Boris Vassilievich Skvortsov

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Boris Vassilievich Skvortsov (1896–1980), Russian (in exile) botanist, phycologist and mycologist.

русский: Борис Васильевич Скворцов

Alternative unaccepted transliterations: Skvortzov, Skvortzov, B.W. Skvortsow

IPNI standard form: Skvortsov

Taxon names authored

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  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1922). La fauna & flora de Manchuria y del lejano este de Rusia. Kharbin


  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1916). Les algues de la Mandjourie et recherches sur la vegetation aquatique dans la vallee de Soungari. Zhurnal Mikrobiologii 3 (3–4): 443.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1917). Über Flagellata aus Mandschurei. Part 1. Zhurnal Mikrobiologii 4 (1–2): 57–78. (French summary p. 287).
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1919). Notes on the agriculture botany and zoology of China. XXXI. On new flagellata from Manchuria. Journal of the North China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 50: 96–104.
  • Skvortzow, B.W. (1924). Neue oder venig bekannte Protisten. XI. Farblose Euglenaceen aus Nord–Mandschurei (China). Arch. Protistenk., 48:180–186.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1925). Zur Kenntnis der Mandschurischen Flagellaten. Beihefte zum Botanischen Zentralblatt 41 (3): 311–315 [July]
  • Skvortzov, B. 1925. Wislouchiella planctonica nov. gen. et. sp. of Volvocales from N. Manchuria. Proceedings of the Sungari River Biological Station 1: 1–3, Figs. 1–3, Harbin. Reference page
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1926). New flagellata from north Manchuria, China. Philippine Journal of Science 31 (2): 229–232 [Published 21 October 1926]
  • Skvortsov, B.V. 1927. Über neue Chlamydomonaden aus der Mandschurei. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 18: 133–134. Reference page
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1927). Diatoms from Tientsin, North China. Journal of Botany, British and Foreign 65: 102–109, 28 figs.
  • Skvortzov, B.W. 1928. Über das Phytoplankton des Zaisansees, Südsibirien. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 19: 165–171. Reference page
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1928). Diatoms from Khingan, North Manchuria, China. Philippine Journal of Science. Section C 35(1): 39–51, 5 pls.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1928). Diatoms from ponds of Peking. Bulletin Peking Society of Natural History 3: 43–48, 1 pl.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1928). Die Euglenaceengattung Phacus Dujardin. Berichte der deutsche botanischen Gesellschaft 46: 105–125.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1928). Ein Beitrag zur Bacillariaceen–flora der nordöstlichen Mongolei. Hedwigia, 68, 311–314
  • Skvortzov, B.W. (1928). On some desmids from Amoy, South China. China Journal of Science and Arts 8: 145–147.
  • Skvortzov, B.W. (1929). A contribution to the algae, Primorsk District of Far East, U.S.S.R. Diatoms of Hanka Lake. Memoirs of the Southern Ussuri Branch of the State Russian Geographical Society. Vladivostok 1929: 1–66, 9 pl.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1929). Diatoms from Dalai–nor Lake, eastern Mongolia. Philippine Journal of Science. Section C 41(1): 31–37, 2 pl.
  • Skvortsov, B.V. 1929. Einige neue und wenig bekannte Chlamydomonadaceae aus Manchuria. Archiv für Protistenkunde 66: 160–163. Reference page
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1929). Freshwater diatoms from Amoy, South China. The China Journal 11(1): 40–44.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1929). Freshwater diatoms from Korea, Japan. Philippine Journal of Science. Section C 38(3): 283–289, 1 pl.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1929). Marine diatoms from Dairen, South Manchuria. Philippine Journal of Science. Section C 38(3): 283–289, 1 pl.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1929). Marine Diatoms from Dairen, South Manchuria. Philippine Journal of Science, 38(4), 419–430, 2 pl.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1929). On some diatoms from Seiko Lake of Chosen, Japan. Journal of Chosen Natural History Society 8: 1–6, 1 pl..
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1930). Alpine diatoms from Fukien Province, South China. Philippine Journal of Science. Section C 41: 39–49.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1930). Notes on Ceylon diatoms. 1. Annals of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Peradeniya (The Ceylon Journal of Science, Section A Botany) 11(3): 251–260, 3 pls.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1931). Marine littoral diatoms from environs of Vladivostok. Philippine Journal of Science. Section C 47(1): 129–150, 6 pls.
