Charles Wilson Bacon
Charles Wilson Bacon, American mycologist.
IPNI standard form: C.W.Bacon
Address (2014):
- Toxicology and Mycotoxin Research, USDA-ARS-SAA, Athens, Georgia 30605–2720, U.S.A.
Taxon names authored
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- Glenn, A.E., Bacon, C.W., Price, R. & Hanlin, R.T. 1996. Molecular phylogeny of Acremonium and its taxonomic implications. Mycologia 88(3): 369–383. DOI: 10.2307/3760878 . ResearchGate . Reference page.
- Leuchtmann, A., Bacon, C.W., Schardl, C.L., White, J.F. & Tadych, M. 2014. Nomenclatural realignment of Neotyphodium species with genus Epichloë. Mycologia 106(2): 202–215. DOI: 10.3852/13-251 . ResearchGate . Reference page.