John Christopher Green
John Christopher Green (born 1939), phycologist.
IPNI standard form: J.C.Green
Taxon names authored
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- Green, J.C. & Manton, I., 1970. Studies in the fine structure and taxonomy of flagellates in the genus Pavlova. I. A revision of Pavlova gyrans, the type species. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 50, 1113–1130. Reference page.
- Green, J.C. & Leadbeater, B.S.C., 1972. Chrysochromulina parkeae sp. nov. [Haptophyceae] a new species recorded from S.W. England and Norway. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 52, 469–474. Reference page.
- Ettl, H. & Green, J.C. 1973. Chlamydomonas reginae sp. nov. (Chlorophyceae), a new marine flagellate with unusual chloroplast differentiation. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 53: 1–11. Reference page.
- Green, J.C., 1973. Studies in the fine structure and taxonomy of flagellates in the genus Pavlova. II. A freshwater representative, Pavlova granifera (Mack) comb. nov. British Phycological Journal, 8, 1–12. Reference page.
- Green, J.C., 1975. The fine-structure and taxonomy of the haptophycean flagellate Pavlova lutheri (Droop) comb. nov. (= Monochrysis lutheri Droop). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 55, 785–793. Reference page.
- Green, J.G.; Parke, M. 1975. New observations upon members of the genus Chrysotila Anand, with remarks upon their relationships within the Haptophyceae. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 55: 109–121. Reference page.
- Green, J.C., 1976. Corymbellus aureus gen. et sp. nov., a new colonial member of the Haptophyceae. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 56, 31–38. Reference page.
- Green, J.C. 1976. Notes on the flagellar apparatus and taxonomy of Pavlova mesolychnon van der Veer, and on the status of Pavlova Butcher and related genera within the Haptophyceae. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 56: 595–602. Reference page.
- Green, J.C. & Hibberd, D.J., 1977. The ultrastructure and taxonomy of Diacronema vlkianum (Prymnesiophyceae) with special reference to the haptonema and flagellar apparatus. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 57, 1125–1136. Reference page.
- Green, J.C. & Pienaar, R.N., 1977. The taxonomy of the order Isochrysidales (Prymnesiophyceae) with special reference to the genera Isochrysis Parke, Dicrateria Parke and Imantonia Reynolds. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 57, 7–17. Reference page.
- Green, J.C., Neuville, D. & Daste, P. 1978. Chlamydomonas concordia sp. nov. (Chlorophyceae) from oyster ponds on the Île d'Oléron, France. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 58(2): 503–509. DOI: 10.1017/S0025315400028150 Reference page.
- Green, J.C., 1980. The fine structure of Pavlova pinguis Green and a preliminary survey of the order Pavlovales (Prymnesiophyceae). British Phycological Journal, 15, 151–191. Reference page.
- Green, J.C., Hibberd, D.J. & Pienaar, R.N., 1982. The taxonomy of Prymnesium (Prymnesiophyceae) including a description of a new cosmopolitan species, P. patellifera sp. nov., and further observations on P. parvum N. Carter. British Phycological Journal, 17, 363–382. Reference page.
- Jones, H.L.J., Leadbeater, B.S.C. & Green, J.C. 1994. An ultrastructural study of Marsupiomonas pelliculata gen. et sp. nov., a new member of the Pedinophyceae. European Journal of Phycology 29: 171–181, 35 figs, 2 tables. DOI: 10.1080/09670269400650621 Reference page.