  • Skvortzov, B. (1932). Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Flagellaten aus Mukden, Manchurei., China. Orient. Med., XVI, 1. Mukden, China.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1932). Desmids from Korea, Japan. Philippine Journal of Science 49: 147–158.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1932). Diatoms from the Bottom of the sea of Japan. Philippine Journal of Science, 47(2), 265–280, 4 pls.
  • Skvortsov, B.V. 1932. Flagellaten aus der Nordmanschurei. Archiv für Protistenkunde 77: 522–528. Reference page
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1932). Marine diatoms from the Kanazawa Oyster Experimental Station of Japan. Philippine Journal of Science. Section C 47(1): 119–127, 2 pls.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1932). Notes on Ceylon diatoms 2. Annals of the Royal Botanic Gardens. Peradeniya (The Ceylon Journal of Science, Sect. A Botany) 11(4): 333–338, 2 pls.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1935). Diatoms from Calcutta, India. Philippine Journal of Science 58(2): 179–192, 1 pl.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1935). Diatoms from Poyang Lake, Hunan, China. Philippine Journal of Science 57(4): 465–477, 3 pl.
  • Skvortzow, B.W. (Skvortzov, B.V.) (1936). Diatoms from Biwa Lake, Honshu Island, Nippon. Philippine Journal of Science 61(2): 253–296, 8 pl.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1937 '1936'). Diatoms from Kizaki Lake, Honshu Island, Nippon. Philippine Journal of Science. Section C 61(1): 9–73, 16 pls.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1937 '1936'). Diatoms from Kizaki Lake, Honshu Island, Nippon. Philippine Journal of Science. Section C 61(2): 253–296, 8 pls.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1937). Bottom Diatoms from Olhon Gate of Baikal Lake, Siberia. Philippine Journal of Science. Section C 62(3): 293–377, 18 pls.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1937). Diatoms from Ikeda Lake, Satsuma Province, Kiusiu Island, Nippon. Philippine Journal of Science. Section C 62: 191–218, 5 pls.
  • Skvortzow, B.W. (1937). Diatoms from the Philippines. I. Diatoms from drinking water, Balara, Rizal Province. Philippine Journal of Science 64(3): 287–298, 2 pl.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1937). Neogene diatoms from Eastern Shantung. Bulletin of the Geological Society of China 17(1–4): 193–204, 2 pls.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1937). Neogene diatoms from Saga Prefecture, Kiushiu Island, Nippon. Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University, Series B 12: 157–174.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1937). Neogene Diatoms from Wamura, Nagano Prefecture, Central Nippon. Memoirs of the College of Science Kyoto Imperial University, Series B 12: 137–156.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1937). Notes on fossil diatoms from New South Wales, Australia. Fossil diatoms from diatomaceous earth, Cooma, N.S.W. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 62: 175–180.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1937). Subaerial diatoms from Hangchow, Chekiang Province, China. Bulletin of the Fan Memorial Institute of Biology, Part 1 Botany 7: 219–228, 1 pl..
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1937). Subaerial Diatoms from Shanghai. Philippine Journal of Science. 64(4): 443–451, 2 pl.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1938). Diatoms collected by Mr Yoshikazu Okada in Nippon. 1. Mountain bog diatoms from Prov. Sinano. Journal of Japanese Botany, 14(1), 204–217.
  • Skvortzow, B.W. (Skvortzov, B.V.) (1938). Diatoms from a Mountain Bog, Kaolingtze, Pinchiang–Sheng Province, Manchoukuo. Philippine Journal of Science 66(3): 343–362, 2 pl.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1938). Diatoms from a peat bog in Lianchiho river valley, Eastern Siberia. Philippine Journal of Science, 66(2), 161–182, 3 pls.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1938). Diatoms from Argun River, Hsing An Pei Province, Manchoukuo. Philippine Journal of Science. Section C 66(1): 43–72, 2 pls.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1938). Diatoms from Chengtu, Szechwan, Western China. Philippine Journal of Science. Section C 66(4): 479–496, 4 pls.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1938). Diatoms from Kenon Lake, Transbaikalia, Siberia. Philippine Journal of Science. Section C 65(4): 399–424, 3 pls.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1938). Notes on the algal flora of New Zealand, 1. Freshwater Diatoms from New Zealand. Philippine J. Sci. 67, 167–175.
