Chi-Son Chao
Chi-Son Chao (Qi-Seng Zhao, 赵奇僧, 1936– ), Chinese botanist.
IPNI standard form: C.S.Chao
Taxon names authored
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- Chao, C.-S., Chu, C.-D. & Hsiung, W.-Y. 1980. A revision of some genera and species of Chinese bamboos. [中国竹亚科一些属种的整理]. Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 18(1): 20–36. JSE (Online) Reference page.
- Wang, C.-P., Yu, Z.-H., Ye, G.-H., Chu, C.-D., Chao, C.-S., Chen, S.-Y., Yao, C.-Y. & Zhao, H.-R. 1980. A taxonomical study of Phyllostachys, China. [中国刚竹属的研究]. Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 18(1): 15–19. JSE (Online) Reference page.
- Wang, C.-P., Yu, Z.-H., Ye, G.-H., Chu, C.-D., Chao, C.-S., Chen, S.-Y., Yao, C.-Y. & Zhao, H.-R. 1980. A taxonomical study of Phyllostachys, China (Cont.). [中国刚竹属的研究 (续)]. Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 18(2): 168–193. JSE (Online) Reference page.