Ceropegia bulbosa

Ceropegia bulbosa


Taxonavigation: Gentianales 
Classification System: APG IV

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Cladus: Angiosperms
Cladus: Eudicots
Cladus: Core eudicots
Cladus: Asterids
Cladus: Lamiids
Ordo: Gentianales

Familia: Apocynaceae
Subfamilia: Asclepiadoideae
Tribus: Ceropegieae
Subtribus: Stapeliinae
Genus: Ceropegia
Species: Ceropegia bulbosa



Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb., 1795


  • Heterotypic
    • Ceropegia acuminata Roxb. in Pl. Coromandel 1: 12 (1795)
    • Ceropegia brosima E.A.Bruce & P.R.O.Bally in Kew Bull. 5: 368 (1950 publ. 1951)
    • Ceropegia bulbosa var. esculenta (Edgew.) Hook.f. in Fl. Brit. India 4: 68 (1883)
    • Ceropegia bulbosa var. lushii (Graham) Hook.f. in Fl. Brit. India 4: 68 (1883)
    • Ceropegia edulis Decne. in A.P.de Candolle, Prodr. 8: 643 (1844), pro syn.
    • Ceropegia esculenta Edgew. in J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. 6: 204 (1862)
    • Ceropegia humilis N.E.Br. in D.Oliver & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Trop. Afr. 4(1): 464 (1903)
    • Ceropegia lushii Graham in Bot. Mag. 61: t. 3300 (1834)
    • Ceropegia vignaldiana A.Rich. in Tent. Fl. Abyss. 2: 48 (1850)


Native distribution areas:
  • Continental: Asia-Temperate
    • Regional: Indian subcontinent
      • Bangladesh, India, Pakistan
    • Regional: Peninsular Arabia
      • Oman, Saudi Arabia, Yemen
  • Continental: Africa
    • Regional: Western Africa
      • Cameroon
    • Regional: Central Africa
      • Chad
    • Regional: Eastern Africa
      • Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia

References: Brummitt, R.K. 2001. TDWG – World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions, 2nd Edition



Primary references

  • Roxburgh, W. 1795–1798. Plants of the Coast of Coromandel; selected from drawings and descriptions presented to the hon. court of directors of the East India Company, / by William Roxburgh, M.D. ; Published, by their order, under the direction of Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. P.R.S. ; Vol. I. Fasc. 1: colum. 1–28, lám. 21–25 (V.1795) Fasc. 2: colum. 29–40, lám. 26–50 (XI.1795) Fasc. 3: colum. 41–56, lám. 51–75 (VIII.1796) Fasc. 4: colum. 57–68, lám. 76–100 (I–III.1798) London. BHL; Biblioteca Digital Reference page. : 1: 11

Additional references

  • Kambale, S.S. & Yadav, S.R. (2019). Taxonomic revision of Ceropegia (Apocynaceae: Ceropegieae) in India. Rheedea 29: 1-115.

Vernacular names

مصرى: : غشوه بصيليه
العربية: غشوه بصيليه
中文:  球茎吊灯花
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