(Redirected from Inouye)
The taxon authority Inoue or Inouye may refer to:
- Hiromitsu Inoue, Japanese entomologist
- Hiroshi Inoue (bryo.) (1932–1989, Inoue), Japanese bryologist
- Hiroshi Inoue (ent.) (1917–2008), Japanese entomologist
- Hiroshi Inoue (phyc.) (1944–, Inoue bis), Japanese botanist and phycologist
- Isao Inouye (1950–, I.Inouye), Japanese botanist and phycologist
- Kentaro Inoue, U.S. malacologist
- Masakane Inoue (1949–2019, Mas.Inoue), Japanese lichenologist and botanist
- Mayumi Inoue (1918–?, May.Inoue), Japanese botanist and mycologist
- Mizoshi Inoue (19..–, M.Inoue), Japanese botanist and bryologist
- Satoru Inoue (1919–1997, S.Inoue), Japanese botanist and bryologist
- Shota Inoue, Japanese coleopterist
- Shûgo Inoue, Japanese entomologist
- Takeo Inoue, Japanese entomologist
- Tôji Inoue (?–1967, T.Inoue), Japanese botanist
- Tsutomu Inouye (1928–?, Inouye), Japanese botanist and bryologist
- Yasue Inoue, Japanese entomologist