Chaetomorpha tortuosa
(Redirected from Conferva tortuosa)

editTaxonavigation: Cladophorales |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Cladophoraceae
Genus: Chaetomorpha
Species: Chaetomorpha tortuosa
editChaetomorpha tortuosa (Dillwyn) Kleen, 1874: 45
- Type locality: In Salt Pools by the River Yare near Yarmouth [Norfolk], and on Rocks in the Sea about Swansea [Wales].
- Lectotype: (Swansea, Wales]: BM (see Blaire (1983: 198). According to Womersley (1984: 168) the type is from Yarmouth, England; in BM.
edit- Basionym
- Conferva tortuosa Dillwyn, 1805: pl. 46, text
- Homotypic
- Rhizoclonium tortuosum (Dillwyn) Kützing, 1845: 205
- Rhizoclonium hieroglyphicum var. tortuosum (Dillwyn) Stockmayer, 1890: 583
edit- Chaetomorpha tortuosa Kützing, 1849, nom. illeg. = Chaetomorpha ligustica
edit- Kleen, E.A.G. 1874. Om Nordlandens högre hafsalger. Öfversigt af Kongl. Vetenskaps-Akademiens Förhandlingar 31(9): 3–46. BHL Reference page.
- Dillwyn, L.W. 1805. British Confervae; or colored figures and descriptions of the British plants referred by botanists to the genus Conferva. pp. pls 45–56 (with text). London: W. Phillips. BHL Reference page.
- Kützing, F.T. 1845. Phycologia Germanica, d. i. Deutschlands Algen in bündigen Beschreibungen. Nebst einer Anleitung zum Untersuchen und Bestimmen dieser Gewächse für Anfänger. pp. i–x, 1–340. Nordhausen: W. Köhne. BHL Reference page.