Albert Günther
Albert Charles Lewis Gotthilf Günther (1830–1914), British (German-born) zoologist. Father of British zoologist Robert William Theodore Günther (1869–1940).
Zoological abbreviation: Günther
Taxon names authored
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edit- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1846. Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum. Catalogue of the Physostomi, containing the families Siluridae, Characinidae, Haplochitonidae, Sternoptychidae, Scopelidae, Stomiatidae in the collection of the British Museum 5: i–xxii + 1–455. BHL Reference page.
edit- Günther, A. 1858. Catalogue of Colubrine Snakes in the Collection of the British Museum. British Museum (Natural History): London. xvi + 281 pp. BHL Reference page.
- Günther, A. 1858. Neue Schlangenarten in der Sammlung des britischen Museums. Archiv für Naturgeschichte 24(1): 221–243. BHL Reference page.
- Günther, A. 1858. Neue Batrachier in der Sammlung des Britischen Museums. ISSN 0365-6136 24(1): 316–328. BHL Reference page.
- Günther, A. 1858. On the systematic arrangement of the tailless batrachians and the structure of Rhinophrynus dorsalis. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 26(1): 339–352. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-7998.1858.tb06387.x ; BHL Reference page.
edit- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1859–1870. Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum. 8 volumes. London.
edit- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1860 [Oct. 1859 – Feb. 1860]. Second list of cold-blooded vertebrata collected by Mr. Fraser in the Andes of western Ecuador. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1859 (pt 3) (art. 7): 402-420, Reptilia Pl. 20. [Pisces on p. 418-420.] BHL Reference page.
- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1860. Third list of cold-blooded vertebrata collected by Mr. Fraser in Ecuador. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1860 (2): 233–240, Pl. 10. BHLReference page.
edit- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1861. Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum. Catalogue of the acanthopterygian fishes in the collection of the British Museum. Gobiidae, Discoboli, Pediculati, Blenniidae, Labyrinthici, Mugilidae, Notacanthi. London 3: i–xxv + 1–586 + i–x. BHLReference page.
edit- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1862. Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum. Catalogue of the Acanthopterygii, Pharyngognathi and Anacanthini in the collection of the British Museum. British Museum, London. 4: i–xxi + 1–534. BHL Reference page.
edit- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1863. XLV.—On new species of fishes from the Essequibo. Annals and Magazine of Natural History DOI: 10.1080/00222936308681556. Reference page.
- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1863. Contribution to the herpetology of Ceram. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 3(12): 58–60. BHL Reference page.
edit- Günther, A. 1864. Report of a collection of fishes made by Messrs. Dow, Godman, and Salvin in Guatemala. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1864 (pt 1): 144–154. BHL Reference page.
- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1864. Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum. Catalogue of the Physostomi, containing the families Siluridae, Characinidae, Haplochitonidae, Sternoptychidae, Scopelidae, Stomiatidae in the collection of the British Museum. Volume 5. British Museum: London. i–xxii + 1–455. BHL Reference page.
- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1864. The Reptiles of British India. Ray Society: London. xxvii + 452 pp. BHL Reference page.
edit- Günther, A.C.L.G., 1865. Fourth account of new species of snakes in the collection of the British Museum. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (3rd Series) 15(86): 89–98. BHL Reference page.
edit- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1866. Catalogue of the Physostomi, containing the families Salmonidae, Percopsidae, Galaxidae, Mormyridae, Gymnarchidae, Esocidae, Umbridae, Scombresocidae, Cyprinodontidae, in the collection of the British Museum. Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum 6(i–xv): 1–368. BHL Reference page.
edit- Günther, A.G 1867. Memoir on the fishes of the states of Central America, founded upon specimens collected in the fresh and marine waters of various parts of that country by Messrs. Salvin and Godman and Capt. J.M. Dow. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 600–604. BHL
- Playfair, R.L. & Günther, A. 1867. Acanthopterygii. The fishes of Zanzibar, with a list of the fishes of the whole east coast of Africa. London. [Reprinted in 1971, with a new introduction by G. S. Myers and a new forward by A. E. Gunther; Newton K. Gregg, publisher, Kentfield, California.] i–xiv + 1–153, Pls. 1–21. PDF. Reference page.
edit- Günther, A. 1868. Diagnoses of some new freshwater fishes from Surinam and Brazil, in the collection of the British Museum. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, series 4 1(6): 475–481. DOI: 10.1080/00222936808695733 . BHL Reference page.
- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1868. Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum. Catalogue of the Physostomi, containing the families Heteropygii, Cyprinidae, Gonorhynchidae, Hyodontidae, Osteoglossidae, Clupeidae, Chirocentridae, Alepocephalidae, Notopteridae, Halosauridae, in the collection of the British Museum. Volume 7. British Museum, printed by Order of the Trustees: London. i–xx + 1–512 pp. BHL Reference page.
edit- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1869 ["1868"]. First account of species of tailless batrachians added to the collection of the British Museum. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1868: 478–490.
edit- Günther, A., 1870. Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum. Vol. 8. Catalogue of the Physostomi, containing the families Gymnotidae, Symbranchidae, Muraenidae, Pegasidae, and of the Lophobranchii, Plectognathi, Dipnoi, Ganoidei, Chondropterygii, Cyclostomata, Leptocardii, in the collection of the British Museum. London. 549 pp. BHL Reference page.
edit- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1872. Descriptions of some Ceylonese reptiles and batrachians. Annals and Magazine of Natural History Series 4, 9: 85–88.
- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1872. Thrissopater salmoneus. In Figures and descriptions of British organic remains, dec. xiii(i) : 1–4, pi. 1. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom, London. Reference page.
- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1872. Report on several collections of fishes recently obtained for the British Museum. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1871 (pt 3) (art. 1) (for 21 Nov. 1871): 652–675, Pls. 53–70. BHL Reference page.
- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1872. Seventh account of new species of snakes in the collection of the British Museum. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (4th Series) 9(49): 13–37. BHL Reference page.
edit- Günther, A. 1873. Report on a collection of fishes from China. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (4) 12(69): 239–250. BHL Reference page.
edit- Günther, A. 1875. Notes on some Mammals from Madagascar. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 43(1): 78–80. BHL Reference page.
- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1875. Second report on collections of Indian reptiles obtained by the British Museum. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1875: 224–234. BHL Reference page.
edit- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1876. Notes on the mode of propagation of some Ceylonese tree-frogs, with description of two new species. Annals and Magazine of Natural History Series 4, 17: 377–380.
- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1876 ["1875"]. Third report on collections of Indian reptiles obtained by the British Museum. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1875: 567–577.
edit- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1877. Preliminary notes on new fishes collected in Japan during the expedition of H. M. S. Challenger. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 4) 20 (119) (art. 56): 433–446. BHLReference page.
edit- Günther, A. 1878. Notes on a collection of Japanese sea-fishes. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 5) 1(6): 485–487.
- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1878. Preliminary notices of deep-sea fishes collected during the voyage of H. M. S. Challenger. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 5) 2 (7/8/9)(art. 2/22/28): 17–28, 179–187, 248–251. BHLReference page.
edit- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1880. Report on the shore fishes procured during the voyage of H. M. S. Challenger in the years 1873–1876. Report on the scientific results of the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873–76 under the command of Captain George S. Nares ... and the late Captain Frank Tourle Thomson, R.N. Zoology. 1(6): 1–82, , Pls. 1–32. BHL Reference page.
- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1880. Description of new species of reptiles from eastern Africa. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Series 5, 6(33): 234–238. DOI: 10.1080/00222938009458928 BHL Reference page.
- Günther, A. 1880. Description of Ophites japonicus, a new snake from Japan. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. Series 5 6(31–36): 462. BHL Reference page.
