Melyvonnea canariensis

Taxonavigation edit

Taxonavigation: Hapalidiales 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Divisio: Rhodophyta
Subdivisio: Rhodophytina
Classis: Florideophyceae
Subclassis: Corallinophycidae
Ordo: Hapalidiales

Familia: Hapalidiaceae
Subfamilia: Melobesioideae
Genus: Melyvonnea
Species: Melyvonnea canariensis

Name edit

Melyvonnea canariensis (Foslie) Athanasiadis & D.L.Ballantine, 2014

Synonyms edit

  • Basionym
    • Lithothamnion canariense Foslie, 1906
      • Type locality: Puerto Orotava, Tenerife, Canary Islands. Holotype: C. Sauvageau; Dec. 1904 - Feb. 1905; [collected in] littoral region. PC unnumbered, Sauvageau Herbarium (box collection). Holotype material also at TRH, C15-3210, includes slides 1012, 1056 and 1057.
  • Homotypic

References edit

  • Athanasiadis, A. & Ballantine, D.L. 2014. The genera Melyvonnea gen. nov. and Mesophyllum s.s. (Melobesioideae, Corallinales, Rhodophyta) particularly from the central Atlantic Ocean. Nordic Journal of Botany 35: 385–436. : 399
  • Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2017. Melyvonnea canariensis. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway. Accessed 21 August 2017.