  • Skvortsov, B.V. 1946. Novye i malo izvestnye vidy Algae, Flagellatae, Phycomicetae iz Azii, Ameriki, Afriki, a takzhe s ostrovov Japonii i Cejlona, opisannye v 1931–45 g.g. s 18 tablizami risunkov. [Species novae et minus cognitae Algarum, Flagellatarum et Phycomicetarum Asie, Africae, Americae et Japoniae nec non Ceylon anno 1931–1945 descripto et illustrato per tab. 1-18.]. Proceedings of the Harbin Society of Natural History and Ethnography 2: 1–34. [in Russian] Reference page
  • Skvortzov, B. (1957). Materiales ad studium Florae Chinae Boreali–Orientalis. Algae. Pyrrophyta, Chrysophyta, Pantostomatineae, Protomastiginae, Distomatineae. 1956. Harbin (manuscriptum in Herbario N. E. Forest Academy conservatum).
  • Skvortzov, B.V. 1958 "1957". New and rare Flagellatae from Manchuria, Eastern Asia. Philippine Journal of Science 86(2): 139–202. PDF of full volume Reference page
  • Skvortzov, B. 1959. Algae novae et minus cognitae Chinae Boreali–Orientalis I. Bulletin of the Herbarium of North-Eastern Forestry Academy 1, XII: 27–31, figs. 1–23. Reference page
  • Skvortzov, B. 1960. Algae novae et minus cognitae Chinae Boreali–Orientalis 2. Flagellatae prope oppidum Mukden in anno 1957 collectaraum. Bulletin of the Herbarium of North–Eastern Forestry Academy (Harbin) 2, III: 1–8. figs. 1–24. Reference page
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1961). Harbin Chrysophyta, China Boreali–Orientalis. Bulletin of the Herbarium of North–Eastern Forestry Academy (Harbin) 3: 1–70.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1966). Über eine neue Gattung Kolbeana nov. gen., Fam. Astasiaceae, Eugleninae, aus Brasilien. Svensk Bot. Tidskrift. Bd. 60, H.I. 1966.
  • Skvortzov, B. 1967. Algological notes I–III. I. On new genera of colourless Flagellata genus Silvamonas gen. nov. of the Fam. Polytomellaceae Aragao, Ord. Polyblepharidales, Volvocinae from São Paulo, Brasil. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Phycology 15(1): 37–44. [1] PDF of full Volume. Reference page
  • Skvortzov, B. 1967. Generis Novae Flagellatarum in China et Brasilia. Ceylon Journal of Science (Biological sciences) 6(2): 217–221. Reference page
  • Skvortzov, B. (1967). On new Colourless Flagellata Genus Hüber–Pestalozziamonas gen. nov. Fam. Peranemaceae, Euglenophyta in Bull. Jap. Sci. Phycol., XV, 2, August. 1967, [2].
  • Skvortzov, B. (1967). On new genera of Cryptomonadinae recorded from North–Eastern China. J. Japan. Bot. 43: 8–16. Tokyo, January 1967.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1967). Notes on Ceylon Diatoms. III. Ceylon J. Sci. (Bio.Sci.), 6(2), 222–224, [3].
  • Skvortsov, B.V. 1967. Notes on the Flagellata from Hongkong. Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 22(2): 187–191. BHL Reference page
  • Skvortzov, B.W. (1968). Genus novum Mayeriella (Cryptomonadales) e China. Novitates Systematicae Plantarum Non Vascularium 5: 65–66, 2 figs.
  • Skvortzov, B.W. (1968). Genus novum Swirenkoiamonas (Chloromonadales) e Brasilia. Novitates Systematicae Plantarum Non Vascularium in Acad. Sc. URSS, Leningrad, 5: 63–64, 1 fig (un–numbered).
