Adriano Brilhante Kury
Adriano Brilhante Kury (born 1962), Brazilian arachnologist.
- Departamento de Invertebrados, Museu Nacional/UFRJ, Quinta da Boa Vista, São Cristóvão, 20.940-040 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

Taxon names authored
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edit- Kury, A.B. 1997. A new subfamily of Agoristenidae, with comments on suprageneric relationships of the family (Arachnida Opiliones Laniatores). Tropical Zoology 10: 333–346. PDF. Reference page.
edit- Kury, A.B. & Cokendolpher, J.C. 2000. Opiliones. In: E. González Soriano, J. Llorente Bousquets, and N. Papavero (Eds), Biodiversidad, Taxonomía y Biogeografía de Artrópodos de México: Hacia una síntesis de su conocimiento. Volumen II. UNAM, Facultad de Ciencias, México, D.F, pp. 137–157. Reference page.
edit- Kury, A.B. & Pérez-González, A. 2002. A new family of Laniatores from northwestern South America (Arachnida, Opiliones). Revista Iberica de Aracnologia 6: 3–11. Reference page.
edit- Kury, A.B. 2003. Annotated catalogue of the Laniatores of the New World (Arachnida, Opiliones). Revista Ibérica de Aracnología 1: 1-337. Full article. Reference page.
edit- Kury, A.B., Villarreal M, O. & Sampaio [Costa], C. 2007. Redescription of the type species of Cynorta (Arachnida, Opiliones, Cosmetidae). Journal of Arachnology 35(2): 325-333. DOI: 10.1636/H06-35.1. PDF . Reference page.
edit- Kury, A.B. 2009. A new genus of Stygninae from a relictual rainforest in Ceará, northeastern Brazil (Opiliones, Laniatores, Stygnidae). Zootaxa 2057: 63–68. Abstract & excerpt Reference page.
- Villarreal M, O. & Kury, A.B. 2009. A new generic homonym in the Agoristenidae (Arachnida: Opiliones). Zootaxa 2045: 65–68. Abstract & excerpt . Reference page.
edit- Giribet G., Vogt L., González A.P., Sharma P. & Kury A.B. 2010. A multilocus approach to harvestman (Arachnida: Opiliones) phylogeny with emphasis on biogeography and the systematics of Laniatores. Cladistics 26(4): 408-437. DOI: 10.1111/j.1096-0031.2009.00296.x. Reference page.
- Silva-Moreira, T. da, Baptista, R.L.C., Kury, A.B., Giupponi, A.P.L., Buckup, E.H. & Brescovit, A.D. 2010. Annotated check list of Arachnida type specimens deposited in the Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro. II—Araneae. Zootaxa 2588: 1–91. Preview. . Reference page.
edit- Kury, A.B. 2011. Order Opiliones Sundevall, 1833. Pp 112-114 In Zhang, Z.-Q. (ed.) 2011. Animal biodiversity: an outline of higher-level classification and survey of taxonomic richness. Zootaxa 3148: 1–237. Open access. Reference page. . Full article (PDF) Reference page.
- Kury A.B. & Alonso-Zarazaga M.A., 2011. Addenda and corrigenda to the "Annotated catalogue of the Laniatores of the New World (Arachnida, Opiliones)". Zootaxa 3034: 47–68. Preview DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3034.1.3 . Reference page.
edit- Kury, A.B. 2012. A new genus of Cranaidae from Ecuador (Opiliones: Laniatores). Zootaxa 3314: 31–44. Preview Reference page.
- Kury, A.B. 2012. First report of the male of Zamora granulata Roewer, 1928, with implications on the higher taxonomy of the Zamorinae Kury, 1997 (Opiliones, Laniatores, Cranaidae). Zootaxa 3546: 29–42. Preview Reference page.
- Kury, A.B. 2012. A synopsis of catalogs and checklists of harvestmen (Arachnida, Opiliones). Zootaxa 3184: 35–58. Preview . Reference page.
- Kury, A.B. & Ferreira, C.P. 2012. Two new species of Roquettea Mello-Leitão, 1931 from northern Brazil (Opiliones: Laniatores: Cosmetidae). Zootaxa 3328: 35–46. Preview Reference page.
