Akira Izuka
Akira Izuka (1868-1938), Japanese annelidologist
Taxon names authored
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edit- Izuka, A. 1896a. Preliminary report of Polychaete collected at Misaki. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 8(98): 463–464. [三崎産多毛類(Polychaeta)豫報]
- Izuka, A. 1896b. Collection at Sumida River and Shinagawa Bay. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 8(98): 465–468. [隅田川及品川灣採集雑記]
edit- Izuka, A. 1897a. On luminescence of polychaetous annelids. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 9(100): 63. [Polychaetous Annelids の發光]
- Izuka, A. 1897b. Field colletion at Matsushima Bay. Dobutsugaku—Zasshi, 9(108): 394–397. [松島灣環蟲類採集日記]
edit- Izuka, A. 1898. On Nereis diversicolor. Dobutsugku-Zasshi, 10(122): 417–424. [沙蠶(ゴカイ)(Nereis iversicolor. OF.Mu.)ニ就テ]
edit- Izuka, A. 1899a. Introduction to Polychaetous annelids. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 11(125): 88–91. [環蟲類概説(未定稿)一]
- Izuka, A. 1899b. Introduction to Polychaete annelids. II. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 11(126): 119–122. [環蟲類概説二]
- Izuka, A. 1899c. Archiannelids. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 11(128): 191–195. [始原毛足類]
edit- Izuka, A. 1902a. On two new species of the family Maldanidae from Sagami Bay. Annot. Zool. Japon., 4(4): 109–114.
- Izuka, A. 1902b. Japanese Maldanidae. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 14(164): 203–208. [日本産 Maldanidae 科]
edit- Izuka, A. 1903a. Observations on the Japanese palolo, Ceratocephale osawai n. sp. J. Coll. Sci., Imp. Univ. Tokyo, 17: 1–37.
- Izuka, A. 1903b. On a new Polygordius from Misaki. Annot. Zool. Japon., 4: 137–139.
- Izuka, A. 1903c. On Nereis mictodonta Marenzeller. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 15(182): 427–431. [イソゴカイ(Nereis mictodonta Marenz に就いて)]
edit- Izuka, A. 1904a. On a new species of deep-sea Polychaeta (Panthalis mitsukurii). Annot. Zool. Japon., 5: 23–29.
- Izuka, A. 1904b. On a case of collateral budding in Syllid annelid. Annot. Zool. Japon., 5: 283–287.
- Izuka, A. 1904c. On some points in the organization of Ceratocephale osawai Iz. Annot. Zool. Japon., 5: 239–252.
- Izuka, A. 1904d. Polchaetes collected by the Polar research Vessel “Southern Cross”. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 16(185): 93–95. [南極地方探檢船”Southern Cross"ノ採集セシ環蟲類]
- Izuka, A. 1904e. Polychaetes from the Zabzibar and Eastern Africa. Terebellids of Marseille. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 16(185): 277–278. [ザンヂバル及び英領東部阿弗利加の環虫類. マルセール湾のテレベラ類]
edit- Izuka, A. 1905a. On body structure of Ceratocephale osawai. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 17(204): 301–308. [イトメの構造に就て]
- Izuka, A. 1905b. Palolo worm in foreign countries and Japanese Ceratocephale. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 17(195): 1–11. [外國のパロロと日本のイトメ]
edit- Izuka, A. 1906. Budding in a new polychaete Trypanosyllis misakiensis n. sp.Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 18(207): 1–5. [環虫類の一新種に於ける群生出芽に就て:Trypanosyllis misakiensis n. sp.]
- Izuka, A. 1906. Developmental Zoology, Hakubunkan, Tokyo, 350pp. [動物発生学、博文館、東京]
edit- Izuka, A. 1907. Marine Zoology, Hakubunkan, Tokyo, 608 pp. [海産動物学、博文館、東京]
- Izuka, A. 1907a. [On two new species of annelids belonging to the Euncidae]. Dobutsugasku-Zasshi, 19: 139–143. [イソメ科環蟲類の二新種に就て]
- Izuka, A. 1907b. Collection site of Ceratocephale osawai. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 19(224): 176–177. [イトメの産地]
edit- Izuka, A. 1908d. Tube-cap of spirorbid polychaete. Dobutsugaku-zasshi, 233: 83–84.[すぴろるびすの”えい“
- Izuka, A. 1908a. On the breeding habit and development of Nereis japonica n. sp. Annot. Zool. Japon., 6(4): 295–305.