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1968). New and little known Peridineae from northern Manchuria, China. Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum 21: 79–114.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. 1968. New genera of green flagellatae recorded in N.–O. China. (Generis novae flagellatarum viridis in N.–O. China inventae.) Revue Algologique, Nouvelle Serie 9: 121–130. Reference page
  • Skvortzov, B.V. 1968. New genera of primitive green flagellata from Hong Kong and São Paulo, Brazil. The Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 22: 455–459. BHL PDF Reference page
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1968). Nota algologica. I. Um novo genero de flagelado verde de São Paulo: Rotundomastix gen. nov., Fam. Heteromastigaceae Korsch. Cl. Volvocineae. Inst. de Engenharia Sanitaria–Sursan. Rio de Janeiro, Fev. 1968.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1968). Nota algologica II. Um novo genero de flagelado verde de São Paulo: Palmeriamonas, Genero nov., Pyrrophyta. Cl. Volvocineaea. Inst. de Engenharia Sanitaria–Sursan. Rio de Janeiro, Abril, 1968: 1–9, fig. 1–3.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1968). On a new species of the genus Collodictyon Carter, a colourless flagellata new to the Hongkong flora. The Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 22: 451–454, [4]
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1968). On new genera of Cryptomonadinae recorded from north–eastern China. Japanese Journal of Botany 43: 8–16.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1968). On some species of Euglena Ehr. from Singapore. The Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 22: 447–450, [5]
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1969). Diatoms from Yenisei River and its tributaries, middle part of Siberia, Western Asia. Philippine Journal of Science, 98(1), 57–113, 22 pls.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1969). New and little known genera of colourless flagellates of Fam. Astasiaceae, Euglenophyceae recorded in 1954–1968 from N.E. China and Brasil. Quaterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum 22: 223–239, [6].
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1969). On a new species of the genus Collodictyon Carter, a colourless flagellata new to the Hong Kong flora. The Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 22: 451–454.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1969). On new brown or olive flagellata–genus Protocryptochrysis gen. nov., Cryptomonodineae recorded in N.E. China. In Quarterly J. of the Taiwan Museum, Vol. XXII, No. 1 & 2, Pl. I. figs. 1–9, June 1969. Taipei, Taiwan, China.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. 1969. The list of new genera and type species of flagellates and algae published in 1925–1957. Part I. Hydrobiologia, 34(3): 337–342. DOI: 10.1007/BF00045392  . Reference page
  • Skvortzov, B. 1969. The list of new genera and type species of flagellates and algae published in 1959–1961. Part II. Hydrobiologia 34(3): 343–347. DOI: 10.1007/BF00045393 Reference page
  • Skvortzov, B.V. 1969. The list of new genera and type species of flagellates and algae published in 1967. Part III. Hydrobiologia 34(3): 348–352. DOI: 10.1007/BF00045394 Reference page
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1969). Siberian and Chinese freshwater diatoms new to science. Botanischer Notiser, 122, 375–379.
  • Skvortsov, B.V. 1970. On species of genus Carteria Dies., fam. Chlamydomonadaceae Pascher, Volvocineae, Chlorophyta recorded in 1962-1966 in São Paulo (Brasil) and also in Hong Kong and Texas (USA). Boletín de la Sociedad Botánica de La Libertad 2: 3–11. Reference page
  • Skvortzow, B.W. (1971). Diatoms from Yenisei River and its tributaires, middle part of Siberia, western Asia. Philippine Journal of Science 98(1): 57–113, 22 pl.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. 1971. New genera of primitive green Flagellata of Fam. Pedinomonadaceae Korsch., Class Volvocineae collected in Winter cold period in São Paulo. Boletín de la Sociedad Botánica de La Libertad 3(2): 83–93. Reference page
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1971). On some new freshwater diatoms from Soochow, Prov. Kiangsu, Middle China. Quarterly. J. Taiwan Museum, 24, 59–65.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. 1972. A list of new genera and type species of flagellates and algae published in 1966–1968. Part IV. Hydrobiologia, 39(1), 1-7. DOI: 10.1007/BF00047593  . online Reference page
  • Skvortzov, B.V. 1972. A list of new genera and type species of flagellates and algae published in 1969. Part V. Hydrobiologia 39(2): 241–245. DOI: 10.1007/BF00047186   Reference page
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1972). A list of new genera and type species of flagellates and algae published in 1969. Part VI. Hydrobiologia, 39(3), 303–306, [7]
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1972). On new taxa to amoeboid Xanthophyta of class Rhizochlorophyceae from mountain fresh water of subtropic region of Brasil, South America. Boletin de la Sociedad Botanica de la Libertad 4: 1–11.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1974). On some colourless flagellates from Java and Brasil. Reinwardtia 9: 177–182.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1975). Subaerial diatom flora from Hong Kong, Eastern Asia Quart. J. Taiwan Mus., 28 (3&4), 407–430.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. (1976). Moss diatoms flora from River Gan in the northern part of Great Khingan Mountains, China, with description of a new genera Porosularia gen.nov. from Northern and Southern China (First Part). Quarterly. J. Taiwan Museum, 29, 111–152.

