Carl-Robert von Osten-Sacken
Carl-Robert von Osten-Sacken (1828–1906), Russian entomologist and diplomat. Brother of Reinhold Friedrich Freiherr von der Osten-Sacken.

русский: Роберт Романович Остен-Сакен
Outdated original spelling (pre-1918):
русский: Робертъ Романовичъ Остенъ-Сакенъ
Alternative transliterations: Rober Romanovich Osten-Saken (Osten-Sacken) (from Russian)
Taxon names authored
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edit- Osten Sacken, C.R. 1875. Report upon the collection of Diptera made in portions of Colorado and Arizona during the year 1873. Report on Geological and Geographical Exploration and Surveys West of the 100th Meridian 5: 803–807. BHL.
edit- Osten Sacken, C.R. 1877. Western Diptera: Descriptions of new genera and species of Diptera from the region west of the Mississippi and especially from California. Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories 3: 189–354. DOI: 10.5962/bhl.title.57939 . BHL.
edit- Osten-Sacken, C.R. 1878. Catalogue of the described Diptera of North America. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 270: 1–276. BHL Reference page.
edit- Osten Sacken, C.R. 1882. Diptera from the Philippine Islands, brought home by Carl Semper. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 26: 83–120. BHL Reference page.
edit- Osten Sacken, C.R. 1886–1887. Pp. 1–216, pls. i–iii. In: Biologia Centrali-Americana. Insecta. Diptera. Vol. I. [1886–1901] London: Dulau & Co. viii + 378 pp., vi pl. BHL. Reference page.
edit- Osten-Sacken, C.R. 1896. A new genus of Cyrtidae (Dipt.) from New Zealand. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine (2) 7: 16–18. BHL.