Template:Sharkey et al., 2021
- Sharkey, M.J., Janzen, D.H., Hallwachs, W., Chapman, E.G., Smith, M.A., Dapkey, T., Brown, A., Ratnasingham, S., Naik, S., Manjunath, R., Perez, K., Miltom, M., Hebert, P., Shaw, S.R., Kittel, R.N., Solis, M.A., Metz, M.A., Goldstein, P.Z., Brown, J.W., Quicke, D.L.J., van Achterberg, C., Brown, B.V. & Burns, J.M. 2021. Minimalist revision and description of 403 new species in 11 subfamilies of Costa Rican braconid parasitoid wasps, including host records for 219 species. ZooKeys 1013: 1–665. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.1013.55600.
Nomenclatural acts
edit- Date of publication: 2 February 2021
- ZooBank: CFDCEFBB-5230-4033-9D46-E302F66E9886
New names (406)
edit- Aerophilus paulmarshi Sharkey
- Mesocoelus davidsmithi Sharkey
- Neothlipsis bobkulai Sharkey
- Plesiocoelus vanachterbergi Sharkey
- Therophilus bobwhartoni Sharkey
- Therophilus donaldquickei Sharkey
- Therophilus gracewoodae Sharkey
- Therophilus maetoi Sharkey
- Therophilus montywoodi Sharkey
- Therophilus penteadodiasae Sharkey
- Zacremnops brianbrowni Sharkey
- Zamicrodus josefernandezi Sharkey
- Zelomorpha sarahmeierottoae Sharkey
- Bracon alejandromarini Sharkey
- Bracon alejandromasisi Sharkey
- Bracon alexamasisae Sharkey
- Bracon andresmarini Sharkey
- Bracon andrewwalshi Sharkey
- Bracon anniapicadoae Sharkey
- Bracon anniemoriceae Sharkey
- Bracon barryhammeli Sharkey
- Bracon bernardoespinozai Sharkey
- Bracon carlossanabriai Sharkey
- Bracon chanchini Sharkey
- Bracon christophervallei Sharkey
- Bracon erasmocoronadoi Sharkey
- Bracon eugeniephillipsae Sharkey
- Bracon federicomatarritai Sharkey
- Bracon frankjoycei Sharkey
- Bracon gerardovegai Sharkey
- Bracon germanvegai Sharkey
- Bracon isidrochaconi Sharkey
- Bracon jimlewisi Sharkey
- Bracon josejaramilloi Sharkey
- Bracon juanjoseoviedoi Sharkey
- Bracon juliodiazi Sharkey
- Bracon luzmariaromeroae Sharkey
- Bracon manuelzumbadoi Sharkey
- Bracon marialuisariasae Sharkey
- Bracon mariamartachavarriae Sharkey
- Bracon mariorivasi Sharkey
- Bracon melissaespinozae Sharkey
- Bracon nelsonzamorai Sharkey
- Bracon nicklaphami Sharkey
- Bracon ninamasisae Sharkey
- Bracon oliverwalshi Sharkey
- Bracon paulamarinae Sharkey
- Bracon rafamoralesi Sharkey
- Bracon robertofernandezi Sharkey
- Bracon rogerblancoi Sharkey
- Bracon ronaldzunigai Sharkey
- Bracon sigifredomarini Sharkey
- Bracon tihisiaboshartae Sharkey
- Bracon wilberthbrizuelai Sharkey
- Digonogastra montylloydi Sharkey
- Digonogastra montywoodi Sharkey
- Digonogastra motohasegawai Sharkey
- Digonogastra natwheelwrighti Sharkey
- Digonogastra nickgrishini Sharkey
- Adelius adrianguadamuzi Sharkey
- Ascogaster gloriasihezarae Sharkey
- Ascogaster grettelvegae Sharkey
- Ascogaster guillermopereirai Sharkey
- Ascogaster gustavoecheverrii Sharkey
- Ascogaster katyvandusenae Sharkey
- Ascogaster luisdiegogomezi Sharkey
- Chelonus alejandrozaldivari Sharkey
- Chelonus gustavogutierrezi Sharkey
- Chelonus gustavoinduni Sharkey
- Chelonus harryramirezi Sharkey
