Uploading images


If you have images of species, and you want to show them on Wikispecies it's possible. The Wikimedia foundation has a big repository of images, and other multimedia files, and they are kept at Wikimedia Commons. There are a few caveats.

If you are the original author of the image, you must be willing to release this image on Wikimedia accepted licenses. You can release those images under the Creative Commons license. If you are not the original author, you need to make sure there are no copyrights on the image that legally prevent publication. Images in the public domain, or images released under the GNU Free Documentation License or GNU General Public License are allowed. Some Creative Commons licenses are also allowed. For a complete overview of what is allowed and what not, consult Commons:Licensing.

If you decided on a valid license you can start uploading. Make sure you tag the image, with the appropriate license, and add details to the images. When adding details at least provide the binomial Latin name to the image, so other users will be able to find your images, and there can be no misunderstanding. If you are not 100 percent sure of the classification, you can tag the image as, for example: Passer sp. (This is a species of the genus Passer, but I'm not sure which). Other than this vital information, you can add much more, like where the image was taken, etc.

Passer domesticus

Don't add vernacular names in the caption section of the image. This is in line with the language-independent policy of Wikispecies.

Adding a species to Wikispecies can then be done easily:

  • Always place the image on the top right corner of the page. (In the editor it will be on the first line)
  • Choose an appropriate size (220px for portrait and 250px for landscape)
  • Only one image per species, unless the species is sexually dimorphic
  • When there's more than one image on Commons, choose the one that shows most details.

Place the image tag, right above the Taxonavigation-header:

[[File:HouseSparrow23.jpg|thumb|250px|''Passer domesticus'']]



On Genus and Familia articles, wikilinking to the exact species is useful in further identifying the species; see Carcharodon for an example.

Typically, two images is enough for one species — one male, one female — if applicable or available.

Vernacular names section Mck1971oct Author Names