- Mendes, A.C. & Kury, A.B. 2012. Notes on the systematics of the Triaenonychinae from Madagascar with description of a new species of Acumontia Loman (Opiliones: Laniatores). Zootaxa 3593: 40–58. Preview Reference page.
- Villareal M., O. & Kury, A.B. 2012. Licornus Roewer, 1932: newly transferred to Ampycinae and first record of the family Gonyleptidae (Opiliones: Laniatores) from Venezuela. Zootaxa 3544: 71–78. Preview Reference page.
edit- Giupponi, A.P.L. & Kury, A.B. 2013: Two new species of Heterophrynus Pocock, 1894 from Colombia with distribution notes and a new synonymy (Arachnida: Amblypygi: Phrynidae). Zootaxa 3647(2): 329–342. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3647.2.5 Reference page.
- Kury, A.B. 2013. Order Opiliones Sundevall, 1833. In: Zhang, Z.-Q. (ed.) 2013. Animal biodiversity: an outline of higher-level classification and survey of taxonomic richness (Addenda 2013). Zootaxa 3703(1): 27–33. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3703.1.7 . Reference page.
- Kury, A.B. 2013. Order Opiliones Sundevall, 1833. In: Zhang, Z.-Q. (ed.) 2013. Animal biodiversity: an outline of higher-level classification and survey of taxonomic richness (Addenda 2013). Zootaxa 3703(1): 27–33. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3703.1.7 . Reference page.
- Zhang, C., Kury, A.B. & Zhang, F. 2013. Notes on Bonea Roewer, 1914 and Lomanius Roewer, 1923 (Opiliones: Laniatores: Podoctidae), with the description of three new species from China. Zootaxa 3630(2): 201–224. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3630.2.1 Reference page.
edit- Kury, A.B., Mendes, A.C. & Souza, D.R. 2014. World Checklist of Opiliones species (Arachnida). Part 1: Laniatores – Travunioidea and Triaenonychoidea. Biodiversity Data Journal 2: e4094. DOI: 10.3897/BDJ.2.e4094 . Reference page.
- Kury, A.B. & Barros, C.M.L. 2014. A new genus and eight new species of Amazonian cosmetines (Opiliones, Laniatores, Cosmetidae). Zoological Studies 53:24. DOI: 10.1186/s40555-014-0024-4 . Reference page.
- Kury, A.B. & Quintero, D. 2014. Characterization of the genus Hernandarioides F.O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1905 (Opiliones, Gonyleptidae, Ampycinae). Zootaxa 3838(2): 242–246. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3838.2.9 Reference page.
edit- Kury, A.B. & Pérez-González, A. 2015. A companion to Part 2 of the World Checklist of Opiliones species (Arachnida): Laniatores – Samooidea, Zalmoxoidea and Grassatores incertae sedis. Biodiversity Data Journal 3: e6663. DOI: 10.3897/BDJ.3.e6663. Reference page.
- Kury, A.B., Souza, D.R. & Pérez-González, A. 2015. World Checklist of Opiliones species (Arachnida). Part 2: Laniatores – Samooidea, Zalmoxoidea and Grassatores incertae sedis. Biodiversity Data Journal 3: e6482. DOI: 10.3897/BDJ.3.e6482 . Reference page.
- Villarreal M, O., Kury, A.B. & Pinto-da-Rocha, R. 2015. The poorly known genus Ventrifurca Roewer, 1913 revisited (Opiliones: Cranaidae). Zoological Studies 54(45): 1–18. Full article (PDF). Reference page.
- Kury, A.B. 2015. Opiliones are no longer the same—on suprafamilial groups in harvestmen (Arthropoda: Arachnida). Zootaxa 3925(3): 301–340. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3925.3.1 Reference page.
- Giupponi, A.P.L. & Kury, A.B. 2015. A new species of Metagovea Rosas Costa, 1950 from Napo Province, Ecuador (Opiliones, Cyphophthalmi, Neogoveidae). ZooKeys 477: 1–15. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.477.8706 Reference page.
edit- Kury, A.B. 2016. A classification of the penial microsetae of Gonyleptoidea (Opiliones: Laniatores). Zootaxa 4179(1): 144–150. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4179.1.13. Reference page.