- Chelonus hartmanguidoi Sharkey
- Chelonus hazelcambroneroae Sharkey
- Chelonus iangauldi Sharkey
- Chelonus isidrochaconi Sharkey
- Chelonus janecheverriae Sharkey
- Chelonus jeffmilleri Sharkey
- Chelonus jennyphillipsae Sharkey
- Chelonus jeremydewaardi Sharkey
- Chelonus jessiehillae Sharkey
- Chelonus jesusugaldei Sharkey
- Chelonus jimlewisi Sharkey
- Chelonus jimmilleri Sharkey
- Chelonus jimwhitfieldi Sharkey
- Chelonus johanvalerioi Sharkey
- Chelonus johnburnsi Sharkey
- Chelonus johnnoyesi Sharkey
- Chelonus jorgebaltodanoi Sharkey
- Chelonus jorgehernandezi Sharkey
- Chelonus josealfredohernandezi Sharkey
- Chelonus josefernandeztrianai Sharkey
- Chelonus josehernandezcortesi Sharkey
- Chelonus josemanuelperezi Sharkey
- Chelonus josephinerodriguezae Sharkey
- Chelonus juanmatai Sharkey
- Chelonus junkoshimurae Sharkey
- Chelonus kateperezae Sharkey
- Chelonus luciariosae Sharkey
- Chelonus luzmariaromeroae Sharkey
- Chelonus manuelpereirai Sharkey
- Chelonus manuelzumbadoi Sharkey
- Chelonus marianopereirai Sharkey
- Chelonus maribellealvarezae Sharkey
- Chelonus markmetzi Sharkey
- Chelonus markshawi Sharkey
- Chelonus martajimenezae Sharkey
- Chelonus mayrabonillae Sharkey
- Chelonus meganmiltonae Sharkey
- Chelonus melaniamunozae Sharkey
- Chelonus michaelstroudi Sharkey
- Chelonus michellevanderbankae Sharkey
- Chelonus mingfangi Sharkey
- Chelonus minorcarmonai Sharkey
- Chelonus monikaspringerae Sharkey
- Chelonus moniquegilbertae Sharkey
- Chelonus motohasegawai Sharkey
- Chelonus nataliaivanovae Sharkey
- Chelonus nelsonzamorai Sharkey
- Chelonus normwoodleyi Sharkey
- Chelonus osvaldoespinozai Sharkey
- Chelonus pamelacastilloae Sharkey
- Chelonus paulgoldsteini Sharkey
- Chelonus paulhansoni Sharkey
- Chelonus paulheberti Sharkey
- Chelonus petronariosae Sharkey
- Chelonus ramyamanjunathae Sharkey
- Chelonus randallgarciai Sharkey
- Chelonus rebeccakittelae Sharkey
- Chelonus robertoespinozai Sharkey
- Chelonus robertofernandezi Sharkey
- Chelonus rocioecheverriae Sharkey
- Chelonus rodrigogamezi Sharkey
- Chelonus ronaldzunigai Sharkey
- Chelonus rosibelelizondoae Sharkey
- Chelonus rostermoragai Sharkey
- Chelonus ruthfrancoae Sharkey
- Chelonus scottmilleri Sharkey
- Chelonus scottshawi Sharkey
- Chelonus sergioriosi Sharkey
- Chelonus sigifredomarini Sharkey
- Chelonus stevearonsoni Sharkey
- Chelonus stevestroudi Sharkey
- Chelonus sujeevanratnasinghami Sharkey
- Chelonus sureshnaiki Sharkey
- Chelonus torbjornekremi Sharkey
- Chelonus yeimycedenoae Sharkey
- Leptodrepana alexisae Sharkey
- Leptodrepana erasmocoronadoi Sharkey
- Leptodrepana felipechavarriai Sharkey
- Leptodrepana freddyquesadai Sharkey
- Leptodrepana gilbertfuentesi Sharkey
- Leptodrepana manuelriosi Sharkey
- Phanerotoma almasolisae Sharkey
- Phanerotoma alvaroherrerai Sharkey
- Phanerotoma anacordobae Sharkey
- Phanerotoma anamariamongeae Sharkey
- Phanerotoma andydeansi Sharkey
- Phanerotoma angelagonzalezae Sharkey
- Phanerotoma angelsolisi Sharkey
- Phanerotoma barryhammeli Sharkey
