Georgiy Anatol'evich Lazkov
Georgiy Anatol'evich Lazkov (1963– ), Russian botanist.
русский: Георгий Анатольевич Лазьков
IPNI standard form: Lazkov
Taxon names authored
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- Lazkov, G.A. 2006. Новый вид рода Ferula (Umbelliferae) из Кыргызстана (A new species of the genus Ferula (Umbelliferae) from Kirgizstan.) Botanicheskii Zhurnal 91(9): 1410–1412. Full issue PDF Reference page.
- Lazkov, G.A. 2011. The genus Phlomoides (Lamiaceae) in Kirghizia. Komarovia 7: 1–64. ResearchGate Reference page.
- Lazkov, G.A. 2011. Новый вид рода Acantholimon (Limoniaceae) из Кыргызстана (A new species of the genus Acantholimon (Limoniaceae) from Kyrgyzstan). Turczaninowia 14(1): 5–7. PDF ResearchGate Reference page.
- Sennikov, A.N., Lazkov, G.A., Uotila, P. & Weber, H.E. 2011. Taxonomic corrections and new records in vascular plants of Kyrgyzstan. Memoranda Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica 87: 41–64. PDFReference page.
- Lazkov, G.A. & Sultanova, B.A. 2011. Checklist of vascular plants of Kyrgyzstan. Norrlinia 24: 1–166. DJVU Reference page.
- Lazkov, G.A., Sennikov, A.N., Koichubekova, G. & Naumenko, A.N. 2014. Taxonomic corrections and new records in vascular plants of Kyrgyzstan, 3. Memoranda Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica 90: 91–110. PDF Reference page.
- Tojibaev, K.S., Sennikov, A., Lazkov, G., Jang, C.G., Choi, H.-J., Chang, K.S. & Choi, K. 2021. Checklist of vascular plants of the Tian-Shan Mountain System. Korea National Arboretum of the Korea Forest Service. ResearchGate Reference page.
- Wilson, B.D. & Lazkov, G.A. 2022. Tulipa toktogulica (Liliaceae), a cryptic, endangered new species from the western Tien-Shan, Kyrgyzstan. Phytotaxa 566(1): 1–12. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.566.1.1 ResearchGate Reference page.