- Kury, A.B. & Carvalho, R.N. 2016. Revalidation of the Brazilian genus Discocyrtanus, with description of two new species (Opiliones: Gonyleptidae: Pachylinae). Zootaxa 4111(2): 126–144. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4111.2.2 Reference page.
- Kury, A.B. & Garcia, A.F. 2016. On the identity of Flirtea (Arachnida, Opiliones, Cosmetidae). Zootaxa 4093(2): 231–247. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4093.2.5 Reference page.
- Kury, A.B. & Medrano, M.A. 2016. Review of terminology for the outline of dorsal scutum in Laniatores (Arachnida, Opiliones). Zootaxa 4097(1): 130–134. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4097.1.9 Reference page.
- Medrano, M.A. & Kury, A.B. 2016. Characterization of Platymessa with redescription of the type species and a new generic synonymy (Arachnida, Opiliones, Cosmetidae). Zootaxa 4085(1): 52–62. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4085.1.2 Reference page.
edit- García, A.F. & Kury, A.B. 2017. Taxonomic revision of the Andean harvestman genus Rhaucus Simon, 1879 (Arachnida, Opiliones, Cosmetidae). Zootaxa 4338(3): 401–440. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4338.3.1 Reference page.
- Medrano, M.A. & Kury, A.B. 2017. Taxonomic revision of the Andean genus Eulibitia Roewer, 1912 (Arachnida, Opiliones, Cosmetidae), with the description of five new species. European Journal of Taxonomy 357: 1–55. DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2017.357 Reference page.
- Kury, A.B. 2017. Nomenclatural considerations on the generic name Siro Latreille, 1797 (Opiliones, Cyphophthalmi). Rivista Aracnologica Italiana 14: 2–8. PDF Reference page.
- Kury, A.B. 2017. When the Danish diacritic evaporates: nomenclatural considerations on the generic name Sorensenella Pocock, 1903 (Opiliones: Insidiatores: Triaenonychidae). Rivista Aracnologica Italiana 14: 24–29. PDF Reference page.
edit- Carvalho, R.N. & Kury, A.B. 2018. Further dismemberment of Discocyrtus with description of a new Amazonian genus and a new subfamily of Gonyleptidae (Opiliones, Laniatores). European Journal of Taxonomy 393: 1–32. DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2018.393 Reference page.
- Kury, A.B. & Machado, G. 2018. Do the species with facies reclinobunoides make up a clade?—A new Lomanius (Opiliones, Podoctidae) from Vietnam and a discussion on its relationships. Zootaxa 4441(1): 151–170. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4441.1.9 Reference page.
- Kury, A.B. & Medrano, M.A. 2018. A whiter shade of pale: anchoring the name Paecilaema C. L. Koch, 1839 onto a neotype (Opiliones, Cosmetidae). Zootaxa 4521(2): 191–219. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4521.2.3 Reference page.
- Kury, A.B., Pinto-da-Rocha, R., Gruber, J. & Carvalho, R.N. 2018. Clarification of three species of Discocyrtus Holmberg, 1878 with convoluted taxonomic histories (Opiliones: Laniatores: Gonyleptidae: Pachylinae). Journal of Arachnology 46: 355–369. Reference page.
edit- de Ázara, L.N. & Kury, A.B. 2019. The mosaic tiled harvestmen—taxonomic review of Gonyleptellus Roewer, 1930 (Opiliones: Gonyleptidae: Gonyleptinae). Zootaxa 4623(2): 201–238. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4623.2.1. Reference page.
- Kury, A.B., Pérez-González, A. & Proud, D.N. 2019. A new Indo-Malayan family of Grassatores (Arachnida : Opiliones : Laniatores). Invertebrate Systematics 33(6): 892-906. DOI: 10.1071/IS19035 . Reference page.
edit- Kury, A.B. & Cokendolpher, J.C. 2020. Chapter 9. A new family from the New World (Eupnoi: Phalangioidea) pp. 52–54. In: WCO-Lite: online world catalogue of harvestmen (Arachnida, Opiliones). Version 1.0 — Checklist of all valid nomina in Opiliones with authors and dates of publication up to 2018. Self published, Rio de Janeiro, ii + 237 pp. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4025288 Reference page.