Articles in collaboration

  • Bicudo, C.E.M. & Skvortzov, B.V. (1968). Contribution to the knowledge of Brazilian Dinophyceae – Inmobile Genera. XIX Cong. Nac. Botânica, Fortaleza, 21 a 29 – janeiro, 1968. Anais da Sociedade Botanica do Brasil : pp. 31–43, 24 fig.
  • Bicudo, C.E.M. & Skvortzov, B.V. (1968). Isogamy in Furcilla stigmatophora (Chlamydomonadaceae, Chlorophyceae). Sellowia 20: 45–49, Fig. 1–20.
  • Bicudo, C.E.M & Skvortzov, B.V. (1970). Contribution to the knowledge of Brazilian Dinophyceae. Rickia 5: 5–21.
  • Skvortzov, B.V., Bicudo, C.E.M. & Bicudo, R.M.T. 1969. First report of the occurrence of Chloromonadophyceae in Brazil. Rickia 4: 93–98. Reference page
  • Skvortzov, B.V. & Meyer, C.I. (1928). A contribution to the diatoms of Baikal Lake. Proceedings of the Sungaree River Biological Station 1(5): 1–55, 3 pls.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. & Noda, M. (1967). On species of a green flagellata of the genus Chlorogonium Ehr., Vovocineae, Chlorophyceae from Japan, Hong Kong and Brasil. Japanese Journal of Botany 42: 193–200.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. & Noda, M. (1968). Euglena species with one or two chromatophores recorded from South America and South Africa in 1962–1966. Japanese Journal of Botany 43: 225–233.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. & Noda, M. (1968). On Brazilian and European species of genus Vacuolaria. Japanese Journal of Botany 43: 69–76.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. & Noda, M. 1968. On new and little known flagellata from N. E. Asia and South America. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Phycology 16(3): 27–37. [8] PDF of vol. 16(3) Reference page
  • Skvortzov, B.V. & Noda, M. (1969). On new colourless flagellata with refactile granules and cytoprokt of class Chloromonadaceae from subtropics of Brasil, South America. Sci. Rep. Niigata Univ. Ser. D. (Biol), 6: 97–100, [9].
  • Skvortzov, B.V. & Noda, M. (1969). On new genera of Gomesiamonadaceae fam. nov. (Pyrrophyta) from Brasil, South America. Sci. Rep. Niigata Univ. Ser. D. (Biol), 6: 101–105, [10].
  • Skvortzov, B.V. & Noda, M. (1969). Xanthophyta e America Borealis et Australis novi et minus cognitae. Japanese Journal of Botany 44: 106–110.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. & Noda, M. (1969). Xanthophyta novae et minus cognitae e Japoniae et Brasiliae. Japanese Journal of Botany 44: 218–222.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. & Noda, M. (1970). New and little known varieties of Pinnularia viridis (Nitz.) Ehr. in Eastern and Arctic Europe and Asia. Sci. Rep. Niigata Univ. Ser.D. (Biology), 7, 37–47, [11].
  • Skvortzov, B.V. & Noda, M. (1971). Colorless algae of the flagellate genus Monosiga from Victoria Australia. Muellerei 2: 147–148.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. & Noda, M. (1971). On recent and fossil fresh–water diatoms from Japan I. Sci. Rep. Niigata Univ. Ser.D. (Biology), 8, 1–11, [12].
  • Skvortzov, B.V. & Noda, M. (1971). On recent and fossil fresh–water diatoms from Japan II. Sci. Rep. Niigata Univ. Ser.D. (Biology), 8, 13–27, [13].
  • Skvortzov, B.V. & Noda, M. (1971). On recent freshwater and fossil diatoms floras of Korea. Sci. Rep. Niigata Univ. Ser.D. (Biology), 8, 29–34, [14].
