Boris Vasilievich Gromov
Boris Vasilievich Gromov (18.03.1933 — 28.08.2001), Russian cytologist, microbiologist and phycologist.
русский: Борис Васильевич Громов
IPNI standard form: B.V.Gromov
Taxon names authored
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edit- Gromov, B.V. & Mamkaeva, K.A. 1974. Morphology and ultrastructure of some chlorococcal algae from the collection of algal strains in Leningrad University. I. Pseudospongiococcum protococcoides gen. nov. sp. nov. Algological Studies 10: 1–9. Reference page.
edit- Gromov, B.V. (Громов, Б.В.) 2000. Паразиты водорослей из группы «монад» Ценковского родов Aphelidium, Amoeboaphelidium и Pseudaphelidium как представители нового класса [Parasites of algae from the ‘monads’ group of Cienkowski, genera Aphelidium, Amoeboaphelidium and Pseudaphelidium as representatives of a new class]. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 79(5): 517–525. (Russian) Reference page.