Izvestiya Imperatorskago botanicheskago sada Petra Velikago
(Redirected from Bulletin du Jardin Impérial Botanique de Pierre le Grand)
- Series title: Izvestiya Imperatorskago botanicheskago sada Petra Velikago
- Original title: Извѣстія Императорскаго Ботаническаго Сада Петра Великаго
- Parallel title: Bulletin du Jardin Impérial Botanique de Pierre le Grand
- Abbreviation: Izv. Imp. Bot. Sada Petra Velikago
- Publisher: The Peter the Great Imperial Botanical Garden
- City: S.-Petersburg [1912–1914], Petrograd [1914–1917]
- Country: Russian Empire [1912–1917], Russian Republic [1917]
- Years of publication: 1912–1917
- Contents: Vols. 13 – 17
- Language: Russian
- Preceded by: Bulletin du Jardin Impérial Botanique de St.-Pétersbourg
- Succeeded by: Izvestiya Glavnogo Botanicheskogo Sada RSFSR