Boguslav Stanislavovich Kurlovich

Boguslav Stanislavovich Kurlovich (born 1948), Russian (Soviet) and Finnish botanist, and plant breeder.

Boguslav Stanislavovich Kurlovich
русский: Богуслав Станиславович Курлович

N. I. Vavilov Institute of Plant Genetic Resources, St. Petersburg, Russia; International North Express CO, Finland.

IPNI standard form: Kurl.

Taxon names authored

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  • Kurlovich, B.S. 1989. Bulletin of the N.I. Vavilov Research Institute of Plant Industry 193: 24.
  • Kurlovich, B.S & Stankevich, A.K. 1990. Interspecific diversity of three annual lupine species (Lupinus L.), pp. 19–34 in: Bulletin of applied botany, genetics and plant breeding vol. 135. Initial material, genetics, systematics and breeding of grain Legume crops. N. I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR), Leningrad. Reference page
  • Kurlovich, B.S. 1995. Генофонд и селекция зерновых бобовых культур (люпин, вика, соя, фасоль), 440 с., ВИР, 1995 (Серия - Теоретические основы селекции, том 3). Online.
  • Kurlovich, B.S. (ed.) 2002. Lupins: Geography, classification, genetic resources and breeding. 469 pp., St. Petersburg, Publishing house "Intan". ISBN 5-86741-034-X. Preface.
  • Kurlovich, B.S. 2013. Biodiversity of lupins. Online.