- Phanerotoma bernardoespinozai Sharkey
- Phanerotoma calixtomoragai Sharkey
- Phanerotoma carolinacanoae Sharkey
- Phanerotoma christerhanssoni Sharkey
- Phanerotoma christhompsoni Sharkey
- Phanerotoma davesmithi Sharkey
- Phanerotoma davidduthiei Sharkey
- Phanerotoma dirksteinkei Sharkey
- Phanerotoma donquickei Sharkey
- Phanerotoma duniagarciae Sharkey
- Phanerotoma duvalierbricenoi Sharkey
- Phanerotoma eddysanchezi Sharkey
- Phanerotoma eldarayae Sharkey
- Phanerotoma eliethcantillanoae Sharkey
- Phanerotoma jenopappi Sharkey
- Pseudophanerotoma alanflemingi Sharkey
- Pseudophanerotoma albanjimenezi Sharkey
- Pseudophanerotoma alejandromarini Sharkey
- Pseudophanerotoma alexsmithi Sharkey
- Pseudophanerotoma allisonbrownae Sharkey
- Pseudophanerotoma bobrobbinsi Sharkey
- Exasticolus jennyphillipsae Sharkey
- Exasticolus randallgarciai Sharkey
- Exasticolus robertofernandezi Sharkey
- Exasticolus sigifredomarini Sharkey
- Exasticolus tomlewinsoni Sharkey
- Hormius anamariamongeae Sharkey
- Hormius angelsolisi Sharkey
- Hormius anniapicadoae Sharkey
- Hormius arthurchapmani Sharkey
- Hormius barryhammeli Sharkey
- Hormius carmenretanae Sharkey
- Hormius carloswalkeri Sharkey
- Hormius cesarsuarezi Sharkey
- Hormius danbrooksi Sharkey
- Hormius eddysanchezi Sharkey
- Hormius erikframstadi Sharkey
- Hormius georgedavisi Sharkey
- Hormius grettelvegae Sharkey
- Hormius gustavoinduni Sharkey
- Hormius hartmanguidoi Sharkey
- Hormius hectoraritai Sharkey
- Hormius hesiquiobenitezi Sharkey
- Hormius irenecanasae Sharkey
- Hormius isidrochaconi Sharkey
- Hormius jaygallegosi Sharkey
- Hormius jimbeachi Sharkey
- Hormius jimlewisi Sharkey
- Hormius joelcracrafti Sharkey
- Hormius johanvalerioi Sharkey
- Hormius johnburleyi Sharkey
- Hormius joncoddingtoni Sharkey
- Hormius jorgecarvajali Sharkey
- Hormius juanmatai Sharkey
- Hormius manuelzumbadoi Sharkey
- Hormius mercedesfosterae Sharkey
- Hormius modonnellyae Sharkey
- Hormius nelsonzamorai Sharkey
- Hormius pamelacastilloae Sharkey
- Hormius raycypessi Sharkey
- Hormius ritacolwellae Sharkey
- Hormius robcolwelli Sharkey
- Hormius rogerblancosegurai Sharkey
- Hormius ronaldzunigai Sharkey
- Hormius russchapmani Sharkey
- Hormius virginiaferrisae Sharkey
- Hormius warrenbrighami Sharkey
- Hormius willsflowersi Sharkey
- Oligoneurus kriskrishtalkai Sharkey
- Oligoneurus jorgejimenezi Sharkey
- Paroligoneurus elainehoaglandae Sharkey
- Paroligoneurus julianhumphriesi Sharkey
- Paroligoneurus mikeiviei Sharkey
- Austrozele jorgecampabadali Sharkey & van Achterberg
- Austrozele jorgesoberoni Sharkey & van Achterberg
- Dolichozele josefernandeztrianai Sharkey & van Achterberg
- Dolichozele josephinerodriguezae Sharkey & van Achterberg
- Hymenochaonia kalevikulli Sharkey & van Achterberg
- Hymenochaonia kateperezae Sharkey & van Achterberg
- Hymenochaonia katherinebaillieae Sharkey & van Achterberg
- Hymenochaonia katherineellisonae Sharkey & van Achterberg
- Hymenochaonia katyvandusenae Sharkey & van Achterberg