  • Skvortzov, B.V. & Noda, M. (1972). On colourless flagellata of genus Monosiga S. Kent (Craspedomonadophyceae, Protomastigineae) from Brasil, Australia and Hong Kong. Science Reports of Niigata University Series D (Biology) 9: 37–43.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. & Noda, M. (1972). On species of genus Monosiga S. Kent (Craspedomonadaceae, Protomastiginieae) from Japan, South Africa, Sweden and Brasil. Science Reports of Niigata University: sér. D. (Biology) 9: 45–48.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. & Noda, M. (1974). Flagellates of clean and polluted waters II. New taxa of colourless flagellates with one flagellum – genus Conradinema gen. nov. and genus Peranemopsis Lackey (Peranemaceae, Euglenophyta). Science Reports of Niigata University D, Biology 11: 29–63 [March]
  • Skvortzov, B.V. & Noda, M. (1975). Flagellates of clean and polluted waters III. New taxa of colourless species of genus Euglena Ehrenb. without a stigma. Science Reports of Niigata University D, Biology 12: 9–31 [March]
  • Skvortzov, B.V. & Noda, M. (1975). Flagellates of clean and polluted waters IV. New taxa of colourless species of genus Euglena Ehrenb. with an eyespot. Prof. Mitsuzo Noda Commemorative Publication on his retirement from the Faculty of Science, Niigata University: 1–23.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. & Noda, M. (1975). Flagellates of clean and polluted water. V. A short description of colourless flagellates with one swimming flagellum – genus Mastigella (Frenzel) nov. (Rhizomastigaceae) reported during 1962–1975 in many parts of the world and especially from subtropics of Brasil, South America. Pp. 25–66 in Prof. Mitsuzo Noda Commemorative Publication on his retirement from the Faculty of Science, Niigata University. Laboratory of Phytotaxo–Morphology, Faculty of Science, Niigata University, Niigata, Japan.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. & Noda, M. (1975). Flagellates of clean and polluted waters VI. A short description of species of genus Rhizaspis Skuja of Rhizaspidaceae (Euglenophyta) found in subtropics of Brasil and also reported from Europe and South As. Prof. Mitsuzo Noda Commemorative Publication on his retirement from the Faculty of Science, Niigata University: 67–75.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. & Noda, M. (1975). Flagellates of clean and polluted waters VII. A short description of unusual types of Flagellate–like organisms reported from Brasil, Hong Kong, Japan and in South Africa of Rhizaspidaceae of 4 new genera. Prof. Mitsuzo Noda Commemorative Publication on his retirement from the Faculty of Science, Niigata University: 77–107.
  • Skvortsov, B.V. & Noda, M. 1981. On new genera of green flagellates - genus Akiyamae gen. nov. and genus Tsumuraia gen. nov. (Chlamydomonadaceae) recorded in North-Eastern China (Manchuria). Science Reports of Niigata University Series D (Biology) 4: 15–18. Reference page
  • Skvortsov, B.V. & Noda, M. 1981. On species of colourless flagellata of Tetrablepharis Senn (Polytomaceae, Volvocineae, Chlorophyceae) from Europe, Asia, South and North America. Science Reports of Niigata University Series D (Biology) 4: 19–25. Reference page
  • Skvortsov, B.V. & Noda, M. 1981. On species of genus Carteria (Chlamydomonadaceae, Volvocineae) recorded in 1962-1966 in Hong Kong, Texas U.S.A. and in Brasil. Science Reports of Niigata University Series D (Biology) 4: 27–33. Reference page
  • Skvortzov, B.V. & Noda, M. (1983). On new colourless flagellates like organisms of Protoastasiaceae fam. nov. (Euglenophyceae) recorded from Japan and Brasil. Niigata Pharmaceutical University Research Report 3: 45–52.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. & Noda, M. (1985). On species of colourless flagellates of genus Codonosiga F. Stein found in mountain waters in subtropical zone of Brasil, South America. Seibutsu 7: 23–32.
  • Skvortzov, B.V. & Noda, M. (1985). On species of colourless flagellates of genus Desmarella W.S. Kent (Craspedomonadaceae, Protomastiginiae) from Brazil and Japan. Seibutsu 7: 33–38.


  • Williams, D. M. & Reid, G. (2001). "A bibliography of the scientific work of Boris V. Skvortzov 1896–1980 with commentary on the publications concerning diatoms Bacillariophyta". Bulletin of the Natural History Museum Botany series, 31(2): 89–106. BHL