Chaetomorpha aerea
(Redirected from Conferva crassa)

editTaxonavigation: Cladophorales |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Cladophoraceae
Genus: Chaetomorpha
Species: Chaetomorpha aerea
editChaetomorpha aerea (Dillwyn) Kützing, 1849: 379
- Type locality: (Syntypes) On Stones in the Sea at Cromer [Norfolk, England], D. Turner. At the entrance of Laugharne Harbor; at Ifmael's Ferry, and other parts of the Carmarthenshire Coast, W. W. Young. About Swansea.[Wales].
- Lectotype?: [Cromer, Norfolk]: Dawson Turner; BM-K; (Lipkin & Silva 2002: 55).
edit- Basionym
- Conferva aerea Dillwyn, 1806: 48, pl. 80 A-C
- Homotypic
- Chloronitum aerea (Dillwyn) Gaillon, 1828: 389
- Chaetomorpha linum f. aerea (Dillwyn) Collins, 1918
- Heterotypic
- Conferva crassa C.Agardh, 1824: 99
- Conferva urbica Zanardini, 1840: 135
- Conferva princeps Kützing, 1843
- Conferva brachyarthra Kützing, 1843
- Conferva vasta Kützing, 1843
- Conferva variabilis Kützing, 1843
- Chaetomorpha crassa (C.Agardh) Kützing, 1845
- Chaetomorpha princeps (Kützing) Kützing, 1845
- Chaetomorpha variabilis (Kützing) Kützing, 1845
- Chaetomorpha brachyarthra (Kützing) Kützing, 1845
- Conferva chlorotica Montagne, 1846
- Diplonema intermedium De Notaris, 1846
- Dimorphotrichia intermedia (De Notaris) De Notaris, 1846
- Conferva monilina Zanardini, 1847
- Chaetomorpha urbica (Zanardini) Kützing, 1847
- Chaetomorpha herbacea Kützing, 1847
- Chaetomorpha chlorotica (Montagne) Kützing, 1849
- Chaetomorpha vasta Kützing, 1849
- Chaetomorpha vasta var. inflata Kützing, 1849
- Chaetomorpha dubyana Kützing, 1853
- Chaetomorpha monilina (Zanardini) Zanardini, 1858
- Chaetomorpha aerea f. versata Heydrich, 1894
- Chaetomorpha crassa f. genuina Schiffner, 1938
- Chaetomorpha paucitatis Gilbert, 1965
edit- Kützing, F.T. 1849. Species algarum. pp. i–vi, 1–922. Lipsiae [Leipzig]: F.A. Brockhaus. BHL Reference page.
- Dillwyn, L.W. 1806. British Confervae; or colored figures and descriptions of the British plants referred by botanists to the genus Conferva. pp. pls 57–68, 70–81 (with text). London: W. Phillips. BHL Reference page.
- Gaillon, B. 1828. Résumé méthodique des classifications des Thalassiophytes. Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles [Levrault] 53: 350–406, Tables 1-3. BHL Reference page.
- Agardh, C.A. 1824. Systema Algarum. pp. [i]–xxxvii, [1]–312. Lundae: Literis Berlingianis. BHL Reference page.