Albrecht von Haller (father)
Victor Albrecht von Haller (1708–1777), Swiss naturalist, physician and botanist. Father of Albrecht von Haller (son)

IPNI standard form: Haller
Taxon names authored
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edit- Haller, A. von 1768. Historia Stirpium Indigenarum Helvetiae Inchoata. Tomus primus. [1]–444 p., 20 h. de grab. calc. intercal. [Tab. 1–2, III–XX]. Bernae. BibDigital Reference page.
- Haller, A. von 1768. Historia Stirpium Indigenarum Helvetiae Inchoata. Tomus secundus. [1]–323 p.,+ [24] h. de grab. calc. intercal.. Bernae. BibDigital Reference page.
- Haller, A. von 1768. Historia Stirpium Indigenarum Helvetiae Inchoata. Tomus tertius. [1]–204 p., [4] h. de grab. calc. intercal. [Tab. 45–48]. Bernae. BibDigital Reference page.