Piero G. Delprete
Piero G. Delprete (fl. 1995), U.S. American botanist.
- Institute of Systematic Botany, The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY 10458-5126, U.S.A. (in 2003)
- Herbier de Guyane, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), Boîte Postale 165, 97323 Cayenne Cedex, French Guiana, France (in 2011, 2019, 2022)
- AMAP, IRD, Université de Montpellier, CIRAD, CNRS, INRAE, Boulevard de la Lironde, TA A-51/PS2, F-34398 Montpellier cedex 5, France (in 2019, 2022)
IPNI standard form: Delprete
Taxon names authored
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- Delprete, P.G. 1999. Rondeletieae (Rubiaceae)―Part I (Rustia, Tresanthera, Condaminea, Picardaea, Pogonopus, Chimarrhis, Dioicodendron, Molopanthera, Dolichodelphys, and Parachimarrhis). Flora Neotropica Monograph 77: 1–226. JSTOR Reference page.
- Delprete, P., Andersson, L., Ståhl, B. & Taylor, C.M. 1999. Flora of Ecuador, Vol. 62. Rubiaceae (part 3). 320 pp. Department of Systematic Botany, University of Göteborg, Section for Botany, Riksmuseum. Google Books. Gooble Books (another version). Reference page.
- Delprete, P.G. 2003. Revision and typification of some species of Ixora (Rubiaceae) from Central and Southern Brazil. Sida 20(4): 1471–1480. BHL JSTOR ResearchGate Reference page.
- Delprete, P.G. 2004. A New Species of Lophophytum and the First Report of Lathrophytum (Balanophoraceae) from the State of Goiás, Central Brazil. Kew Bulletin 59(2): 291–295. DOI: 10.2307/4115863, JSTOR Reference page.
- Delprete, P.G. & Cortés-B., R. 2004. A Phylogenetic Study of the Tribe Sipaneeae (Rubiaceae, Ixoroideae), Using trnL-F and ITS Sequence Data. Taxon 53(2): 347-356. DOI: 10.2307/4135613 . ResearchGate . Reference page.
- Taylor, C.M., Steyermark, J.A. (†), Delprete, P.G., Vicentini, A., Cortés, R., Zappi, D., Persson, C., Costa, C.B. & Anunciação, E.A. 2004. Rubiaceae. Pp. 497–847 in Steyermark, J.A., Berry, P.E., Yatskievych, K. & Holst, B.K. (eds.), Flora of the Venezuelan Guayana, Vol. 8, Poaceae–Rubiaceae. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis. ISBN 1-930723-36-9. Reference page.
- Anunciação, E.A., Costa, C.B., Cortés, R., Delprete, P.G., Kirkbride, J.H., Persson, C., Steyermark, J.A. (†), Taylor, C.M., Vincentini, A. & Zappi, D. 2007. Rubiaceae. In Funk, V., Hollowell, T., Berry, P., Kelloff, C. & Alexander, S.N., Checklist of the plants of the Guiana Shield (Venezuela: Amazonas, Bolivar, Delta Amacuro; Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana). Contributions from the United States National Herbarium 55: 479–507. BHL Reference page.
- Taylor, C.M., Sánchez-González, J., Hammel, B., Lorence, D.H., Persson, C., Delprete, P.G. & Gereau, R.E. 2011. Rubiacearum Americanarum Magna Hama Pars XXVIII: New taxa, new combinations, new names, and lectotypification for several species found in Mexico and Central America. Novon 21(1): 133–148. DOI: 10.3417/2009129 BHL Reference page.
- Delprete, P.G. 2014. Utricularia julianae (Lentibulariaceae), a new species from the savannas of the Oyapock River, French Guiana. Phytotaxa 156(2): 74–78. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.156.2.2 Reference page.
- Delprete, P.G. 2014. Ombrophytum guayanensis, the first record of subfamily Lophophytoideae (Balanophoraceae) in the Guayana Shield. Phytotaxa 175(5): 263–269. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.175.5.4 Reference page.
- Delprete, P.G. & Cortés-B., R. 2015[2016]. G. Delprete Rubiaceae. In: Bernal, R., Gradstein, S.R. & Celis, M. (eds.), Cátalogo de plantas y líquenes de Colombia, pp. 2252–2343. ResearchGate . Reference page.
- Kuijt, J. & Delprete, P.G. 2019. A new species of Ombrophytum (Balanophoraceae) from Chile, with notes on subterranean organs and vegetative reproduction in the family. Phytotaxa 420(4): 264–272. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.420.4.2 Reference page.
- Delprete, P.G., Baldini, R.M., Fumeaux, N. & Guglielmone, L. 2019. Typification of plant names published by Giovanni Casaretto based on specimens collected in Brazil and Uruguay. Taxon 68(4): 783–823. DOI: 10.1002/tax.12094 (via Wikipedia Library ). JSTOR . Reference page.
- Molino, J.-F., Sabatier, D., Grenand, P., Engel, J., Frame, D., Delprete, P.G., Fleury, M., Odonne, G., Davy, D., Lucas, E.J. & Martin, C.A. 2022. An annotated checklist of the tree species of French Guiana, including vernacular nomenclature. Adansonia, sér. 3, 44(26): 345–903. DOI: 10.5252/adansonia2022v44a26 Journal Homepage ResearchGate . Reference page.