Éric Fourcade
Eric Fourcade (1934–2000), French geologist, micropalaeontologist.
IPNI standard form: E.Fourc.
Taxon names authored
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- Granier, B., Michaud, F. & Fourcade, É. 1986. Apinella jaffrezoi n. gen. n. sp., algue dasycladacée du Kimméridgien du Chiapas (Sud-Est du Méxique). Geobios (Lyon) 19(6): 801–813. DOI: 10.1016/S0016-6995(86)80108-5 PDF Reference page.
- Granier B., Berthou, P.-Y. & Fourcade, E. 1991. The Dasycladalean Algae from the Cretaceous of the New World. Second geological Conference of the geological Society of Trinidad and Tobago, Programme and Abstracts, Port-of-Spain, April 2nd-8th, 1990, p. 4. Reference page.