Arctotis fastuosa

Arctotis fastuosa


Taxonavigation: Asterales 
Classification System: APG IV

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Cladus: Angiosperms
Cladus: Eudicots
Cladus: Core eudicots
Cladus: Asterids
Cladus: Campanulids
Ordo: Asterales

Familia: Asteraceae
Subfamilia: Vernonioideae
Tribus: Arctotideae
Subtribus: Arctotidinae
Genus: Arctotis
Species: Arctotis fastuosa



Arctotis fastuosa Jacq., 1797

  • Type locality: Cultivated at Schönbrunnen, originally from South Africa
  • Lectotype: s.c. s.n. (W)
    • Designated by McKenzie & Barker (2010:300).


  • Venidium fastuosum (Jacq.) Stapf, 1928 (Bot. Mag. 152:pl. 9127)
  • Venidium aureum DC., 1838 (Prodr. 6:494)
    • Type locality: "zwischen Zwartdoornrivier und Groenrivier", Northern Cape, South Africa
    • Lectotype: J. F. Drège 2739 (G-DC; isotype P)
      • Designated by McKenzie & Barker (2010:300).
  • Venidium wyleyi Harv., 1865 (Fl. Cap. 3:463)
    • Type locality: "Namaqualand", South Africa
    • Holotype: A. Wyley s.n. (TCD)
  • Arctotis wyleyi (Harv.) O.Hoffm., 1910 (Ann. Nat. Hofmus. Wien 24:313; "wybi")
  • Arctotis mirabilis Dümmer, 1914 (J. Roy. Hort. Soc. 40:81)
    • Type locality:"Klipfontein, Little Namaqualand", South Africa
    • Holotype: E. Foxwell s.n. (K)
  • Arctotis aurea (DC.) Beauverd, 1915 (Bull. Soc. Bot. Genève, Sér. 2 7:44), nom. illeg non Arctotis aurea Burm.f., 1768
  • Arctotis maximilianii Schltr. ex Beauverd, 1915 (Bull. Soc. Bot. Genève, Sér. 2 7:49)
    • Type locality: "Zabies, Namaqualand", South Africa
    • Lectotype: M. Schlechter s.n. (K; isotype BR, HBG, P)
      • Designated by McKenzie & Barker (2010:300).
  • Anemonospermos fastuosa (Jacq.) Kuntze
  • Arctotis macrocephala Beauv
  • Arctotis spinulosa Jacq.
  • Venidium macrocephalum DC.
  • Venidium wyleyi Harv



Vernacular names

Afrikaans: Bittergousblom
Deutsch: Prächtiges Bärenohr
English: monarch of the veld
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