Insects. Edited by: A. Nel, D. Azar & J. F. Petrulevičius. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (Nouvelle série) 46: 1-2. ISBN: 2-912703-12-3.

Book chapters



  • Azar, D., Granier, B., Maksoud, S., 2015. Latest News on the age of the fossiliferous Early Cretaceous amber of Lebanon. In: Amber news review - Przegląd aktualności bursztynowych 2014/2015. 65-68. World Amber Council. Gdańsk - Poland: World Amber Council. ISBN: 978-83-938097-0-8.


  • Azar, D., Nel, A., Perkovsky, E., 2013. A new Sycorax species from Eocene Ukranian Rovno Amber (Diptera: Psychodidae: Sycoracinae). In: Insect Evolution in an Amberiferous and Stone Alphabet. Edited by: D. Azar, M. S. Engel, E. Jarzembowski, L. Krogmann, A. Nel, J. Santiago-Blay. 27-46. Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Fossil Insects, Arthropods and Amber. Brill. ISBN: 978-90-04-21070-7 (Note: ISBN for the entire proceedings, not just this paper).
  • Azar, D., Nohra, Y., Iskandar, D., Gèze, R., 2013. Fanar, a "dream" Lebanese Lower Cretaceous amber outcrop, dissipated... In: Insect Evolution in an Amberiferous and Stone Alphabet. Edited by: D. Azar, M. S. Engel, E. Jarzembowski, L. Krogmann, A. Nel, J. Santiago-Blay. 176-186. Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Fossil Insects, Arthropods and Amber. Brill. ISBN: 978-90-04-21070-7.
  • Szwedo, J., Azar, D., Nohra, Y., 2013. First record of Perforissidae from the Early Cretaceous Lebanese amber (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Fulgoroidea). In: Insect Evolution in an Amberiferous and Stone Alphabet. Edited by: D. Azar, M. S. Engel, E. Jarzembowski, L. Krogmann, A. Nel, J. Santiago-Blay. 145-163. Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Fossil Insects, Arthropods and Amber. Brill. ISBN: 978-90-04-21070-7.
  • Krzemiński, W., Azar, D., Skibińska, K., 2013. Nannotanyderus ansorgi sp. n., the first member of the family Tanyderidae from Lebanese amber (Lower Cretaceous). In: Insect Evolution in an Amberiferous and Stone Alphabet. Edited by: D. Azar, M. S. Engel, E. Jarzembowski, L. Krogmann, A. Nel, J. Santiago-Blay. 131-143. Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Fossil Insects, Arthropods and Amber. Brill. ISBN: 978-90-04-21070-7.
  • Azar, D., Nel, A., 2013. A new beaded lacewing from a new Lower Cretaceous amber outcrop in Lebanon (Neuroptera: Berothidae). In: Insect Evolution in an Amberiferous and Stone Alphabet. Edited by: D. Azar, M. S. Engel, E. Jarzembowski, L. Krogmann, A. Nel, J. Santiago-Blay. 111-130. Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Fossil Insects, Arthropods and Amber. Brill. ISBN: 978-90-04-21070-7.
  • Choufani, J., Perrichot, V., Girard, V., Garrouste, R., Azar, D., Nel, A., 2013. Two new biting midges of the modern type from Santonian amber of France. In: Insect Evolution in an Amberiferous and Stone Alphabet. Edited by: D. Azar, M. S. Engel, E. Jarzembowski, L. Krogmann, A. Nel, J. Santiago-Blay. 73-95. Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Fossil Insects, Arthropods and Amber. Brill. ISBN: 978-90-04-21070-7.
  • Coty, D., Salamé, Y., Nel, A., Azar, D., 2013. A new psychodid fly from Mexican amber (Diptera; Psychodidae). In: Insect Evolution in an Amberiferous and Stone Alphabet. Edited by: D. Azar, M. S. Engel, E. Jarzembowski, L. Krogmann, A. Nel, J. Santiago-Blay. 13-25. Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Fossil Insects, Arthropods and Amber. Brill. ISBN: 978-90-04-21070-7.
  • Azar, D., Engel, M. S., Jarzembowski, E., Krogmann, L., Nel, A., Santiago-Blay, J., 2013. Introduction - Insect Evolution in an Amberiferous and Stone Alphabet. In: Insect Evolution in an Amberiferous and Stone Alphabet. Edited by: D. Azar, M. S. Engel, E. Jarzembowski, L. Krogmann, A. Nel, J. Santiago-Blay. 1-10. Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Fossil Insects, Arthropods and Amber. Brill. ISBN: 978-90-04-21070-7.
  • Azar, D., Gèze, R., Acra, F., 2010. Chapter 14: Lebanese amber. In: Biodiversity of Fossils in Amber from the Major World Deposits. Edited by: David Penney. 271-298. Siri Scientific Press, Manchester. ISBN: 978-0-9558636-4-6.