- Hymenochaonia kazumifukunagae Sharkey & van Achterberg
- Hymenochaonia keithlangdoni Sharkey & van Achterberg
- Hymenochaonia keithwillmotti Sharkey & van Achterberg
- Hymenochaonia kenjinishidai Sharkey & van Achterberg
- Hymenochaonia kimberleysheldonae Sharkey & van Achterberg
- Hymenochaonia krisnorvigae Sharkey & van Achterberg
- Hymenochaonia lilianamadrigalae Sharkey & van Achterberg
- Hymenochaonia lizlangleyae Sharkey & van Achterberg
- Macrocentrus fredsingeri Sharkey & van Achterberg
- Macrocentrus geoffbarnardi Sharkey & van Achterberg
- Macrocentrus gregburtoni Sharkey & van Achterberg
- Macrocentrus gretchendailyae Sharkey & van Achterberg
- Macrocentrus grettelvegae Sharkey & van Achterberg
- Macrocentrus gustavogutierrezi Sharkey & van Achterberg
- Macrocentrus hannahjamesae Sharkey & van Achterberg
- Macrocentrus harisridhari Sharkey & van Achterberg
- Macrocentrus hillaryrosnerae Sharkey & van Achterberg
- Macrocentrus hiroshikidonoi Sharkey & van Achterberg
- Macrocentrus iangauldi Sharkey & van Achterberg
- Macrocentrus jennyphillipsae Sharkey & van Achterberg
- Macrocentrus jesseausubeli Sharkey & van Achterberg
- Macrocentrus jessemaysharkae Sharkey & van Achterberg
- Macrocentrus jimwhitfieldi Sharkey & van Achterberg
- Macrocentrus johnbrowni Sharkey & van Achterberg
- Macrocentrus johnburnsi Sharkey & van Achterberg
- Macrocentrus jonathanfranzeni Sharkey & van Achterberg
- Macrocentrus jonathanrosenbergi Sharkey & van Achterberg
- Macrocentrus jorgebaltodanoi Sharkey & van Achterberg
- Macrocentrus lucianocapelli Sharkey & van Achterberg
- Orgilus amyrossmanae Sharkey
- Orgilus carrolyoonae Sharkey
- Orgilus christhompsoni Sharkey
- Orgilus christinemcmahonae Sharkey
- Orgilus dianalipscombae Sharkey
- Orgilus ebbenielsoni Sharkey
- Orgilus elizabethpennisiae Sharkey
- Orgilus evertlindquisti Sharkey
- Orgilus genestoermeri Sharkey
- Orgilus jamesriegeri Sharkey
- Orgilus jeanmillerae Sharkey
- Orgilus jeffmilleri Sharkey
- Orgilus jerrypowelli Sharkey
- Orgilus jimtiedjei Sharkey
- Orgilus johnlundbergi Sharkey
- Orgilus johnpipolyi Sharkey
- Orgilus jorgellorentei Sharkey
- Orgilus larryspearsi Sharkey
- Orgilus marlinricei Sharkey
- Orgilus mellissaespinozae Sharkey
- Orgilus mikesmithi Sharkey
- Orgilus normplatnicki Sharkey
- Orgilus peterrauchi Sharkey
- Orgilus richardprimacki Sharkey
- Orgilus sandraberriosae Sharkey
- Orgilus sarahmirandae Sharkey
- Orgilus scottmilleri Sharkey
- Orgilus scottmorii Sharkey
- Stantonia billalleni Sharkey
- Stantonia brookejarvisae Sharkey
- Stantonia donwilsoni Sharkey
- Stantonia erikabjorstromae Sharkey
- Stantonia garywolfi Sharkey
- Stantonia henrikekmani Sharkey
- Stantonia luismirandai Sharkey
- Stantonia miriamzunzae Sharkey
- Stantonia quentinwheeleri Sharkey
- Stantonia robinkazmierae Sharkey
- Stantonia ruthtifferae Sharkey
- Proterops iangauldi Sharkey
- Proterops vickifunkae Sharkey
- Michener
- Michener charlesi Sharkey
- Pseudorhysipolis luisfonsecai Sharkey
- Pseudorhysipolis mailyngonzalezae Sharkey
