Talk:Coprosma hirtella

Coprosma hirtella is in the Rubiaceae family. Common names are rough coprosma, because of the sand-paper like leaves, and coffee berry, because the roasted seed is an exceptional coffee substitute.

This is a slender evergreen shrub with rough, dark green leaves. An Australian native, it can grow to 6-7 feet and is hardy to zone 9, being somewhat frost intolerant.

The flowers are either male or female. Only one sex will be on any one plant, therefore, grow both male and female plants if seed is required, since the plant is not self-fertile. The fruit is a fleshy orange-red berry.

This plant prefers sandy to loamy soils. It requires moist, well-drained neutral to slightly acid soil in full sun or partial shade.

It grows well on the banks of streams, higher gullies, and mountainsides.

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