- Günther, A. 1880. Description of two new species of dwarf antelope (Neotragus). Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1880: 17–22. BHL Reference page.
edit- Günther, A. 1881. Appendix III. Herpetology. Descriptions of two new species of snakes from South-eastern Africa. pp. 329–330, pls. c, d in Oates, F. Matabele Land and the Victoria Falls. C. Kegan Paul: London. BHL Reference page.
- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1881. Reptiles, batrachians, and fishes (pp. 18–22). In: Account of the zoological collections made during the survey of H. M. S. Alert in the Straits of Magellan and on the coast of Patagonia. Proceedings of the General Meetings for Scientific Business of the Zoological Society of London 1881 (pt 1): 2–141, Pls. 1–2 (fishes).
- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1881. Andrew Garrett's Fische der Südsee. Band II, Heft. VII. Journal des Museum Godeffroy, Band IV, Heft XV. F. Friederichsen & Co., Hamburg. Andrew Garrett's Fische der Südsee 217–256, Col. Pls. 121–140.
edit- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1882. Report on the fishes. In: Tizard, T.H., and J. Murray. Exploration of the Faröe channel, during the summer of 1880, in H. M.'s hired ship Knight Errant. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 11: 677–680.
edit- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1883. On a new species of Cynolebias from the Argentine Republic. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 5) 11(62): 140–141.
- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1883. Notes on some Indian fishes in the collection of the British Museum. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 5) 11(62): 137–140.
edit- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1884. Reptilia, Batrachia, and Pisces. In: Report on the zoological collections made in the Indo-Pacific Ocean during the voyage of H. M. S. Alert, 1881–2. London. Reptilia, Batrachia, and Pisces. 1884: 29–33, Pl. 3.
edit- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1886. Note on Pachymetopon and the Australian species of Pimelepterus. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 5) 18(107): 367–368.
edit- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1887. On Australian fishes of the genus Beryx. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 5) 20(117): 237–239.
- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1887. Note on the Hapuku of New Zealand (Polyprion prognathus). Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 5) 20(117): 236–237.
- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1887. Report on the deep-sea fishes collected by H. M. S. Challenger during the years 1873–76. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H. M. S. Challenger 22 (pt 57): i–lxv + 1–268, Pls. 1–66.
- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1887. Descriptions of two new species of fishes from Mauritius. Proceedings of the General Meetings for Scientific Business of the Zoological Society of London 1887 (pt 3): 550–551, Pls. 48–49.
edit- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1888. Report on the fishes obtained by Mr. J. Murray in deep water on the north-west coast of Scotland, between April 1887 and March 1888. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 15: 205–220, Pls. 3–4.
- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1888. Contribution to our knowledge of the fishes of the Yangtsze-Kiang. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 6) 1(6): 429–435. [Date of publication from Evenhuis 2003:31
edit- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1889. On some fishes from Kilima-Njaro District. Proceedings of the General Meetings for Scientific Business of the Zoological Society of London 1889 (pt 1): 70–72, Pl. 8.
- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1889. Fishes. In: Aitchison, J. E. T. The zoology of the Afghan Delimitation Commission. The Transactions of the Linnean Society of London. Second Series. Zoology 5(3): 106–109, Pl. 12.Reference page.
- Günther, A. 1889. Third contribution to our knowledge of the reptiles and fishes from the upper Yangtsze-Kiang. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. Series 6 4(24): 218–229. BHL Reference page.
edit- Günther, A.C.L. 1890. Description of a new species of deep-sea fish from the Cape (Lophotes fiski). Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1890 (pt 2) (art. 2) (for 1 Apr. 1890): 244–247, Pls. 19–20. BHL Reference page.
edit- Günther, A.C.L.G. 1894. Second report on the reptiles, batrachians, and fishes transmitted by Mr. H. H. Johnston, C. B., from British Central Africa. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1893 (pt 4): 616–628, pls. 53–57. BHL Reference page.