- Rhysipolis julioquirosi Sharkey
- Aleiodes adrianaradulovae Sharkey
- Aleiodes adrianforsythi Sharkey
- Aleiodes agnespeelleae Sharkey
- Aleiodes alaneaglei Sharkey
- Aleiodes alanflemingi Sharkey
- Aleiodes alanhalevii Sharkey
- Aleiodes alejandromasisi Sharkey
- Aleiodes alessandracallejae Sharkey
- Aleiodes alexsmithi Sharkey
- Aleiodes alfonsopescadori Sharkey
- Aleiodes alisundermieri Sharkey
- Aleiodes almasolisae Sharkey
- Aleiodes alvarougaldei Sharkey
- Aleiodes alvaroumanai Sharkey
- Aleiodes angelsolisi Sharkey
- Aleiodes annhowdenae Sharkey
- Aleiodes bobandersoni Sharkey
- Aleiodes carolinagodoyae Sharkey
- Aleiodes charlieobrieni Sharkey
- Aleiodes davefurthi Sharkey
- Aleiodes donwhiteheadi Sharkey
- Aleiodes doylemckeyi Sharkey
- Aleiodes frankhovorei Sharkey
- Aleiodes henryhowdeni Sharkey
- Aleiodes johnchemsaki Sharkey
- Aleiodes johnkingsolveri Sharkey
- Aleiodes manuelzumbadoi Sharkey
- Aleiodes mayrabonillae Sharkey
- Aleiodes michelledsouzae Sharkey
- Aleiodes mikeiviei Sharkey
- Aleiodes normwoodleyi Sharkey
- Aleiodes pammitchellae Sharkey
- Aleiodes pauljohnsoni Sharkey
- Aleiodes rosewarnerae Sharkey
- Aleiodes steveashei Sharkey
- Aleiodes terryerwini Sharkey
- Aleiodes willsflowersi Sharkey
- Bioalfa
- Bioalfa pedroleoni Sharkey
- Bioalfa alvarougaldei Sharkey
- Bioalfa rodrigogamezi Sharkey
- Choreborogas andydeansi Sharkey
- Choreborogas eladiocastroi Sharkey
- Choreborogas felipechavarriai Sharkey
- Choreborogas frankjoycei Sharkey
- Clinocentrus andywarreni Sharkey
- Clinocentrus angelsolisi Sharkey
- Cystomastax alexhausmanni Sharkey
- Cystomastax angelagonzalezae Sharkey
- Cystomastax ayaigarashiae Sharkey
- Hermosomastax
- Hermosomastax clavifemorus Quicke
- Heterogamus donstonei Sharkey
- Pseudoyelicones bernsweeneyi Sharkey
- Stiropius bencrairi Sharkey
- Stiropius berndkerni Sharkey
- Stiropius edgargutierrezi Sharkey
- Stiropius edwilsoni Sharkey
- Stiropius ehakernae Sharkey
- Triraphis billfreelandi Sharkey
- Triraphis billmclarneyi Sharkey
- Triraphis billripplei Sharkey
- Triraphis bobandersoni Sharkey
- Triraphis bobrobbinsi Sharkey
- Triraphis bradzlotnicki Sharkey
- Triraphis brianbrowni Sharkey
- Triraphis brianlaueri Sharkey
- Triraphis briannestjacquesae Sharkey
- Triraphis camilocamargoi Sharkey
- Triraphis carlosherrerai Sharkey
- Triraphis carolinepalmerae Sharkey
- Triraphis charlesmorrisi Sharkey
- Triraphis chigiybinellae Sharkey
- Triraphis christerhanssoni Sharkey
- Triraphis christhompsoni Sharkey
- Triraphis conniebarlowae Sharkey
- Triraphis craigsimonsi Sharkey
- Triraphis danielhubi Sharkey
- Triraphis davidduthiei Sharkey
- Triraphis davidwahli Sharkey
- Triraphis federicomatarritai Sharkey
- Triraphis ferrisjabri Sharkey
- Triraphis mariobozai Sharkey
- Triraphis martindohrni Sharkey
- Triraphis matssegnestami Sharkey
- Triraphis mehrdadhajibabaei Sharkey
- Triraphis ollieflinti Sharkey
- Triraphis tildalauerae Sharkey
- Yelicones dirksteinkei Sharkey
- Yelicones markmetzi Sharkey
- Yelicones monserrathvargasae Sharkey