- Kury, A.B., Mendes, A.C., Cardoso, L., Kury, M.S. & Granado, A. (2020) WCO-Lite: online world catalogue of harvestmen (Arachnida, Opiliones). Version 1.0 — Checklist of all valid nomina in Opiliones with authors and dates of publication up to 2018. Self published, Rio de Janeiro, ii + 237 pp. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4025288 Reference page.
- Kury, A.B. & Mendes, A.C. 2020. Grammatical gender and corrections of the nomina of the species of Larifuga Loman, 1898 (Opiliones, Triaenonychidae). Bionomina 19: 77-85. DOI: 10.11646/bionomina.19.1.4 Reference page.
edit- Gong, X.Y., Kury, A.B. & Zhang, C. 2021. Two new species of Plistobunus from China (Opiliones: Laniatores: Epedanidae). Zootaxa 4915(1): 060–076. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4915.1.4. . Reference page.
- Kury, A.B. & Araujo, D.C. 2021. On Spinopilar from Rio de Janeiro state with description of three new species (Opiliones, Laniatores, Cryptogeobiidae). Zootaxa 4984(1): 148–181. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4984.1.14. Reference page.
- Medrano, M.A., Kury, A.B. & Mendes, A. 2021 ["2022"]. Morphology-based cladistics splinters the century-old dichotomy of the pied harvestmen (Arachnida: Gonyleptoidea: Cosmetidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 195(2): 585–672. DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlab043 . Reference page.
- Villarreal M, O., García, A.F. & Kury A. B. 2021. Fine-tuning the diversity in four families of Gonyleptoidea (Arachnida, Opiliones) in Venezuela. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 92(e923633): 1–22. DOI: 10.22201/ib.20078706e.2021.92.3633 Reference page.
- Villarreal Manzanilla, O., Kury, A.B. & Colmenares, P.A. 2021. Contributions to the taxonomy of some Amazonian Stygnidae (Opiliones: Laniatores: Gonyleptoidea). Zootaxa 4984(1): 218–227. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4984.1.17. . Reference page.
edit- García, A.F., Kury A. B. & Villarreal M, O. 2022. Chasing the elusive core identity of Avima Roewer, 1949 (Arachnida: Opiliones: Agoristenidae). Arthropoda Selecta 31(2): 217–227. DOI: 10.15298/arthsel.31.2.10 Reference page.
edit- Kury, A.B., García, A.F. & Ahumada-Cabarcas, D. 2023. A new genus of Zalmoxoidea from Colombia (Arachnida: Opiliones: Grassatores). The Journal of Arachnology 51(1): 37-45. DOI: 10.1636/JoA-S-21-070. . Reference page.
- Kury, A.B., Mendes, A.C., Cardoso, L., Kury, M.S., Granado, A. d. A., Giribet, G., Cruz-López, J.A., Longhorn, S.J., Medrano, M.A. & de Oliveira, A.B.R. 2023. World Catalogue of Opiliones (WCO-Lite version 2.5.1 - June 2023. Digital resource at In: O. Bánki, Y. Roskov, M. Döring, G. Ower, D.R. Hernández Robles, C.A. Plata Corredor, T. Stjernegaard Jeppesen, A. Örn, L. Vandepitte, D. Hobern, P. Schalk, R.E. DeWalt, M. Keping, J. Miller, T. Orrell, R. Aalbu, J. Abbott, R. Adlard, E.M. Adriaenssens, et al. Catalogue of Life Checklist (Version 2023-07-13). DOI: 10.48580/dfsy-4pt Reference page.
- Villarreal M, O., Medrano, M.A. & Kury, A.B. 2023. Unleashing Abria Sørensen, 1932: New generic rank proposal for a false Venezuelan Cynorta Koch, 1839 (Opiliones: Cosmetidae). Zoologischer Anzeiger 305: 42–51. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcz.2023.06.001 Reference page.
edit- Medrano, M.A., Kury, A.B., Martins, P.H. & Proud, D.N. 2024. The first harvestman described from Bocas del Toro Archipelago: a new Poecilaemula (Opiliones: Cosmetidae) and notes about the genus. Journal of Natural History 58(9–12): 311–329. DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2024.2314966 Reference page.
- Qi, X-R., Kury, A.B. & Zhang, C. 2024. A new genus of Assamiidae (Opiliones, Grassatores) from Xizang, China. ZooKeys 1215: 27–52. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.1215.132189 Reference page.