Category:Walter Kenrick Fisher taxa
List of taxon names authored by Walter Kenrick Fisher.
Pages in category "Walter Kenrick Fisher taxa"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 271 total.
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- Acodontaster elongatus f. ceramoideus
- Ampheraster
- Anseropoda antarctica
- Anseropoda insignis
- Anseropoda macropora
- Anteliaster
- Anteliaster australis
- Antheneinae
- Anthenoides epixanthus
- Anthenoides granulosus
- Anthenoides lithosorus
- Anthenoides rugulosus
- Anthenoidinae
- Anthosticte
- Asterina orthodon
- Asterodiscides helonotus
- Asterodiscides tuberculosus
- Asthenactis
- Asthenactis papyraceus
- Astroceramus
- Astroceramus callimorphus
- Astroceramus lionotus
- Astroceramus sphaeriostictus
- Astrocles
- Astrocles actinodetus
- Astrolirus
- Astromesites
- Astromesites compactus
- Astropecten californicus
- Astropecten eremicus
- Astropecten luzonicus
- Astropecten ornatissimus
- Astropecten pedicellaris
- Astropecten polyacanthus phragmorus
- Astropecten productus
- Astropecten pusillulus
- Astropecten tenellus
- Astropectinides callistus
- Astropectinides ctenophora
- Astrostephane
- Astrostephane moluccana
- Astrostole
- Astrothauma
- Australiaster
- Calliaster corynetes
- Calliaster euphylacteum
- Calliaster pedicellaris
- Calliderma spectabilis
- Ceramaster bowersi
- Ceramaster leptoceramus
- Cheiraster horridus
- Cheiraster inops
- Cheiraster ludwigi
- Cheiraster snyderi
- Cheiraster triplacanthus
- Chitonasterinae
- Cladaster analogus
- Coronaster halicepus
- Crossaster borealis
- Crossaster scotophilus
- Cryptopeltaster
- Ctenodiscus orientalis
- Ctenophoraster
- Ctenophoraster diploctenius
- Ctenophoraster hawaiiensis
- Ctenopleura
- Ctenopleura astropectinides
- Halityle
- Halityle regularis
- Henricia aspera
- Henricia pauperrima
- Henricia polyacantha
- Henricia robusta
- Heterozonias
- Heterozonias alternatus
- Hippasteria californica
- Hippasteria falklandica
- Hippasteria heathi
- Hippasteria lepidonotus
- Hyalinothricinae
- Hyalinothrix
- Hyalinothrix millespina
- Hymenaster pentagonalis
- Hymenaster quadrispinosus
- Hymenasterides
- Hymenodiscus exilis
- Hymenodiscus fragilis
- Leiaster callipeplus
- Leptychaster anomalus
- Leptychaster pacificus
- Lethasterias
- Lethasterias australis
- Lophaster densus
- Lophaster furcilliger
- Lophaster stellans marionis
- Lophaster suluensis
- Luidia asthenosoma
- Luidia avicularia
- Luidia gymnochora
- Luidia heterozona
- Luidia heterozona heterozona
- Luidia hystrix
- Luidia ludwigi
- Luidia magnifica
- Luidia orientalis
- Luidia prionota
- Lysasterias
- Lysasterias hemiora
- Lysasterias heteractis
- Neoferdina glyptodisca
- Neomorphasteridae
- Nepanthia pedicellaris
- Notasterias stolophora
- Notioceramus
- Notioceramus anomalus
- Novodinia pacifica
- Nymphaster arthrocnemis
- Nymphaster atopus
- Nymphaster dyscritus
- Nymphaster euryplax
- Nymphaster habrotatus
- Nymphaster leptodomus
- Nymphaster meseres
- Nymphaster moluccanus
- Nymphaster mucronatus
- Paragonaster ctenipes hypacanthus
- Paragonaster stenostichus
- Paralophaster
- Paralophaster godfroyi meseres
- Paranepanthia
- Paranepanthia platydisca
- Parasterias
- Patagiaster
- Patagiaster nuttingi
- Patagiaster sphaerioplax
- Peltaster cycloplax
- Peltaster micropeltus
- Pentaceros hawaiiensis
- Pergamaster synaptorus