- Izuka, A. 1908b. Reproduction of Nereidae polychaete (Development).Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 20(239): 389–390. [ゴカイの生殖(発生學)]
- Izuka, A. 1908c. Reproductive swarming and development of Kojima Bay “Umi-biiru”. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 20(239): 390. [兒島灣の「海ビール」の 生殖群泳及其發生(發生學)]
edit- Izuka, A. 1909. Polychaetous anelids from the Ambon (Taxonomy). Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 21(243): 15–16.[アニボイナ産の多毛環蟲類(分類學)]
edit- Izuka, A. 1910a. [On Notopygos mitsurkurii, a new species of the Amphinomidae]. Dobutsugasku-Zasshi, 22: 45–47. [ウミケムシ科の一新種(Notopygos mitsukurii)に就て]
- Izuka, A. 1910b. Polychaetous annelids of Subantarctic Islands of New Zealand (Biogeography). Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 22(261): 400–401. [Subantarctic Islands of New Zealand の多毛環蟲類(動物地理學].
- Izuka, A. 1910c. Arenicola of United Kingdom. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 22(261) :401. [英国産 Arenicola]
edit- Izuka, A. 1911. On Japanese Chaetopterus. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 23(274): 431–435. [日本産「ケートプテルス」(Chaetopterus)属に就いて]
edit- Izuka, A. 1912a. Arenicola of United States of America. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 24(281): 174–175. [米大陸の「アレニコラ」]
- Izuka, A. 1912b. The Errantiate Polychaeta of Japan. The Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo. 30: 1–262. BHL. Reference page.
edit- Izuka, A. 1913. Polychaetous annelids of Southern California. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 298: 418.
edit- Izuka, A. 1914. On the pelagic annelids of Japan. J. Coll. Sci., Imp. Univ. Tokyo, 36(5): 1–14.
edit- Izuka, A. 1915. On Polyophthalmus australis Gr., recorded from Misaki. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 27(319): 290. [Polyophthalmus australis Gr. 三崎に産す]
- Izuka, A. 1915b. Polychaetous anelids of Enoura Bay. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 27(318): 216–217. [江の浦灣の環形動物]
edit- Izuka, A. 1919a. Pelagic Polychaete Family Tomopteridae. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 31(365): 7173. [ 浮遊性環形動物「トモプテリ」科]
- Izuka, A. 1919b. Neanthes ijimai in Leiden Museum. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 31(368): 198–199. [ライデン博物館の飯島沙蠶]
- Izuka, A. 1919c. Sternaspis scutata recorded from Misaki. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 31(372) :333. [三崎産ダルマゴカイ]
edit- Izuka, A. 1927. Polychaetous anenlids of Mutsu Bay. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 39(469/470): 469–470. [陸奥湾の環形動物]
edit- Izuka, A. 1930. Hermaphroditism in a new species of Syllid polychaete. Dobutsugaku-Zasshi, 42(506): 493–494. [雌雄同体體なるシリイス科環形動物の一新種]
edit- Izuka, A. 1931. Izuka Developmental Zoology, Hakubunkan, Tokyo, 714pp. [飯塚動物発生学、博文館、東京].
edit- Mukai, H. 1985. Akira Izuka (1868-1938), a prominenmt zoologist from Gunma Prefecture. Sci. Rep. Fac. Edu., Gunma Univ., 34: 21–31. [in Japanese]
- Nishi E, Tanaka K. 2011. Phylum Annelida (Classes Polychaeta and Myzostomida): a catalogue of Akira Izuka' s type and non-type polychaete collection in the University Museum, the University of Tokyo. In: Ueshima, R., editor. Catalogue of Invertebrate Collection deposited in the Department of Zoology, the University Museum, the University of Tokyo. Material Reports No. 90. Tokyo: University of Tokyo; p. 1–57. ResearchGate .
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